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Courting Gifts Still Bugged


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I know this has other threads, but maybe a new one will poke the devs just right.


The courting gifts are still bugged, even though they were supposed to be fixed months ago. The characters that aren't romanceable accept them, while the characters who are romanceable don't. It's getting a little frustrating, especially after one Bioware post implied it is an easy fix.


Why is it still not fixed?

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I know this has other threads, but maybe a new one will poke the devs just right.


The courting gifts are still bugged, even though they were supposed to be fixed months ago. The characters that aren't romanceable accept them, while the characters who are romanceable don't. It's getting a little frustrating, especially after one Bioware post implied it is an easy fix.


Why is it still not fixed?


The longer it goes unfixed, the more it looks to be ignored on purpose so as not to provide a tooltip visual confirmation of pre-existing romances that are broken.

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They've changed it to be "influence" for companions, so any companion can accept any gift, and will receive no/minor/adequate/major, etc. "influence gain" from the item. (Yes, sometimes you can give a gift to a companion for no influence gain, if it's an item they don't like/want.) That may be why.
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I'd really like to see a fix to this as well. I've been holding onto stacks of courting gifts in the hope that they'll be useful again someday (at least they're cheap on the GTN right now) but I'd like to know if I should stop bothering. If they are not going to be fixed, I'd like to see them be able to be exchanged on a one-to-one ratio with any other gift of our choosing.


I'd rather have the gifts working again, however!


The longer it goes unfixed, the more it looks to be ignored on purpose so as not to provide a tooltip visual confirmation of pre-existing romances that are broken.


I really hope this isn't the reason, but it sure is an interesting theory given all the other romance bugs we've seen since 4.0 dropped.


They've changed it to be "influence" for companions, so any companion can accept any gift, and will receive no/minor/adequate/major, etc. "influence gain" from the item. (Yes, sometimes you can give a gift to a companion for no influence gain, if it's an item they don't like/want.) That may be why.


The problem is that they are "courting" gifts, meaning only companions that are being courted like them....except not a single romanceable companion in the game will accept them for an influence gain right now.

Edited by CloudCastle
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They offer us a "Romance" to enter with our companion YET courting gifts does not work with them. They did promise us this patch was to fix it. Ops must had fell off their "TO DO LIST."


I really enjoy this game- but it really bugs the heck out of me. Mostly when something is blatantly broken and promised to be fix or just ignore it- is not right.


Come on developers put the coffee cups down and less muttering get to work and fix this- Thanks

Edited by Feble
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I'm going to send a bug report on Monday every week from now until they fix this!!

If it worked in 'The Shawshank Redemption' to get a library it might work here :D


More of the community that does it the better!!

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Agree, it is totaly embarrasing for Bioware that people still complaining about this bug and the last info on this matter was to fix this bug with Patch 4.1.


Even when the bug is not fixed yet, it doesn´t hurt for the community team just to drop a line or two where they explain what the problem is and how they try to solve it, even if it not high priority , they can let us know if they want to keep it like that, or they willing to solve it.


But to ignore complaints for over the past year now, shows that they don´t care about certain bugs and it make it looks like it would be a waste of time to get in contact with their community.


Still, Bioware can read threads like this and can proof me wrong with this impression, but the chances are much higher, that they go on with their "I don´t care policy", which is not a kind way to treat their community.

Edited by Goologne
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If they somehow lost the data on who romanced who, they could just give players a brief survey to "remind" them of our forgotten choices. Seriously. This damn issue needs to be fixed.

it isn't about existing romances (existing at the moment 4.0 dropped, that is) being forgotten. NO romance affects the like-level of Courting gifts, not even on new characters.

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They've changed it to be "influence" for companions, so any companion can accept any gift, and will receive no/minor/adequate/major, etc. "influence gain" from the item. (Yes, sometimes you can give a gift to a companion for no influence gain, if it's an item they don't like/want.) That may be why.
This is not at all different from when companions got "affection" from gifts. You could give any gift type to any companionion, including gifts that would produce no affection gain.


So it's not fixed?


Companions that are supposed to go from zero or minimal gain from Courting gifts to (in most cases) max gain after you romance them do not. Their attitude toward courting gifts remains the same as if you didn't romance them. They also keep the same attitude toward the other gift types that they are supposed like better, not just Courting gifts. Most significant in this regard is probably Ashara, who is supposed to like a half-dozen other gift types better if you romance her, not just courting gifts, but doesn't.

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