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Chapter 3 Bounty Hunter won't finish in Legacy


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I finished the Bounty Hunter story, I am on to Makeb right now.


But in the legacy it doesn't say its done and I do not get credit towards legendary status


I also just finished Sith Inquisitor story and it completed fine.


Is there something I missed? Or did wrong?



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I have the same issue.


I also seem to have a "shuttle pass" in my mission items tab. Does anyone else have that too? I seem to remember getting that when completing the final BH mission but it was never removed from my mission items upon completion. I wonder if that is related in some way to completing the Chapter 3 achievement. Of course it could be completely unrelated.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm seeing the same issue with a new Smuggler. I completed the class quests for chapters 1-3 and automatically had the Ilum story arc added to my log. Smuggler still shows as being incomplete on the character select screen and the Legacy Unlock (Republic classes ) for Smuggler shows chapter 3 incomplete.
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