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Treasure Hunting Lockboxes are causing massive inflation and a proposed solution.


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that would reward people with multiple skills and it would make it so that people can get credits from all skills. instead of nerfing treasure boxes, give them to everyone.


But it rewards cheats more ( botters ) thus there needs to be a better means to "reward" honest players and remove sources of credits for botters.


You kept going on about the greater good for the player population in your defence of RMTs. Well if you truly believed that then you would be far more pro a super easy source of lots of credits, that is super tough to bot, for all players to get credits from and thus never needing to spend a cent on CM or RMTs.


CM is about getting items then and not generating credits.

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But it rewards cheats more ( botters ) thus there needs to be a better means to "reward" honest players and remove sources of credits for botters.


You kept going on about the greater good for the player population in your defence of RMTs. Well if you truly believed that then you would be far more pro a super easy source of lots of credits, that is super tough to bot, for all players to get credits from and thus never needing to spend a cent on CM or RMTs.


CM is about getting items then and not generating credits.


well the cartel market will always be about getting credits in addition to getting items. since you can sell the items for credits.

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well the cartel market will always be about getting credits in addition to getting items. since you can sell the items for credits.


Sure you can get credits via the cartel market by selling goods ... that's got nothing to do with what I said

The point was by making other sources of credits tougher to bot then people will find it far more difficult to have credits to sell.


Point is: Make it easier/quicker for players actually online playing to get credits but tougher to automate/bot the credit gain process thus less people will want to go to credit sellers and credit sellers will find it tougher to get large stocks of credits to sell ( thus making it not worth their while to sell at super low prices if they have to gain all the credits manually ).


It's a fairly simple problem to fix really which is why I believe BW really don't care about RMT what so ever and if anything they probably feel they make money from it from subs so the RMT can sell or something ... by funny though if they could exploit the 7 day free sub to get around having to pay a sub meaning BW make nothing.

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Sure you can get credits via the cartel market by selling goods ... that's got nothing to do with what I said

The point was by making other sources of credits tougher to bot then people will find it far more difficult to have credits to sell.


Point is: Make it easier/quicker for players actually online playing to get credits but tougher to automate/bot the credit gain process thus less people will want to go to credit sellers and credit sellers will find it tougher to get large stocks of credits to sell ( thus making it not worth their while to sell at super low prices if they have to gain all the credits manually ).


It's a fairly simple problem to fix really which is why I believe BW really don't care about RMT what so ever and if anything they probably feel they make money from it from subs so the RMT can sell or something ... by funny though if they could exploit the 7 day free sub to get around having to pay a sub meaning BW make nothing.


All problems are simple for the man who doesn't have to design it. My day job is, basically, stop the bots and let the humans through. It's a surprisingly hard task, because humans write the bots.


It appears that BW is choosing to fight the RMTs by making the profit negligible and satisfying the market demand by providing credits to people who play the game; and to remove the credit economy from gameplay and put it into the realm of cosmetics. Bold move, let's see what happens.

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All problems are simple for the man who doesn't have to design it. My day job is, basically, stop the bots and let the humans through. It's a surprisingly hard task, because humans write the bots.


It appears that BW is choosing to fight the RMTs by making the profit negligible and satisfying the market demand by providing credits to people who play the game; and to remove the credit economy from gameplay and put it into the realm of cosmetics. Bold move, let's see what happens.


The profit negligible ... lol.


I am fairly certain we have RMTs now laughing at your perception of this problem yet at the same time wanting naïve players like you to keep thinking this so the attention doesn't get turned too much on them that bioware actually does do something.


Unless you actually have any sort of evidence to show this "negligible profit" I think you're making up stories to support whatever strange point it is you're trying to make which seems to be that it's too hard to put in human interface checks and they wouldn't work anyway even though they haven't tried it. :rolleyes:

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I am fairly certain we have RMTs now laughing at your perception of this problem yet at the same time wanting naïve players like you to keep thinking this so the attention doesn't get turned too much on them that bioware actually does do something.


Lol I honestly hadn't read your laughing to his post before I made that post.;)

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lots of credits will help new level 1 characters to speed the process up.


You can max out the class mission XP boost in legacy for 275k. Even with 8 characters, it's hardly going to be sending me running to an RMT.

