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Hottie's 15+ Hour PvP Charity Stream


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If you don't know me I am Hottie an Operative Healer and also a streamer. I recently took a break from SWTOR but I want to come back to do this event which is important to me. One of my goals when I first started streaming is to do charity events because I want my gaming to be more then self entertainment.


This weekend I will be participating in a 15+ hour charity stream Saturday, 28th 10-11AM EST where I will be PvPing (regs, solo ranked, group ranked). All donations, tips and proceeds I receive while streaming during the time of my event will go directly to American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.


To make it a little more interesting and entertaining, I will let anyone who donations add or decrease the amount they donate to the time I will be streaming (lord help me). Added time cap is going to be 5 hours because I don't want to die. I will also been doing give-aways with the cartel market packs I have saved from all your generous clicks of my referral link*. I want to have more prizes possibly for top donators as well but I will announce that later.


*Please be aware that I can only give out cartel packs on Harbinger. If you are on another server or EU I will not have enough coins to transfer over and give you your gift. I apologize! :(


Doing a charity event for the AFSP is something that has been on my mind for a long time and I am very passionate about. I met a lot of gamers, players and friends who use games as a way of increasing their mental health and in streaming this weekend I want to honor these individuals.


So with that being said please come watch, play with me and my friends, donate or just come listen to some good music.



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Big thanks for snave for donating cartel codes for this event. I will be giving out codes to the top 5 donators and also some for give ways. Just a small thank you for anyone who participates.


snave is best eu player best duelist in swtor

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snave is best eu player best duelist in swtor


I've never fought snave that I recall (and I'm on red eclipse), but hes defo a very strong player and better at pvp then I am. That said he is also pretty clear on his streams and vids that he isn't the best player out there and that hes met players now sadly gone who were exceptional. I'll trust his judgement on that as I never played in swtor at his level (the ranked 8 scene on tofn when the pvp community was at its height), but I do recall that feeling of finally breaking 2.2k in wow feeling pleased as punch and like I had truely mastered the game, only to be taken under the wing of 2 gladiators from my guild and played upto 2.45k rating. Wow was i humbled and was really shown the difference between what I could do with alot of learning and trying and what THEY could do. Thats when I realised I would never be a gladiator.


Its a shame the guys snave talks about aren't still in the game and are no longer available to play against and learn from.


On topic: looking forward to watching the stream.

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If you don't know me I am Hottie an Operative Healer and also a streamer. I recently took a break from SWTOR but I want to come back to do this event which is important to me. One of my goals when I first started streaming is to do charity events because I want my gaming to be more then self entertainment.


This weekend I will be participating in a 15+ hour charity stream Saturday, 28th 10-11AM EST where I will be PvPing (regs, solo ranked, group ranked). All donations, tips and proceeds I receive while streaming during the time of my event will go directly to American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.


To make it a little more interesting and entertaining, I will let anyone who donations add or decrease the amount they donate to the time I will be streaming (lord help me). Added time cap is going to be 5 hours because I don't want to die. I will also been doing give-aways with the cartel market packs I have saved from all your generous clicks of my referral link*. I want to have more prizes possibly for top donators as well but I will announce that later.


*Please be aware that I can only give out cartel packs on Harbinger. If you are on another server or EU I will not have enough coins to transfer over and give you your gift. I apologize! :(


Doing a charity event for the AFSP is something that has been on my mind for a long time and I am very passionate about. I met a lot of gamers, players and friends who use games as a way of increasing their mental health and in streaming this weekend I want to honor these individuals.


So with that being said please come watch, play with me and my friends, donate or just come listen to some good music.




So you're doing a live stream of SWTOR PvP for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention? Aren't suicidal people already sad enough without having to watch/participate in the even sadder excuse that is a PvP match in SWTOR? You might as well post a link to the Budd Dwyer video on liveleak and tell them all 'YOU HAVE NO HOPE".

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So you're doing a live stream of SWTOR PvP for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention? Aren't suicidal people already sad enough without having to watch/participate in the even sadder excuse that is a PvP match in SWTOR? You might as well post a link to the Budd Dwyer video on liveleak and tell them all 'YOU HAVE NO HOPE".


Mental health and advocating it's importance is something really important to me. As I said in my post in real life and in game I have met many people who are suffering from depression, bipolar disorder, PSD etc. I wanted to bring up awareness players who you play with every day might be individuals who are suffering and use video games as a means of improving their mental health.


I had the opportunity in my life to talk to friends who suffer from suicidal thoughts everyday. My experience with these individuals is that all they need is someone to talk to them and let them know that they aren't alone. That there is help out there and there are people who care. If that isn't something to stream for I don't know what is.


I hope while streaming I can help talk to players about these issues within the gaming community, help entertain and possible give them a moment of peace. As well of course, have all my proceeds go to an organization who is built to help these individuals more then my ability.

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So you're doing a live stream of SWTOR PvP for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention? Aren't suicidal people already sad enough without having to watch/participate in the even sadder excuse that is a PvP match in SWTOR? You might as well post a link to the Budd Dwyer video on liveleak and tell them all 'YOU HAVE NO HOPE".


getting started early with the edgy suicide jokes


I like your enthusiasm!

