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Eternal Championship is a joke


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Thank you. Now we can have a sensible discussion rather then unverifiable forum "drive bys"


What I quoted above pretty well provides the key points, IMO. You are in top end gear with full augments, with a maxed companion, running in healing mode for a heavy tank class character, and clearly enough experience to be proficient with your class, a heavy class which will have some advantage and probably some disadvantages (which gear likely overcomes).


Now... do you honestly believe that EC was tuned for your parameters? Or perhaps more to a center point of the broader player base? Be honest and objective here. Is this the basis for judging the content to be a failure of challenge?


Personally, I think they needed (and chose) to center EC around a broader player base then your parameters exhibit. Think fresh 65s with average companion influence levels and average player proficiency. And clearly they did..... otherwise the forum would be melting down over needing to do a gear grind just to play EC.


All that would be required for EC to be a challenge for you would be to switch out a companion with say level 20-25 influence (since that is probably closer to what most players have), take the companion out of healer mode, and entry level capped gear... ie: 208-212, un-augmented. This would move you down the pure power curve about ~30% or so.. right? So you could indeed fit yourself for challenge at the average levels for the broader player base and likely find some challenge.


The difference between you (and the OP) and I is that understand that if I am in top end gear, fully augmented, and with a maxed companion..... I won't see the challenge level the encounter is tuned for. Because if they tuned it for Ops level gear and maxed companions.. that would probably freeze two thirds of the players out of objective play of the EC content. So far, I have not had real issues with EC... but I also know that my gear and companion are notably adding to my successes. I could indeed tune both down if I wanted to set an personally appropriate challenge level for myself... and not freeze a majority of lesser equipped players out of the content.


I forgot to mention my details, and I think that would go well as a reply here, especially considering your last bit about what would make it challenging.


I have done it with 2 characters. Concealment Op, and Lightning Sorc. I had not played the OP for a month, and I had not played the sorc since KoTFE initially came out.


Op is about half 216 ( data crystal gear, so worse than proper 216 gear. ) and about half 208 ( again, crystal. ) With a 220 ear and implant. Again, all crystal. So, no set bonuses. I got most all of these crystals just from doing the chapters, and 2 runs of the weekly heroics ( which leveled up the alliance specialists giving me tons of crystals. ) I do have augments, though they are still power. I have not updated to crit/alacrity/etc. 27 companion.


Sorc is even worse off, since I only did chapters 1-10 and EC. Almost all 208, with 1 204 and I think 1 220. All crystal again, no set bonuses. Also running power augs. ( It's been cheap to augment for awhile, so everyone should be. ) I don't remember the exact companion level, but I think it was 14. Again, he's done almost nothing, so the companions are all really low.


So, with the sorc, I constantly had issues with my rotation ( since I hadn't played in so long. ), had entry level gear, low influence companion, and I still only died to 1 boss. ( Final boss got me a few times due to bad luck, such as getting stun comboed, walker popping up, and pet shooting boss for final damage to push him below 50 starting phase 3. So, at start of phase 3, I had droids and walker up right from the start, and no early damage on boss as I was waiting for stun to wear off and then running to the center, and calling pet in. It took all of that working together to kill me. )

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So, with the sorc, I constantly had issues with my rotation ( since I hadn't played in so long. ), had entry level gear, low influence companion, and I still only died to 1 boss. ( Final boss got me a few times due to bad luck, such as getting stun comboed, walker popping up, and pet shooting boss for final damage to push him below 50 starting phase 3. So, at start of phase 3, I had droids and walker up right from the start, and no early damage on boss as I was waiting for stun to wear off and then running to the center, and calling pet in. It took all of that working together to kill me. )


I've only run my trooper so far. I will probably run my sorc as well, once I finish with the trooper. And my sorc is roughly geared similar to yours.


So.. from your experience shared on your sorc runs.. It looks very much like you were running a character that is roughly in the center point of the difficulty curve they set for EC. Does that sound roughly correct, from your personal experience? Ie: not a cake walk, but not undoable either... and luck of /random can tip you one way or the other on any given run through.


Bottom line, I think they tuned the initial release of EC to be doable by a fresh capped 65, a newer players who may have used @60token and running a companion with lower influence (somewhere between 15-25). Honestly.. I'm fine with it.. though I would still think a difficulty switch would benefit the studio and players wanting more challenge.

