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Companions should return to your ship as you unlock them


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Your base of operations is no longer your ship like it was prior to KotFE.

Now you work out of the base at Odessen so that's where it makes more sense for your companions to hang out.


But Technically when on your ship you're temporarily using it for your base of operations, the companions can still stand around at base doing whatever, but they can uhh... "move"/transport to the ships location like they would be moving out with you to your next adventure.

Edited by peter_plankskull
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There is nothing that will make me want to hear that nuff nuff rabbiting on about another coat of grey paint ever again.


Some of the companions have their own things to do and aren't going to be around all the time but will come when we call. There is a subtle difference with the comps now. They're not the same as they were before the 5 year break. Vette has obviously grown up some and Torian is more confident than he was. A lot of the obsequiousness has gone from the comps, they are part of the team now and there by their own choice. They aren't part of the furniture that we could just shuffle around as we did before.


I agree that the ship feels empty the last few times I've used it, but I would prefer a solution other than making them stand in the corner waiting for me to bestow my greatness upon them. It wouldn't sit well with the way the story is going now.

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But Technically when on your ship you're temporarily using it for your base of operations, the companions can still stand around at base doing whatever, but they can uhh... "move"/transport to the ships location like they would be moving out with you to your next adventure.
Why would all of them go with you on every little errand you run around the galaxy when they've got Alliance duties?
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Why would all of them go with you on every little errand you run around the galaxy when they've got Alliance duties?


Dude... its for entertainment and cosmetic values, it doesn't have to make completely logical sense, and who knows what the "Outlander" has to face and what kind of crew he needs. I'm not saying all 40 companions should be able to barge in the ship, but surely 4-7 can be added in for a hook system. Not to mention due to such a lack of focus on the alliance we have ZERO idea what goes on besides our own duties. For all we know their all playing sabak half drunk half the time laughing it up while the outlander is getting shot up daily going on dare devil missions.


Also what about the base game anyway? your crew would stay with you for every little errand run, why not the new one?

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Things have changed. The ship is just a ship that takes us a place we don't have a direct port to. We don't spend much time on it anymore. If we want to go play houses with all our comp buddies then that is what the stronghold is for.
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Things have changed. The ship is just a ship that takes us a place we don't have a direct port to. We don't spend much time on it anymore. If we want to go play houses with all our comp buddies then that is what the stronghold is for.


From the looks of it with the recent QOL changes it seems they are trying to bring a broader interest in returning to your ship again, or at least making it on par with strongholds. Instead of just leaving it as the trash heap it is, why not improve the need or want to go their and take a few loads off decorating it or something interesting, or at least something different than you described -"Just a ship that takes us to a place we don't have a direct port to."

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BW has limited resources. For them to make changes to the ships now there would have to be good reason to. Given our ships are glorified loading screens to more interesting places... that would require some big changes to how and why we get around. And quite frankly I like porting to heroics, alerts and comps.


And lets not forget they'd need their own decorating system as a large percentage of the stuff that goes into our strongholds would end up poking through the hull. There are probably better things they can be utilising their resources on. The crowd demanding Ops would probably have your guts for garters if they found out the updates they want were delayed even further because you wanted to put a nice lamp stand in the corner of your dusty, hardly used ship.

Edited by Rantank
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BW has limited resources. For them to make changes to the ships now there would have to be good reason to. Given our ships are glorified loading screens to more interesting places... that would require some big changes to how and why we get around. And quite frankly I like porting to heroics, alerts and comps.


And lets not forget they'd need their own decorating system as a large percentage of the stuff that goes into our strongholds would end up poking through the hull. There are probably better things they can be utilising their resources on. The crowd demanding Ops would probably have your guts for garters if they found out the updates they want were delayed even further because you wanted to put a nice lamp stand in the corner of your dusty, hardly used ship.


I'm not saying that cosmetics should be put over actual game development, its just a suggestion and idea down the future of the road when Bioware gets more than a skeleton crew only able to focus on one matter at a time.


Not to mention if you REALLY want to approach a suggestion like that than literally nothing cosmetic would be in the game at this point.

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I actually like my empty ship.

No more unwanted companions standing in every corner.

That crew I had to use so many years never was the crew I really wanted...it was just forced on me.


After KotFE I hope we will be able to choose a new crew out of all unlocked companions.

I really dont want my old douchebag comps back. Instead I want to pick the comps I really like.

And these prefered comps are the only ones I would like to share my ship with.


But for now I am really fine with my ship beeing empty.

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I only use my ship for transport so it does not matter to me.


When I start a new character they are there through the story and when I start the expansion they move away.

Edited by Icestar
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Well, may be they will once this expansion ends. I would love to have them back on the ship as well. I would love it even more if they sometimes walked to other rooms and did some stuff other than crafting like talking to other companions, checking the holo messages for me, etc.
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Well, may be they will once this expansion ends. I would love to have them back on the ship as well. I would love it even more if they sometimes walked to other rooms and did some stuff other than crafting like talking to other companions, checking the holo messages for me, etc.


When KOTFE ends and this entire time its simply all been a bad dream :rak_01:.

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I'd be fine with something, simple, like just some checkboxes in the Alliance screen to pick who you want as your ship's crew, up to a max of 5 or so. You go to your ship, there they are, doing crew-y stuff, and making the place feel like an actual operating vessel, rather than the galaxy's loneliest, saddest Party Bus.


Whenever I use my ship, I have this visual of my agent sitting alone in her huge conference room, poking at a bowl of cereal and reading a cookbook entitled "Romantic Meals for One."

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