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You can max out the class mission XP boost in legacy for 275k. Even with 8 characters, it's hardly going to be sending me running to an RMT.


there are lots of other ways to speed things up which require credits.



if they nerf treasure boxes they would have to nerf all of them. grades 1, 2 and 3 are just as good as grades 7, 8 and 9.

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there are lots of other ways to speed things up which require credits.



if they nerf treasure boxes they would have to nerf all of them. grades 1, 2 and 3 are just as good as grades 7, 8 and 9.


Can you give me a few examples of those ways to speed up levelling? Just a few from the "lots"

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Can you give me a few examples of those ways to speed up levelling? Just a few from the "lots"


it's pretty obvious. anything that helps with leveling and grinding. it looks like the new stuff involves lots of grinding.


i don't think they will ever fix treasure boxes because hundreds of accounts currently running those missions would unsubscribe to the game.

Edited by Akostt
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i don't think they will ever fix treasure boxes because hundreds of accounts currently running those missions would unsubscribe to the game.


Oh don't be so glum, I think you, sorry.. I meant they would just find another way to bot and macro those hundreds of accounts for enough credits to keep selling their warez via spam and whispers.

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it's pretty obvious. anything that helps with leveling and grinding. it looks like the new stuff involves lots of grinding.


i don't think they will ever fix treasure boxes because hundreds of accounts currently running those missions would unsubscribe to the game.


I don't think it's obvious, and you are avoiding answering my question. Barring the Legacy Experience Boost and the Major (or Minor) XP Boost tokens, what way is there for speeding up levelling with in-game credits?

Edited by CrazyCT
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I don't think it's obvious, and you are avoiding answering my question. Barring the Legacy Experience Boost and the Major (or Minor) XP Boost tokens, what way is there for speeding up levelling with in-game credits?


Paying people to carry you through the content. To lazy to run into mobs and let your companion kill them? then pay three people to do it for you! Make sure to right click and follow.

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I don't think it's obvious, and you are avoiding answering my question. Barring the Legacy Experience Boost and the Major (or Minor) XP Boost tokens, what way is there for speeding up levelling with in-game credits?


The only things I can think of would be the legacy perks for reducing the fleet pass cool down & quick travel cool down and the character perks for priority transports & speeder piloting.

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Paying people to carry you through the content. To lazy to run into mobs and let your companion kill them? then pay three people to do it for you! Make sure to right click and follow.


Maybe 4 years ago - with the levelling now, even a healer can blaze through most mobs. And since a lot more people will be doing the FP's, there will be plenty of opportunity to go with GF for them.


Paying people to do content they will be doing anyway? A fool and his money.......

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The only things I can think of would be the legacy perks for reducing the fleet pass cool down & quick travel cool down and the character perks for priority transports & speeder piloting.


True, but similar to my answer to Peter, Quick Travel cooldown is already reduced to 6 minutes, speeder piloting (if you can't wait the 10 minutes it takes to get to level 10) is only 40k, and you can travel to the fleet through Strongholds or a Guildship.


Also the Legacy perks are only available when you hit a certain Legacy level, so you should have the money to buy them by the time you hit that level. Getting to Legacy level 15 to get the third tier of cooldowns should have you at a level you can easily just run some heroics to get the necessary credits.


I'm not saying it's cost free, but it's easy enough to get around without spending money. And when you do pay, it's not so expensive that you'd need to go to an RMT to get the cash.

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I doubt we can blame any one aspect of the game, but inflation has gone nuts. I can remember when the "latest/coolest" light saber would go for a whopping 1.2 to 2 Million and you'd be thinking "wow, that's expensive!!!!" Now, I see the latest/coolest light sabers easily over 30 million and up to a whopping 100 million on Ebon Hawke.... :rolleyes:



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I doubt we can blame any one aspect of the game, but inflation has gone nuts. I can remember when the "latest/coolest" light saber would go for a whopping 1.2 to 2 Million and you'd be thinking "wow, that's expensive!!!!" Now, I see the latest/coolest light sabers easily over 30 million and up to a whopping 100 million on Ebon Hawke.... :rolleyes:




It's just the "prestige" items, though - prices for just about everything in the set but the sabers this time around is fairly reasonable.

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It's just the "prestige" items, though - prices for just about everything in the set but the sabers this time around is fairly reasonable.


10+ million is not reasonable for anything.


But hey, as long as I can sell fugly swords for 40 millions I'm happy :p

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