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Ranked PVP


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Hi everybody


So I've decided I wanted to jump into PvP got myself fully geared up and augmented, ready to try out some solo ranked.


There's just been one problem, I queue up and there's no pop... ever. I'll go off and do some dailies while I'm in the queue an hour later there's still been no pop for the queue.


Is the ranked PvP scene just dead for solo players? Or is there some kind of secret illuminati pvp schedule I'm missing out on? :p

Edited by Turial
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Unfortunately ranked pops don't happen at all during mid season especially for solo around here. You'll see the most activity during the start of the season then it drops off. It will pick back up again when the rewards are announced and near end of the season.


Also a lot of people transferred their toons when it was cheap to Red Eclipse since that's where most of the games happen. So you may want to consider an expensive transfer or just level a new alt there, especially if ranked pvp is your primary focus for endgame. Last year we had people forming ops group on fleet and advertising on the pvp chat to get some games going and see who was in queue. If you do that usually gets people qing but you need to let people know.

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