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I can't make it to Dromund Kaas or Tattooine.

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The game crashes and I am sent back to my desktop. When I log back in I am back at the previous location before the failed attempt to travel to either of these planets. I have tried several times in vain to get to these planets and no luck.


Can I get some help in the technical support area or at least a refund for the money I paid to play this broken *** game?

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If you're looking to get support from Bioware/EA, this forum isn't the right place to do so.

You'll want to check the EA Help Center for any contact information or suggestions.




If you're asking your fellow players for assistance, this place is as good as any other.

As stated above, it's highly recommend you run the repair option available from the launcher. If you need further assistance on the matter, don't hesitate to ask.

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