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How to stop Ground from going Blurry


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Hello All

I just got a new computer and when I go into the game the ground seems to keep going blurry and then back again and I am trying to figure out what settings I need to change to get that to stop, because it makes the game lag and is driving me crazy. I am grateful for any help you can give me towards fixing this problem. :(:confused:

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Can you provide full details of your new computer? There are a number of possible issues, and that would narrow some things down to give more specific advice.


For example, 1 possibility is that you have an "Integrated Graphics Processor" ( such as most modern Intel CPUs ), that is taking priority over a proper video card, but can't keep up. ( I always disable the IGP in bios because of this. )

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The first indication I have is that you might have "Dept of Field" enabled. If so, it's not just the ground that will be blurry.

A screenshot of how it looks could be useful for us to understand the effect.


I know Nvidia offers to optimize the settings through the GeForce Experience. So if the integrated card is nvidia, you could give that a try.

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