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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Treasure Hunting Lockboxes are causing massive inflation and a proposed solution.


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"Exploit"... Bots are against the rules but Treasure hunting Lockboxes themselves are not an exploit.



It's just a coincidence that TH appears to be the EZ-Mode for these botters to exploit, because it is just that, too friggin easy to exploit and sit there for weeks on end, only needing to attend to each "player" every downtime to get them back online and move the money elsewhere for the credit sellers to sell.

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It's just a coincidence that TH appears to be the EZ-Mode for these botters to exploit, because it is just that, too friggin easy to exploit and sit there for weeks on end, only needing to attend to each "player" every downtime to get them back online and move the money elsewhere for the credit sellers to sell.


Yeah it used to be the huge security chests on Rishi as a major farming source, now they just drop crafting items from the chests which sucks.




Heroic nerfs though being reverted soon may still end up being a thing in a few months... I wish they would stop killing the credit making ways for all the real players and just go after bots. Nerfs to TH is not the answer.


Runescape is another game I used to play a lot but not often anymore... Back in 2010-2012 the game was infested with bots everywhere. They ended up cracking down hard and the game is still doing better now overall it seems.

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I wish they would stop killing the credit making ways for all the real players and just go after bots. Nerfs to TH is not the answer.



treasure hunting lockboxes are the main source of all credits which are generated by bots. it is the biggest exploited thing in the game right now. it's being exploited by hundreds of accounts for months.


no normal person sits around and sends off those missions on a regular basis. it's 99% bots.

Edited by Akostt
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treasure hunting lockboxes are the main source of all credits which are generated by bots. it is the biggest exploited thing in the game right now. it's being exploited by hundreds of accounts for months.


no normal person sits around and sends off those missions on a regular basis. it's 99% bots.


Listen.., you can't stop bots from farming Treasure hunter or anything else, the devs nerf TH and the bots will keep doing it at a slower rate or go bot somewhere else.



They need better programs and security to detect bots and get rid of them. Nerfing TH does NOTHING.

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Listen.., you can't stop bots from farming Treasure hunter or anything else, the devs nerf TH and the bots will keep doing it at a slower rate or go bot somewhere else.


Yep. Squash one pathway and the botters quickly find the next one. In fact, they probably have them queued, waiting for a nerf over reaction from the studio. It's a never ending story with MMOs. At least this MMO does not allow some of the more obvious mechanics in game that enables unattended game play.


I guess they could get really draconian about crew missions, but they have been designed since day one to be launched and then forgotten until the companion comes back.... so they would destroy a fundamental pillar of gathering and crafting in this game if they went draconian. Same with making the missions so low value that they are not worth running.


The only way to run TH profitably in todays credit rich 4.x is to break the ToS/EULA and bot. Hence the offenders are already bannable, by definition. Ban the bot players, not the game mechanics that are fundamental to crafting, IMO.


While I do encourage the studio to be harsh on bots, I also understand that sometimes they let them run for a while so they can follow the credits until they have enough verified information to roll-up a whole ring or many rings attempting to exploit the game.

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Listen.., you can't stop bots from farming Treasure hunter or anything else, the devs nerf TH and the bots will keep doing it at a slower rate or go bot somewhere else.



They need better programs and security to detect bots and get rid of them. Nerfing TH does NOTHING.


if they made them take 15 to 20 minutes instead of 3 minutes 27 seconds then it would solve the problem.


if the exploiters move to something else then fix that too but whatever they move to won't be nearly as efficient for the exploiters as taking advantage of treasure hunting lockbox missions.

Edited by Akostt
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if they made them take 15 to 20 minutes instead of 3 minutes 27 seconds then it would solve the problem.


if the exploiters move to something else then fix that too but whatever they move to won't be nearly as efficient for the exploiters as taking advantage of treasure hunting lockbox missions.


They're bots... Time is irrelevant... Your solution does not solve the problem. How can you not see that? They can make more accounts to bot with as well to make up the difference.



And making the times insanely long only punishes the real players who worked to get crafting to max rank and influence max rank

Edited by Newyankalt
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They're bots... Time is irrelevant... Your solution does not solve the problem. How can you not see that? They can make more accounts to bot with as well to make up the difference.



And making the times insanely long only punishes the real players who worked to get crafting to max rank and influence max rank


Dont bother to argue with either stubborn, or clinically obsessed people (i will let you decide which applies here). you would have better luck carrying on a conversation with the kitchen table.

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Dont bother to argue with either stubborn, or clinically obsessed people (i will let you decide which applies here). you would have better luck carrying on a conversation with the kitchen table.


I'm actually starting to wonder if perhaps Akostt and his sockpuppets are just a very cleverly written bot.

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I'm actually starting to wonder if perhaps Akostt and his sockpuppets are just a very cleverly written bot.


Mr Turing to the courtesy phone. Mr. A Turing to the courtesy phone. There is a Ms. Eliza who wishes to converse with you


(Kids, ask your grandparents)

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I've been away from the game for a few months - just thought I'd subscribe for a month or two, see how things were going.

I honestly cannot believe this is still a thing. When I stopped playing back in February a thread on this was on the first page constantly. I logged in yesterday to find this one number three in the list :)


So we've still got bots making millions and causing a general inflation in the cost of good after all these months? I don't expect the credits my characters have is actually worth half what it was a few months ago.

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I've been away from the game for a few months - just thought I'd subscribe for a month or two, see how things were going.

I honestly cannot believe this is still a thing. When I stopped playing back in February a thread on this was on the first page constantly. I logged in yesterday to find this one number three in the list :)


So we've still got bots making millions and causing a general inflation in the cost of good after all these months? I don't expect the credits my characters have is actually worth half what it was a few months ago.


there are hundreds of accounts doing these treasure hunting lockboxes using bots and vendoring the items for pure credits 24/7. probably 10 billion credits are generated every day from bots exploiting this and it's the main reason prices on the gtn are out of control.

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why the focus on TH boxes? Slicing lockboxes are also adding a crap ton of credits to the economy.



treasure hunting lockboxes make much more than slicing lockboxes because you can vendor the contents for a lot of credits. there are hundreds of bots doing it 24/7. this has been going on for 8+ months, since kotfe and it injects billions into the economy every day causing massive inflation and makes it a lot harder for the game to make money selling cartel coins as people turn to credit spammers instead since the prices are so cheap due to this exploit.

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Is there an ETA on when this exploit will be fixed?


"Exploit" doesn't mean what you think it means.


Farming Treasure Hunting missions, or any missions, or heroics, or anything else is NOT an exploit, it's just spamming a working-as-intended aspect of the game and pretty much everyone does it to earn credits or social points or reputation or whatever.


An "exploit" is finding a bug or error in the game and then taking advantage of that which is a NOT working-as-intended mechanic of the game.


It's the BOTS that are the problem.


TL;DR - People need to stop calling this and other farming mechanics an "exploit" cuz it just isn't.

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Is there an ETA on when this exploit will be fixed?


"A new name, a new face...these are not enough to to hide from us" - Darth Marr



*checks post history*


Only two posts ever, both in this thread. Is your 4th account you made now on your crusade??

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this game is getting a reputation for being an exploiter's paradise. they take months to fix bugs and exploits and this one has been going on for more than 8 months, i think this is a record. they usually only allow it to go on for 2 months lol
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this game is getting a reputation for being an exploiter's paradise. they take months to fix bugs and exploits and this one has been going on for more than 8 months, i think this is a record. they usually only allow it to go on for 2 months lol


Really? And what lack of meds induced delusion do you get this game is known as an exploiters paradise? Can you post 1 link (from a reliable source) to prove your accusation?

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