Edited by yellow_
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So you're doing a live stream of SWTOR PvP for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention? Aren't suicidal people already sad enough without having to watch/participate in the even sadder excuse that is a PvP match in SWTOR? You might as well post a link to the Budd Dwyer video on liveleak and tell them all 'YOU HAVE NO HOPE".


lol I wonder how many new hits that video got after you posted this. Pretty sure most people have no clue who Dwyer was. :eek:


Good point though. :p

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lol I wonder how many new hits that video got after you posted this. Pretty sure most people have no clue who Dwyer was. :eek:


Good point though. :p


Ya I'd like to think if Budd were brought back to life and he was shown a video of SWTOR PvP (especially from a Merc's POV) he'd kill himself all over again. :cool:

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Charity Donator Prize announcement!



Again thank you to Snave for helping me out with these prizes:


1st place donator: 30day Subscription to SWTOR and a 450 CC code


2nd place donator: 30 Day Subscription to SWTOR


3nd place donator: 2400 CC code




Other smaller codes and pet codes will be saved for raffles for viewers.


Hope to see you all tomorrow! :)

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Results of the event



Yesterday we ended up donating $1,200 to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. I am overwhelmed and honored by the overall success of this event. I cannot express how much meaning this has to me and how proud I am to be part of a community who is so generous and supportive of a charity event of this nature.


Last night, I expressed one of the main reasons I wanted to do an event of this nature. That reason being, one of my good friends from college confided to me that she battles with suicidal thoughts everyday. She is a survivor of family abuse since she was little. Let's just say we had a very long heart to heart about her feelings that night. This experience with my friend is one that affected me greatly and I wanted to do something in honor of my friend and others who deal with this battle everyday. This charity event, not only I hope, gave support/awareness to other who have family members and friends who deal with this issue, but it has serious personal value to me as an individual. I am not taking this lightly when I say I am truly honored to share this accomplishment with everyone involved in this event yesterday.


I want to thank everyone who helped in this charity event even in the the smallest way in making this event run smoothly and be the success that it was. This list is not in order for greatest to least but I value each individual/individuals contribution equally.


Thank you to...


Snave for his generosity in offering me multiple codes for use as donator prizes and raffle prizes.


Scrappy for offering his personal IG items to use as raffle prizes.


Knin for him graciously volunteering to stay up for all of the 15+ hours of my charity event and helping out by doing raffles every 30 mins.


Dominance who played PvP matches with me while i held this event since I woke up (10am EST) to do this event till i passed out after (1am+ EST). Seriously, thank you.


I want to personally thank all my guildies from Sick Twisted Individuals for keeping up playful banter, supporting, and staying with me throughout the entirely of this event. I am truly, truly honored to be part of a guild that has shown nothing but generosity, respect for me and full support for my events.


I want to personality thank everyone who donated to this event. Without you we wouldn't have offered so much to AFSP and be able to help with their mission to reduce the suicide rate within the United States.


I also want to personality thank EVERYONE who came to support me in twitch chat, offered song requests to keep me awake, watched me play endless PvP matches and offered kind words of encouragement. You are all the true MVPs of this event.





To those battling with mental health illness of any nature, just know that you aren't alone, there are people out there that care about you and want to support you in anyway they can. I hope this event brought you some peace and for others awareness.




Thank you every much everyone and happy gaming.



-Hottie (Anna)

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Results of the event



Yesterday we ended up donating $1,200 to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. I am overwhelmed and honored by the overall success of this event. I cannot express how much meaning this has to me and how proud I am to be part of a community who is so generous and supportive of a charity event of this nature.


Last night, I expressed one of the main reasons I wanted to do an event of this nature. That reason being, one of my good friends from college confided to me that she battles with suicidal thoughts everyday. She is a survivor of family abuse since she was little. Let's just say we had a very long heart to heart about her feelings that night. This experience with my friend is one that affected me greatly and I wanted to do something in honor of my friend and others who deal with this battle everyday. This charity event, not only I hope, gave support/awareness to other who have family members and friends who deal with this issue, but it has serious personal value to me as an individual. I am not taking this lightly when I say I am truly honored to share this accomplishment with everyone involved in this event yesterday.


I want to thank everyone who helped in this charity event even in the the smallest way in making this event run smoothly and be the success that it was. This list is not in order for greatest to least but I value each individual/individuals contribution equally.


Thank you to...


Snave for his generosity in offering me multiple codes for use as donator prizes and raffle prizes.


Scrappy for offering his personal IG items to use as raffle prizes.


Knin for him graciously volunteering to stay up for all of the 15+ hours of my charity event and helping out by doing raffles every 30 mins.


Dominance who played PvP matches with me while i held this event since I woke up (10am EST) to do this event till i passed out after (1am+ EST). Seriously, thank you.


I want to personally thank all my guildies from Sick Twisted Individuals for keeping up playful banter, supporting, and staying with me throughout the entirely of this event. I am truly, truly honored to be part of a guild that has shown nothing but generosity, respect for me and full support for my events.


I want to personality thank everyone who donated to this event. Without you we wouldn't have offered so much to AFSP and be able to help with their mission to reduce the suicide rate within the United States.


I also want to personality thank EVERYONE who came to support me in twitch chat, offered song requests to keep me awake, watched me play endless PvP matches and offered kind words of encouragement. You are all the true MVPs of this event.





To those battling with mental health illness of any nature, just know that you aren't alone, there are people out there that care about you and want to support you in anyway they can. I hope this event brought you some peace and for others awareness.




Thank you every much everyone and happy gaming.



-Hottie (Anna)


Well done and glad you had a great turnout for your event. It is easy to think about what should be done versus actually thinking it then doing it.


Kudos to you for being able to mesh your hobbie/gaming with a heartfelt passion (suicide prevention) and then creating an event to support awareness of that cause.


Cheers and keep staying positive! Your efforts will touch more than you know.

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