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Is Elara supposed to come back in KOTFE?


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Theoretically, all the Companions will eventually be back in one way or another. It's just a matter of when and how. Thus far the only Companion to appear and NOT join the Alliance has been Tanno Vik. I imagine his voice actor dying has something to do with that.


BW seems to be taking special care with the love interests and how they're reintroduced, so I'm guessing they'll spread their reappearances out a bit. We've gotten one just about every month since chapter X. With two chapters being released in June it's possible we may see Elara again real soon. Or we might not see her again until Season 2 of KotFE (after chapter XVI). Who can say?

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My trooper romanced her and I was wondering if she will return in any of the future chapters. So, does anyone know if she will?


Just a quick question, unless any of us works in Bio, how would we know if any given companion is gonna return or when other then, posibly in the future hopefully soon?

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Xavious, one of the Devs mentioned that Elara might be having a very rough time in the current Republic thanks to Saresh being a warmongering, Imperial-hating despot. Remember, Elara was born and raised on Dromund Kaas; her father is on the Imperial Fleet as an NPC who sends Imperial Agent Players to get their Advanced Class (yes, you can choose AC automatically now, but I think the quest is still available for "flavor?"). That's why she wasn't with Aric Jorgan in the "New Havoc Squad" during Chapter 11, Disavowed. She defected to the Republic, and during her companion storyline she gets her brother to also defect, but to some Republic diehards, "Once an Imp, always an Imp, and better off a dead Imp."


So, Elara might be pretty lucky just doing a lot of kitchen and latrine duty for the Republic these days. Despite both sides being squished by Zakuul, the Republic and Sith Empire are still always taking potshots at each other.

Edited by HollyUSEC
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