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40 Characters, all 65!


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It's all relative, I don't know how long they have been playing but if it's been a while you can level quickly especially now since 4.0 .


When will you equal this achievement then? ;) I know, I know, you could but you don't want to.


I have leveled 8 characters and am continuing to do so through KotFE but I cannot conceive of the patience and dedication it took that fellow to do what he did. Kudos to him for it.

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Or someone who suffers from Chronic insomnia and hardly needs sleep?


Hehe, nah, nothing like that.


It was rather easy, just over 2 years of playing casualy, using the 12x XP when it was out the 2nd time. (I wasnt there for the 1st time, but someone told me about it.)


I play MMOs since the 1st ever was released and this game isnt hard to lvl characters compared to back in the day. I was just having fun and suddenly i had alot of toons, lol.

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The mind boggling part (to me) is the gearing. Player skill aside, I simply can't find the proper schedule to do even a flashpoint run with friends, nevermind Ops and HM Ops. That's why I play mostly solo.


I play mostly solo as well (oddball schedule, constant interruptions when in-game) and so far I've managed to gear everybody pretty well, to the max possible without going into PvP/OPs. Since I don't do either of those, I guess I'm good. My progress is hindered only by my lack of skill.

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When will you equal this achievement then? ;) I know, I know, you could but you don't want to.


I have leveled 8 characters and am continuing to do so through KotFE but I cannot conceive of the patience and dedication it took that fellow to do what he did. Kudos to him for it.


I will get there eventually :D , my problem is I savour and take my time over every single bloody character (I guess that's my character fault) which means doing as many quests as I can come across on a planet while questing all bonus series (when I can find them) and that my play time is usually saturday and sunday only I don't go on often during the week.


Oh it also might have been helpful if I did not keep deleting characters and restarting them, I used to have a level 60 Juggernaut but rarely used Jaesa for questing since pre 4.0 DPS/DPS combo was not my thing so I basically started deleted him and started again so I can use Jaesa for all planets after acquiring her. I had similar issues with other characters.


I just need this game to last long enough for me to run the game through with a total of 32 characters and that will be my achievement met.

Edited by Jedi_riches
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I will get there eventually :D , my problem is I savour and take my time over every single bloody character (I guess that's my character fault) which means doing as many quests as I can come across on a planet while questing all bonus series (when I can find them) and that my play time is usually saturday and sunday only I don't go on often during the week.


Oh it also might have been helpful if I did not keep deleting characters and restarting them, I used to have a level 60 Juggernaut but rarely used Jaesa for questing since pre 4.0 DPS/DPS combo was not my thing so I basically started deleted him and started again so I can use Jaesa for all planets after acquiring her. I had similar issues with other characters.


I just need this game to last long enough for me to run the game through with a total of 32 characters and that will be my achievement met.


Yeah, I certainly cannot be accused of being a speed demon either. I wander, a lot. Poke around etc. I've found more holocrons by accident than design that way. An MMO, to me, is something that is meant to be played over a long span and so I do.

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I play mostly solo as well (oddball schedule, constant interruptions when in-game) and so far I've managed to gear everybody pretty well, to the max possible without going into PvP/OPs. Since I don't do either of those, I guess I'm good. My progress is hindered only by my lack of skill.


Yeah, my schedule is quite irregular. I live in an odd Time Zone for my main server and I just can't log too many hours of play in a single session. That tends to hinder group play.


I have one character in full 216 comm gear with some 220 comm pieces, fully augmented; and another in full 208 PvP non-augmented gear. I'd really like to learn to do Ops, but player skill aside, I'll probably never get the schedule right.

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Yeah, I certainly cannot be accused of being a speed demon either. I wander, a lot. Poke around etc. I've found more holocrons by accident than design that way. An MMO, to me, is something that is meant to be played over a long span and so I do.


I did the whole speed stuff when 12x xp was on and to be honest while it helped to complete all classes once, I do feel as though I missed too much because I only did class stuff.


I have always been half tempted to re-do any class I did under 12x xp and delete and re-level. I have half started that with my guardian as I 'accidentally' cheated on Kira (well it was the first character I took through SOR and it appeared as if there was no problems with that) and I have since decided my knight is not that much of a douche, hence I have another guardian level 65 just starting chapter 2 of the knight class story.

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Yeah, my schedule is quite irregular. I live in an odd Time Zone for my main server and I just can't log too many hours of play in a single session. That tends to hinder group play.