Edited by Andryah
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Here's a suggestion for those who are in the spot I was in. I was really struggling. I ditched Koth who I have healing at influence rank 44 (and at times in the fight got no heals) for M1-4X who I have healing at influence rank 38. Perhaps it was psychological, but it sure seemed to become a lot easier.
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So.. from your experience shared on your sorc runs.. It looks very much like you were running a character that is roughly in the center point of the difficulty curve they set for EC. Does that sound roughly correct, from your personal experience. Ie: not a cake walk, but not undoable either... and luck of /random can tip you one way or the other on any given run through.


No, I found it quite easy. I had to do things wrong, AND have random go against me...and even then, it was only on the 1 very last boss that this was an issue. The 9 bosses before were just a chore to get through. Trash mobs, basically. The first 9 are not even on par with flashpoint bosses difficulty wise.


I should also point out, with my op who I managed to die on boss 7 with ( might have said 6 earlier...if so I got them mixed up. It was Noc that killed me. ), I went in completely blind. I didn't even check the reports or anything from the terminal. That's how ridiculously easy the mechanics part of it is: I didn't have to learn anything at all. ( Except don't kill Noc first. Friend will 1 shot you, which is good. )


Difficulty wise, I found the Op was a 3 and Sorc a 2. Out of 10. It wasn't quite the faceroll that KoTFE content is, but it's still easier than pretty much any other special content ( Flashpoints, heroics, ops, etc. Note I'm comparing those to going in with the intended number of people and expected gear/level. It's also WAY easier than doing star forts solo, which do a much better job at forcing you to learn mechanics and such. )


Furthermore, my chief complaint as mentioned in my first post, isn't so much with the core "difficulty" ( which is fairly subjective ), but rather with the implementation going against the core design of teaching people how to perform in HM FPs and SM OPs. EC teaches you to ignore many mechanics, that failing mechanics isn't a failure, that gear is superior to tactics, that you should just change class/spec and rely more on companion carrying you.

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No, I found it quite easy. I had to do things wrong, AND have random go against me...and even then, it was only on the 1 very last boss that this was an issue. The 9 bosses before were just a chore to get through. Trash mobs, basically. The first 9 are not even on par with flashpoint bosses difficulty wise.


Heh.. fair enough. Personally, I consider having to work at it, or things having to go wrong in order to fail to be par for the course in MMOs. In other words, I can't face roll it, but nor is it a suicide effort. :)


Anyway.. I put a suggestion in the suggestion forum ... asking if they could put a 3 position difficulty switch on EC. I encourage others to take time to go over there and chime in as well. More posts and viewpoints could help encourage them to consider the suggestion. :cool: ---> http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=882271


Furthermore, my chief complaint as mentioned in my first post, isn't so much with the core "difficulty" ( which is fairly subjective ), but rather with the implementation going against the core design of teaching people how to perform in HM FPs and SM OPs. EC teaches you to ignore many mechanics, that failing mechanics isn't a failure, that gear is superior to tactics, that you should just change class/spec and rely more on companion carrying you.


I get what you are saying... but I honestly don't think anything other then guided SM OPs, and maybe some guided small group FP content can prepare players properly for OPs. Not just in this MMO.. but any MMO. This is after all, IMO, one key reason why guilds exist. People who want to PuG OPs are always going to be problems, unless they have been properly trained in an encounter by a supportive guild, OR griefed their way through OPs via PuGs until they finally learned or gave up, or were on everyone's ignore list.

Edited by Andryah
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you don't need gear either. Made a jugg with a 60 token ran trough 9 chapters to be on level went in there with the same gear that it came with and cleared it all. Gear only makes it easier but can be done without it.


good for you?


since my reply from before was deleted with a warning, (which I have seen actualy insulting replies stay while mine wasn't) allow me to reiterate as neutrally as i can.


the target audience of this content appears to be an average solo player. a player that likely does NOT do progression raiding. speed run solo no death achievements are there for a progression raider. otherwise, the challenge is supposedly tuned for an average player who doesn't have experience, reflexes, etc of the players that have hardmode Revan etc on farm.


there are people who speed run through Dark Souls with no deaths. that doesn't mean Dark Souls is easy and a joke.


mechanics might be more forgiving on bosses one through 5 but starting with 6... they are anything but.


its very nice that some of you come into this and other threads to brag bout how good of the player you are, since this content is easy. for you. here's a cookie.


now. report away again.


dear bioware? EC is still not fun. IMO. the difficulty curve is too sharp between fights 1 through 5 and 6 through 10. mechanics are too punishing on someone who is not a perfect player and doesn't manage to avoid everything, even when they are actualy trying and doesn't have augmented ops gear. and worst of it - rewards are still not enticing enough to deal with weeks of farming this to get enough tokens to buy them. but thank you for trying to add more repeatable content to the game.

