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Soo no PvP Records topic... do players want one?


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Title more or less says it all. I'm still new to Ebon Hawk, and don't presume to understand or know everything about the kind of community that we have here. However, I'm still curious if players would want one, and if they would post on it. I guess I'm offering to create one. I don't fully main SWTOR anymore, so I can't promise an updated topic every day, but my OCD would make sure it was always correct. :)
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They always turn into a ****fest/flamewar. The people running the thread tend to leave the server, or the game, and it goes to limbo. Better to not have a giant e-peen thread and just play the damn game, IMO. Brag about stuff on enjin.
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They always turn into a ****fest/flamewar. The people running the thread tend to leave the server, or the game, and it goes to limbo. Better to not have a giant e-peen thread and just play the damn game, IMO. Brag about stuff on enjin.


Oh? I've actually looked through various server topics with records and haven't seen anything of the sort in recent times. Only thing that came close was a Harbinger topic where it was more or less calm and collected discussion about not allowing a couple screenshots due to having been farmed.


If folks aren't really interested, then that's that, but the overall atmosphere on these topics (that I've perused) currently do not seem to have any issues. Then again, I met a player who considered me super salty for saying "eh" after a loss. I suppose Ebon Hawk could be the exception with behavior if it suffers from a fragile mindset.

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Did you try looking through TEH posts instead of other servers? You won't find much, because they get deleted by the mods, hence my reply above.


This was the last records thread:



After that guy bailed, someone asked about starting a new one, and based on the fact that I can't find that thread anymore, I assume it turned into another forumPvP-fest which got purged by the mods.


If you wanna start one and run it, more power to you.

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Did you try looking through TEH posts instead of other servers? You won't find much, because they get deleted by the mods, hence my reply above.


This was the last records thread:



After that guy bailed, someone asked about starting a new one, and based on the fact that I can't find that thread anymore, I assume it turned into another forumPvP-fest which got purged by the mods.


If you wanna start one and run it, more power to you.


I attempted to (though admittedly, that was maybe a few weeks ago?) and couldn't find any. I thought perhaps TEH just never had any when I got to around 8 or 9 pages of topics. It's unfortunate they had to be deleted, but if it has been a problem before in these forums, perhaps better not to make one.


I'd like to start one, but I probably wouldn't update it more than once a week. And well, if it causes problems and the bulk of the PvP player base on TEH doesn't want one, I don't want to push one on the community needlessly.

Edited by Zekiirah
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gonna go ahead and tell you from previous experience running it, not worth it. It may be different now but I was legit getting 10-15 whispers a day while ingame bugging me to update the second a new record was submitted. I eventually just gave up. :p


And in all honesty, records threads are not really even purposeful, even as an epeen contest...I mean, the game has been dumbed down so much anyone with a decent sense of how to read and use a keyboard can pull 3k+ DPS just clicking the glowing buttons.


But it's your choice, if you choose to, I wish you luck. : P

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