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Client takes to long to close

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Can't say as I do have issues, but then again I run my games off of an old 1TB Velociraptor 10k spindle drive that only houses my game installs and I keep it fairly clean. I try to keep my system disk fairly clean and up to date as well, cleaning old junk off at regular intervals seems to keep it happy and functioning.


Maybe do a system clean sweep and see if there's a bunch of junk in the trunk clunking it up.

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When you shut down the client, the game writes out all its buffered data to disc.

Basically all the things like settings for each of your characters and any open combat logs.


If it's taking that long to shut down, there's definitely something going on with your computer.

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When you shut down the client, the game writes out all its buffered data to disc.

Basically all the things like settings for each of your characters and any open combat logs.


If it's taking that long to shut down, there's definitely something going on with your computer.


Thanks for the info.


Like the OP, I've been having similar issues upon shut-down with my shoddy lap-top for quite some time. It's reached a point where I manually click the 'End Task' option in my Task Manager upon shutting down the game client.


I used to wait until SWTOR closed down completely, but it probably takes my PC a good 5-10 minutes before that comes to fruition. Thankfully, prematurely booting-down the client with Task Manager hasn't seemed to affect my gameplay in any way.


Speaking of which, is all that "data buffering" essential? In other words, should I simply wait however long it takes for the game client to shut-down? Ehh, screw it. At this point, I really need to purchase a new gaming rig anyway, since my set-up has been a capricious headache to say the least.:tran_tongue:

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On windows 7, I get the blue circle on occasion when I exit the game. I let it spin for a minute or two just in case it's trying to save data and then do a right click off of the toolbar and force it close.


I don;t recall having any major problem doing so.

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It's done the same to me on three different systems since launch, each one a brand new, freshly unboxed computer. I find it hard to believe it's the hardware doing it and not the program. The longer the game runs the more likely it is to either take forever or outright hang the system trying to close.


I used to force quit with task manager from the character select screen if I was in a hurry, but recently I just use the kill program button on my gaming keyboard regardless of the screen I'm on.

Edited by Nothing_Shines
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On windows 7, I get the blue circle on occasion when I exit the game. I let it spin for a minute or two just in case it's trying to save data and then do a right click off of the toolbar and force it close.


I don;t recall having any major problem doing so.


This has happened to me in Win7, Win8 and Win10. usually I just force quit, because the one time i let it try to work itself out, it was still not responding after a full day at work

signed on in the morning, did some stuff, quit, walked away, went to work, came home, noticed my computer was not asleep and saw the SWTOR was still in a not responding state



My advice to the OP and the other with it taking several minutes to close: Try a disk cleanup and defrag. Might improve things, might not. You also might want to look into more in depth disk diagnostics because I fear your hard drive is failing - SWTOR might be located in suspect sectors of the drive.

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So, when I exit the game, the client takes 3 minutes or more to close out. Is there something I need to do or is it something everyone deals with? Thanks for reading!


When I had a weaker computer I'd log out than quit game. Went a little faster.

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I experience much the same. Pretty much the only things I've installed on this computer have been Office, Steam (and one game), SWTOR, and Windows 10. SWTOR was the first install, and it's always been slow to shutdown. It was actually a little worse in Win8.1, but it's still not perfect. It outright hangs a lot less, but usually takes well over a minute to close.
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Well its good to see the proof that it's more of a normal thing that happens to many people.


It's always been this way for me and this is the only game that it ever happens on. I have just figured SWTOR is more demanding/encompassing of a computer than other games

Edited by mudtech
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Same problem on different PC's and windows.

1) Intel i5 3570, GTX 660, 8 GB Ram, Windows 10 (8.1 too)

2) AMD Phenom II x4, GTS 450 (terrible office version), 4 GB Ram, Windows 7.


Longer you play, longer game try to shutdown.

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