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Heh.. fair enough. Personally, I consider having to work at it, or things having to go wrong in order to fail to be par for the course in MMOs. In other words, I can't face roll it, but nor is it a suicide effort. :)


For basic single player content, sure. However, this is supposed to be teaching players how to handle the more challenging content, so a failure on your part should be a death. There needs to be a clear "You did that wrong, and need to correct that."


Something else that could help here, though I'm not sure how much the engine would be capable of this without a lot of work, is a slow motion and camera pivot when you fail on a critical mechanic. ( That can be disabled on a per boss basis though for once you get each down. )


So, lets say you don't get out of the Fury Mortar in time. As it fires off, the slow mo starts and camera moves around, and the mortar circle flashes, showing you are still inside of it. Then, a message appears saying something like "You have failed to escape the area of the Fury Mortar!" The game returns to normal, and you take your damage, maybe die if it was critical enough. Try again.


I would also like to see skipping bosses once you have beaten them. That's easy enough: When you enter the arena, the terminal would ask where you want to start, and list all of the bosses you have made it to. This way, you don't have to slog through all of the ones you found easy. ( Well, this should only be in the Solo+ mode, which doesn't have the rewards, so you can't just skip for the weekly. )


I do also hope for more difficulty modes, and modes for more than just yourself. Treat it like any regular flashpoint, basically.

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good for you?

mechanics might be more forgiving on bosses one through 5 but starting with 6... they are anything but.


They're also very forgiving on bosses 6-9.


6: Hitting from outside of range is a minor nuisance. Killing brawler first is also pretty easy to survive. Letting the 2 get close just stings.


7: You can completely ignore the belt. You can kill Drake without touching Noc. You can let Noc hit you in enrage+charge and still get away.


8: You can ignore the adds that buff rancor, he doesn't hit that hard even with it. Traps are pretty minor damage. Pet doesn't get hit by the sweeping slash. Getting slammed AND tossed into a trap is still easy to survive.


9: Missiles falling down do pretty little damage, you can survive the robots exploding ( though this one is pretty close to good if it wasn't so easy to avoid them, and a time when you take little other damage. ), and both you and pet can take the big laser to the face and walk away fine.

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Every time someone struts in here and says "X isn't hard enough", it reminds me of this.


I think you slightly misunderstood that. It would apply better to those saying things like "You should use lower level gear, and a lower influence companion!" though.


Basically, it's the 3 fighting over who has given themselves the biggest handicap to play.

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I realize you have had a large ego in the past, but its one thing to say the EC is easy, but its another thing go further and say its another tank and spank fight with no depth at all. Yeah it lacks some depth, but to simply state it has none shows you trying to show off and bash others. Show me some videos of you doing nothing and ignoring the mechanics past stage 5. I especially want to see you just stand in one spot for stage 6, or hey, all the other ones after that.


There is nothing. You can completely ignore 99% of the mechanics in there. I stood in one spot while getting hit by the droids jumping to me and blowing up the entire time during round 5. You can easily place a static barrier on yourself and heal through the damage. You don't have to be a bad to figure that out. Also, round 6, I stood in the middle while my Ashara took bulk of the damage from Crush and Ripper. The only time I left the middle of the arena was when I got knocked back. Other than that, my Ashara DPSed Ripper and Crush down like they were nothing. The brawler was on me the entire time knocking me back but I kept him in the middle where Ashara was fighting the two mobs so I can throw AoE dmg out. Even with both Ripper and Crush enraged the entire time from everyone being stacked on each other, Ashara was easily healed. Same goes for me. Those two fights weren't even hard. The last boss was harder to heal because I had to constantly heal myself from the laser every time I was targeted. The entire Eternal Championship is a joke, that's why it only drops 208 gear and comms to buy 216.

