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Treasure Hunting Lockboxes are causing massive inflation and a proposed solution.


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10+ million is not reasonable for anything.


But hey, as long as I can sell fugly swords for 40 millions I'm happy :p


Having once paid almost that for a set of Shae Vizla's armor pre-4.0; I was pleasantly surprised to get Commander Vizla's set for less than Cr 5 mil, and at that I overpaid a bit.

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I don't think it's obvious, and you are avoiding answering my question. Barring the Legacy Experience Boost and the Major (or Minor) XP Boost tokens, what way is there for speeding up levelling with in-game credits?


i'm sure you will figure it out.


treasure boxes are working the same as always and were not changed with the patch today. i don't see them ever fixing that because there are more than 600 accounts doing it non stop. they don't want to lose all those subscribers. that might be more than half of all subs rofl.....

Edited by Akostt
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i'm sure you will figure it out.


treasure boxes are working the same as always and were not changed with the patch today. i don't see them ever fixing that because there are more than 600 accounts doing it non stop. they don't want to lose all those subscribers. that might be more than half of all subs rofl.....


In other words, you don't have an answer.

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I doubt we can blame any one aspect of the game, but inflation has gone nuts. I can remember when the "latest/coolest" light saber would go for a whopping 1.2 to 2 Million and you'd be thinking "wow, that's expensive!!!!" Now, I see the latest/coolest light sabers easily over 30 million and up to a whopping 100 million on Ebon Hawke.... :rolleyes:




That is not inflation. It's free market at play.. where a seller can list for any price they like, even if it's absurd, and the majority of items on the GTN are selling at prices much below what they would have 2 years ago. So.. It might be price gouging to take advantage of peoples cravings for the super rare item ... but peoples cravings are just that... their cravings. Most things on the GTN are cheaper then they were a year ago. The exception are some of the super rare items. As for super rare items.. some you can only sell at give away prices.


There is certainly more disposable income in the game now days... but that's primarily due to two things: 1) free flow of credits from H2s. 2) the evaporation of almost all the credit sinks that slowed down spending in prior years.. including no cost training, and all the free gear from H2s that eliminate almost every need to spend credits as you level up.


Stop acting like the studio is setting the prices on items some players are willing to pay a arm and a leg for. They aren't. I guess you could blame them for making super rare items that players crave... but that's a weaksauce argument unless you are pleading for essentially nothing to be rare in this game anymore.

Edited by Andryah
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you guys don't understand that the new grind entails a lot of things. all of which are helped by credits.


Since the heroics give out free level appropriate blue gear and they are the fastest way to level a character for the event.. you are so wrong it's hilarious IMO. Not to mention no training costs either.. which used to cost north of a million credits for the full set of levels. Any character leveled now days will come out with around a net positive of 1 million + credits just playing the game and leveling.

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Since the heroics give out free level appropriate blue gear and they are the fastest way to level a character for the event.. you are so wrong it's hilarious IMO. Not to mention no training costs either.. which used to cost north of a million credits for the full set of levels. Any character leveled now days will come out with around a net positive of 1 million + credits just playing the game and leveling.


lol you're missing a lot of things, but it's entertaining. and people always want credits to spend on the gtn.

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I guess this is how you play forum PvP; when pressed to put up or shut up, you choose shut up.




really dude? do i have to go to the website announcing the new grind and read it to you like a bedtime story? did you not notice that you have to a lot more than just increasing your combat level?

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Maybe 4 years ago - with the levelling now, even a healer can blaze through most mobs. And since a lot more people will be doing the FP's, there will be plenty of opportunity to go with GF for them.


Paying people to do content they will be doing anyway? A fool and his money.......


More of a joke honestly with that suggestion... but hey... I would accept anything if im paid enough.

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I have to wonder that, in light of the nerf to solo heroics, characters doing TH missions were not the major source of credits entering the economy. It would have been a lot less noticeable and disruptive to players' attitudes to halve or remove entirely the credit awards from the TH lockboxes. Probably easier, too.


Food for thought, anyway.

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I have to wonder that, in light of the nerf to solo heroics, characters doing TH missions were not the major source of credits entering the economy. It would have been a lot less noticeable and disruptive to players' attitudes to halve or remove entirely the credit awards from the TH lockboxes. Probably easier, too.


Food for thought, anyway.


treasure boxes have been the best and easiest way to get credits for 8 months now. every 3 minutes you get 30k or more in profit per account. plus a chance for a super rare.


don't worry, credits will remain plentiful as long as we can run treasure box missions. plus if they nerf it you can always do slicing lockboxes. it doesn't make as much but still good.


people should stop complaining about the heroic nerf. there are much better ways to get credits.

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there are hundreds of accounts running treasure boxes non stop. they don't want to lose those subscribers.



even if they fix this one day, don't expect them to ban the 800+ accounts doing it. at least it gives you cheap credits. you should be thankful.

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there are hundreds of accounts running treasure boxes non stop. they don't want to lose those subscribers.




Dude, just stop.


Paying a sub does not give you the right to break the ToS.


You are tantamount implying cops should not arrest someone because they pay taxes.

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Dude, just stop.


Paying a sub does not give you the right to break the ToS.


You are tantamount implying cops should not arrest someone because they pay taxes.


just saying they don't want to lose those subs. that's a lot of subs.

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Dude, just stop.


Paying a sub does not give you the right to break the ToS.


You are tantamount implying cops should not arrest someone because they pay taxes.


looks like they don't care

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Have you counted them ?


Nah, just a pathetic crusade trying to get treasure hunting nerfed to the ground like slicing was.


Yeah, macros and bots are bad, we got that 45 pages ago and all the countless topics on similar issues. But it's not really fair to punish legit players with an uber nerf just because there are people cheating.


This whole thread is a joke, treasure hunting is not causing massive inflation, botters and macroers are. Ban them and be done with it. But don't nerf a crew skill when it's working as intended. Slicing was bugged? Maybe. But that didn't justify the excessive nerf it received.

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Nah, just a pathetic crusade trying to get treasure hunting nerfed to the ground like slicing was.


Yeah, macros and bots are bad, we got that 45 pages ago and all the countless topics on similar issues. But it's not really fair to punish legit players with an uber nerf just because there are people cheating.


This whole thread is a joke, treasure hunting is not causing massive inflation, botters and macroers are. Ban them and be done with it. But don't nerf a crew skill when it's working as intended. Slicing was bugged? Maybe. But that didn't justify the excessive nerf it received.


Well said, totally agree. This guy's ongoing campaign to get TH nerfed is really annoying.


Yes, macros are bad. Yes, bots are bad. So squash the macros and the bots, don't nerf the game for the legit players. Because bringing out the splintery nerf bat and ramming it up our chuff seems to be BW's favored solution to EVERYTHING.

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