I have one character in full 216 comm gear with some 220 comm pieces, fully augmented; and another in full 208 PvP non-augmented gear. I'd really like to learn to do Ops, but player skill aside, I'll probably never get the schedule right.


Yup. Sounds very familiar. :) Sometimes I can game for an hour without interruptions but that's pretty rare. And the only time I've a hope of that is when most folk are asleep.


Still, I am progressing and having fun so it's all to the good.

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I did the whole speed stuff when 12x xp was on and to be honest while it helped to complete all classes once, I do feel as though I missed too much because I only did class stuff.


I have always been half tempted to re-do any class I did under 12x xp and delete and re-level. I have half started that with my guardian as I 'accidentally' cheated on Kira (well it was the first character I took through SOR and it appeared as if there was no problems with that) and I have since decided my knight is not that much of a douche, hence I have another guardian level 65 just starting chapter 2 of the knight class story.


I did that! I leveled a sage right around the winter holidays with all the xp boosting and even I was unhappy with how abysmally I was handling the class (sage!) when I hit 65. So we started over.


Lesson learnt there.

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Yesterday i reached a personal goal of capping my characters on Ebon Hawk!


40 toons, all 65 and now ALL geared for HM OPS.


Just wanted to share my joy! :D


Video proof :


Wow :eek:

I mean....just...wow.


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When back though all my characters across all my two accounts and have 48 level 65's. However this is not all on the same server or even same account as said. Also 9 of these were instance level 60's. So in real terms that makes 39 from level 1 to 65.


I play this game far too much, lol


So you win. :)

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Wow :eek:

I mean....just...wow.



Thx alot!


I just noticed that some hatters went to see my video and voted it down, lol. I dont mind it, for whatever reason they have, that wont change the fact i did this and im proud of it. :rak_02:

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At the beginning of last year, I started a new toon with the goal of doing absolutely all solo content on it. Every quest (including bonus quests and bonus questlines,) exploration area, companion, and later solo fp. I'm still working on it for that one character. He's finally to Yavin (though he hit 65 somewhere on Belsavis.)
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At the beginning of last year, I started a new toon with the goal of doing absolutely all solo content on it. Every quest (including bonus quests and bonus questlines,) exploration area, companion, and later solo fp. I'm still working on it for that one character. He's finally to Yavin (though he hit 65 somewhere on Belsavis.)


Its something different! :hope_01:


Im prety sure i did every solo-doable things in this game, but not on one toon, lol.

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My personal (albeit sometimes frustrating) achievement, was getting my Jedi "Knight" to 65... for the most part, the old fashion way - long before dble xp weekends, etc.


Was a slog, but I sure do get comments from players when they do a double take... "whoa, you don't have an AC??"


Thinking about rolling a "Trooper" to 65 next... but not in a hurry.


But 40 toons to 65 - holy crap bro, noice!




Edited by Johnycat
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My personal (albeit sometimes frustrating) achievement, was getting my Jedi "Knight" to 65... for the most part, the old fashion way - long before dble xp weekends, etc.


Was a slog, but I sure do get comments from players when they do a double take... "whoa, you don't have an AC??"


Thinking about rolling a "Trooper" to 65 next... but not in a hurry.


But 40 toons to 65 - holy crap bro, noice!







Im a Founder, so i pre-ordered the game, lvled my Sorc to 50 within the 1st month and then stoped playing for 2 years, lol.


Back in the day, the endgame was bad and i was sure the game would die. But then F2P happened and the game was saved.

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Thx alot!


I just noticed that some hatters went to see my video and voted it down, lol. I dont mind it, for whatever reason they have, that wont change the fact i did this and im proud of it. :rak_02:


Haters gonna hate. Don't let it bother you. I think it's cool - its like your own personal army))

I with swtor from the start, but still have only two geared main 65 (for both side) and bunch of 50 toons (for class stories).

What you did it's quite an achievement.

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Haters gonna hate. Don't let it bother you. I think it's cool - its like your own personal army))

I with swtor from the start, but still have only two geared main 65 (for both side) and bunch of 50 toons (for class stories).

What you did it's quite an achievement.


Hehe, thx!

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My personal (albeit sometimes frustrating) achievement, was getting my Jedi "Knight" to 65... for the most part, the old fashion way - long before dble xp weekends, etc.


Was a slog, but I sure do get comments from players when they do a double take... "whoa, you don't have an AC??"


Thinking about rolling a "Trooper" to 65 next... but not in a hurry.


But 40 toons to 65 - holy crap bro, noice!





Video with my 1st toon getting a Datacron, look at the date :

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