Edited by Renata_Roselli
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I think you slightly misunderstood that. It would apply better to those saying things like "You should use lower level gear, and a lower influence companion!" though.


Basically, it's the 3 fighting over who has given themselves the biggest handicap to play.


1) It's still the three of them arguing over how "easy" a game is and epeen waving.

2) There's also an artist's note below it.

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What BioWare should do is update the Eternal Championship once a month and add three more rounds per month that are difficult and drop greater rewards. Kind of like what Blade & Soul does with their Mushins Tower. It's the same concept as the Eternal Championship in SWTOR except Blade & Soul did it first.
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They're also very forgiving on bosses 6-9.


6: Hitting from outside of range is a minor nuisance. Killing brawler first is also pretty easy to survive. Letting the 2 get close just stings.


7: You can completely ignore the belt. You can kill Drake without touching Noc. You can let Noc hit you in enrage+charge and still get away.


8: You can ignore the adds that buff rancor, he doesn't hit that hard even with it. Traps are pretty minor damage. Pet doesn't get hit by the sweeping slash. Getting slammed AND tossed into a trap is still easy to survive.


9: Missiles falling down do pretty little damage, you can survive the robots exploding ( though this one is pretty close to good if it wasn't so easy to avoid them, and a time when you take little other damage. ), and both you and pet can take the big laser to the face and walk away fine.


NONE of those things actualy applied to my experience.


hitting from outside the range required me to stop and self heal. or die. I also had to constantly kite. or die. which as a sorc made a pretty large dent in my dps, prolonging the fight.


7. had to hit Noc in order to kite her through mines. if I didn't kite her through mines, she two shot me. once she enraged post Drake death i HAD to use the mines on the belt, otherwise, all I could get off were insta casts/occasional thundering blast. which again prolonged the fight.


8. if I didn't avoid most of the traps/killed adds? I would get overwhelmed and die.


9. robots exploding I could survive, the problem is, its never just robot exploding. if i didn't attempt to avoid missiles? i died after a few salvos. big lazer to the face would two shot me. even while running out of it, if i didn't start running early enough - it took a huge chunk of my health away.


don't even get me started on 10 and its final phase.


oh yeah, I did not get any practice in on PTS.


my gear averages out to about 216 with 208 mainhand - no set pieces, Lana is influence 26. augmented for the most part (few pieces missing) but with prior expac augments. still better gear than typical solo player, and certainly good enough to solo H2 fortresses. while my "the one and only" is from before companion nerf - I DO have it and after they eased down on the nerf a bit, while fortresses have gotten harder - they haven't gotten THAT much harder. Lana was influence 20 when I did it, for record's sakes. dps is my offspec, I switched because soloing as a healer has been annoying post 4.0, ironically enough. pre 4.0 I switched between Ashara and Zalek and was having a grand time (their gear was by the end of SoR devoted allies stuff, prior to that - my cast offs/occasional basic vendor stuff), post 4.0 I found dps companions too squishy and not dealing enough damage unless I went dps myself and offhealed.


I don't know how people ignore mechanics and survive, unless they outgear the bosses significantly AND burn through them fast enough to barely see mechanics.


I certainly couldn't ignore them, not if I wanted to live through the fights.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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I was able to get the Deathless Champion title on a lightning sorc, average gear level 216, augmented plus two piece set bonus. Level 42 companion (Senya) set to heals. Just a few opinions:


1. OP reads like humblebrag. Eternal Championship has a World 4-3 difficulty feel to it. Moderate.


2. Devs, SWTOR is an RPG. Consider lockouts for each boss. Needing to kill all bosses in one instance, despite unlimited continues, may be the wrong kind of eustress for this market.


3. As a raider who isn't raiding at the moment, it was kind of cool to have to think a little bit about mechanics in single player. As a Founder, no, it's not more difficult than release difficulty. But difficulty at release was more of a stats and balance issue than an encounter mechanics issue.

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NONE of those things actualy applied to my experience.


hitting from outside the range required me to stop and self heal. or die. I also had to constantly kite. or die. which as a sorc made a pretty large dent in my dps, prolonging the fight.


