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Evasion not blocking abilities while the user is stunned?


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Why is half this thread QQ about skanks? Skanks only came into vogue as the larger playerbase has come to understand that defensive stats are garbage. There are so many options to bypass, entirely, one or more defensive checks.


CC crushes all melee/ranged defenses for its duration. This happens to guardians and juggernauts as well.


What, you thought your operative wasn't abusing some sort of broken mechanic? You're doing the same thing to stunlocked players.


but I have seen people use DPS armorings for the extra crit to ravage
This doesn't make sense to me.


Off-topic: It's a shame I won't get much time to play ion AP before the nerf comes. The skank in that spec makes immortal dps skank look gimp.

Edited by Ansultares
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Well, you will love the PVP forums... That's all we do here is argue. Constructive and critical? Hmm not sure about that part. :D


What's this "konstucktif and kreetickle" thing I keep hearing about?? Sounds kinky. :D

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Funny how many people don't know that.


But yes, that's why when you tanktunnel you hardstun the tank when trying to burst him down. Also why it is a great idea to cc an operative in evasion, assassin in deflection, etc.


Speaking of which, I'm not sure if the same works for Shroud, since there are only a few stuns that work on it. Carbonize, low slash, and maybe grenade? Makes it kind of hard to test. But also shroud (at least after they "fixed" it) behaves in a bit different way anyway.

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You can test this for resilience too. Low slash and try for some force/tech damage. Not sure it'd work, though... But it's worth a shot.


I believe flash grenade AoE used to work on resilience too? I think they fixed that, though.

Edited by Greezt
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Okay, stuns affecting deflection, saber ward (The defence chance bit), and the sorts was fairly known, but, I had no idea that carbonize and low slash could go through force shroud ^^" Thanks for that bit of info.

This doesn't make sense to me..

Me either, +5% crit to ravage is okay, but... ehm, you lose out on other things.

Edited by catseverywhere
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What, you thought your operative wasn't abusing some sort of broken mechanic? You're doing the same thing to stunlocked players.


Er, no, because if you're using white damage attacks in your regular rotation at all as an operative, you're doing something wrong.


My tech attacks are going to go through any +defense chance ability regardless. :rolleyes:



But on topic of the thread, they should document this somewhere in the game, then. You guys act like this is some widely known mechanic and yet this is the first time I've ever seen anyone reference it, or even noticed it in WZs?


And about stunning tanks, I was fairly certain that stunning the tank was to prevent the tank from popping any additional DCDs, never, ever have I seen someone say "oh yeah, you stun the tank to make their defense go back to baseline".

Edited by QuiveringPotato
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Er, no, because if you're using white damage attacks in your regular rotation at all as an operative, you're doing something wrong.


Well, if you're chasing someone and gap closers are on cd i don't see what's wrong to rifle shot/overload shot - little damage > zero damage.

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Well, if you're chasing someone and gap closers are on cd i don't see what's wrong to rifle shot/overload shot - little damage > zero damage.


That's why I said regular rotation.


Obviously, snipe and overload shot are both useful in situational moments. What I'm saying is, you're never going to stun someone who has a defense DCD up, and then try to spam overload shot on them, lol, so the guy I was replying to was making a dumb point.

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So, I was dueling a friend playing immortal in DPS gear, and we noticed that I was still getting hit with his ravage (along with force choke, expected) while I had evasion up.


New bug? Never noticed this before.


Evasion Bug


As you can see in the gif, the first two hits of ravage go through my evasion.


Additionally, checked this afterwards, and your defense stats do indeed display the same "205%", so I'm assuming this is a bug. If it was intended, it would be at the normal level.


We also tested this with Deflection on an assassin and it seemed to suffer the same thing, so is this a new bug? I've never seen this happen before. (60% defense chance with deflection, but we double stunned and spammed auto attack which hits 3 times, and every hit connected, it only started missing once the sin was no longer stunned)




Its intended and has something to do with hardswitch. Back in the day when this game had some hope of skillfull gaming they made it so hardswitching was a viable option. This is a relict from these days. It has been like this forever. Dont begg to remove it, learn it to use to your advantage instead as its intended.


P.s. This is also why its so much fun to gore ravage tank in double carb ;)

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Its intended and has something to do with hardswitch. Back in the day when this game had some hope of skillfull gaming they made it so hardswitching was a viable option. This is a relict from these days. It has been like this forever. Dont begg to remove it, learn it to use to your advantage instead as its intended.


P.s. This is also why its so much fun to gore ravage tank in double carb ;)


Ahh, they should at least make some note about this in the abilities that give defense chance, then. :) I was unaware, I played pretty casually from launch up until right before 2.0, really.

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Its intended and has something to do with hardswitch. Back in the day when this game had some hope of skillfull gaming they made it so hardswitching was a viable option. This is a relict from these days. It has been like this forever. Dont begg to remove it, learn it to use to your advantage instead as its intended.


P.s. This is also why its so much fun to gore ravage tank in double carb ;)


At least when I do it, just feels like it's making someone throw a keyboard out the window by invalidating their defences entirely and taking out a huge chunk of their health. ^^" But, if it's intended, rather than just being a hiccup for a purge+immunity, then that's alright.

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I'm glad you posted this. I thought my crappy internet was the culprit for this and didn't think much more of it. I'll keep it in mind.


Yeah, I'm glad I understand it now, too.


I get the mechanic, it makes sense. If your character is incapacitated, naturally they'd be a sitting duck.


But.... there should REALLY be some sort of indication that this happens in the description of either stun abilities, or defensive abilities in general.

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What I'm saying is, you're never going to stun someone who has a defense DCD up
Depends on the DCD and your other options to bypass it.


Whatever other dumb **** you're talking about is class specific.


Though if you want to know why skanks exist in the first place, it's thanks to busted defensive stats, and the 8 million abilities and mechanics which bypass them in one way or another.


Most tanks are scrubs, and couldn't come up with skank if their yolo rating depended on it.


I guess it's known as "insider's knowledge", passed through certain circles only.
Or you figure it out on your own, when your DCDs keep mysteriously failing. Edited by Ansultares
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