7. had to hit Noc in order to kite her through mines. if I didn't kite her through mines, she two shot me. once she enraged post Drake death i HAD to use the mines on the belt, otherwise, all I could get off were insta casts/occasional thundering blast. which again prolonged the fight.


8. if I didn't avoid most of the traps/killed adds? I would get overwhelmed and die.


9. robots exploding I could survive, the problem is, its never just robot exploding. if i didn't attempt to avoid missiles? i died after a few salvos. big lazer to the face would two shot me. even while running out of it, if i didn't start running early enough - it took a huge chunk of my health away.


don't even get me started on 10 and its final phase.


oh yeah, I did not get any practice in on PTS.


my gear averages out to about 216 with 208 mainhand - no set pieces, Lana is influence 26. augmented for the most part (few pieces missing) but with prior expac augments. still better gear than typical solo player, and certainly good enough to solo H2 fortresses. while my "the one and only" is from before companion nerf - I DO have it and after they eased down on the nerf a bit, while fortresses have gotten harder - they haven't gotten THAT much harder. Lana was influence 20 when I did it, for record's sakes. dps is my offspec, I switched because soloing as a healer has been annoying post 4.0, ironically enough. pre 4.0 I switched between Ashara and Zalek and was having a grand time (their gear was by the end of SoR devoted allies stuff, prior to that - my cast offs/occasional basic vendor stuff), post 4.0 I found dps companions too squishy and not dealing enough damage unless I went dps myself and offhealed.


I don't know how people ignore mechanics and survive, unless they outgear the bosses significantly AND burn through them fast enough to barely see mechanics.


I certainly couldn't ignore them, not if I wanted to live through the fights.


Odd, that sounds like you were taking WAY more damage than I did, and I just checked and my gear is even worse than I thought on my sorc, so you have quite a bit better gear, and significantly higher companion.


190 ear and implants, 186 relics, 220 head, 216 offhand and all of the rest are 208. 72,588 HP; 3,744 AC, and I did confirm my highest companion is currently HK-51 at 14. 82,091 HP for him.

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I wonder if the EC scales with your gear or companions level?


Unfortunately, no. EC is entirely static. Solo, full group, gear, nothing matters.


This is why some people are able to absolutely destroy it. ( Also, don't bother to take anyone else in, except just to show them around. It takes it from being easy, to down right trivial. About the difficulty of doing heroics on starter world at level 65. )

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Odd, that sounds like you were taking WAY more damage than I did, and I just checked and my gear is even worse than I thought on my sorc, so you have quite a bit better gear, and significantly higher companion.


190 ear and implants, 186 relics, 220 head, 216 offhand and all of the rest are 208. 72,588 HP; 3,744 AC, and I did confirm my highest companion is currently HK-51 at 14. 82,091 HP for him.


in that case... are you absolutely sure you have been ignoring mechanics rather then moving out and not even paying attention to it? because I was able to get 1 through 9 and came close to 10, gave up because it got to frustrating to keep bothering for the kind of rewards it offers. but I was ONLY able to do it IF and only IF I did not ignore the mechanics. at all.

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Reran EC ( only my 5th run, second as sorc. ) with my sorc to see just what I could screw up on purpose and still survive.


1: Did no damage for a bit to let the combat droid get buff rolling. Killed heal bot, then boss, leaving combat droid alive the entire time. No problem, never got below 1/3 or used emergency abilities like force barrier.


2: Ignored all adds, and ran into acid pools several times. Never got below 1/3 or used any emergency abilities. ( I usually had to even stay in the pools for a bit to take any damage at all. )


3: Ignored all heralds, stayed in center fire with boss hitting me, did not break out of knockdown. Never got below 1/2 life.


4: Did not use break out, did not stun boss, did not avoid cone shot, did not avoid yellow circle, ignored adds, did not pre-burn slug, stood in acid for a long time. ( Couldn't quite survive in it the entire time. ) 1st death while actively failing mechanics.


5: This one has a high base damage in it, so there isn't a lot I could do here. I did not interrupt or stun shield droids instead just killing them, I did not do damage or use teleports or sprint to get away from explosion droids. ( I just walked slowly. ), then to top it off, I purposefully ate one of the explosions. I was at 2/3 so this brought me down to about 25% plus a few hits from boss got me down to 20% before I started healing back up.


6: Killed from outside melee range ( this only hurt when all 3 were outside melee range, and chain lightning hit them all. Still only about 50% damage then. ) Let pet die early on, so I had to live without him, rez him, then continue fight. Started fight letting brawler beat on me for a long time building up 15 stacks ( Coulda take a fair bit more, but this is when pet pulled aggro and I let him die. He very nearly survived anyways, but spent too much time healing me instead of himself. )


7: Killed Drake without pre-damaging Noc. Avoiding running Noc through stuns whenever I could, and let her beat on me quite a bit, even in offensive stance. Stunned myself about 1/3 of the time. Walked through cone attack. After Drake died, I did not let Noc run into any mines, and did not loot belt. I stunned Noc 1 single time after letting her beat on me for a bit.


8: Tank and spanked it. Didn't avoid a single thing, ignored add letting him get healed and damage buffed. Purposefully ran through a fire trap for a bit as it's the only one that does damage, and he wasn't tossing me into that one. Slam+damage buff didn't even do 50% damage, and easily got healed. ( Did have an odd one where pet decided to ignore healing me, and kill the add. )


9 and 10 are pretty good, though 9 you can eat quite a lot of lasers and missiles fine, if you're ready for it you can eat an explosion droid and walk away from that too.


Also, remember that this is on my relatively low gear sorc with a rank 14 companion. NOT a heavily geared raid character with maxed companion.


In short: Boss 9 would be a nice difficulty for like boss 1. 10 would be a good fit for wave 6 ( the first boss that counts towards the weekly. ) All of the rest are WAY too easy mechanics wise.


EDIT: Forgot to mention: No use of the break out of stun, only used my own stun once ( on Noc 1 time ), never interrupted anything. I spent A LOT of time on the ground. Never used sorc invincibility either. Never sprinted out of AoEs. Never pulled companion to safety. Never used knockback. Never used whirlwind.


EDIT 2: Also, I did not use any stims, adrenals, medpacks, or kolto stations.

Edited by zechio
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in that case... are you absolutely sure you have been ignoring mechanics rather then moving out and not even paying attention to it? because I was able to get 1 through 9 and came close to 10, gave up because it got to frustrating to keep bothering for the kind of rewards it offers. but I was ONLY able to do it IF and only IF I did not ignore the mechanics. at all.


See my post above I just made. Not only did I not pay much attention to the mechanics, I purposefully did most of them wrong. Standing in aoes, enraging bosses, not using stuns/interrupts, not attacking adds, the works.

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See my post above I just made. Not only did I not pay much attention to the mechanics, I purposefully did most of them wrong. Standing in aoes, enraging bosses, not using stuns/interrupts, not attacking adds, the works.


all I can say is that it directly contradicts my own experiences and those of my friends. unless there was a stealth patch yesterday, forgive me but I'm having understandable difficulties taking your word for it.


and given that having boss 9 difficulty to be that of boss one? is unacceptable for content that is supposed to be something to do for solo players/recruitment mission for a companion.

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all I can say is that it directly contradicts my own experiences and those of my friends. unless there was a stealth patch yesterday, forgive me but I'm having understandable difficulties taking your word for it.


No patch, it was this way day 1.


Just ask yourself this: What is more likely?


1) That I spent a considerable amount of time coming up with a lie about absorbing some things, not others, on a per boss basis, that just happens to line up with what a large number of other people have said, all while saying how crappy my character is, and not claiming to have done this on the last 2 bosses, gaining absolutely nothing.


2) I did exactly as said. I just wrote down what I tried, as I tried it 1 at a time.


I'm on Shadowlands. Sorc is Zemerick, Op is Syzygies. Not sure if the bosses auto aggro or not, but a stealther might be able to join and watch me.


Full disclaimer: I was trying to hard to see just how far I could push this, I absolutely died quite a few times. ( Naturally, trying to find the line involves stepping back and forth over it. ) I think about 6 times before boss 9, then quite a few there before I gave up as it had too much chain stuff where I couldn't react. ( Example, missiles knock me over into droid, where combined with his snare and larger missile circle, I would get knocked down again before getting out, and droid finishes me off. So, I determined that while any individual thing was survivable, any combination was death. )


Oh, for some advice on the final boss: Make sure each phase you are tipping when YOU mean to. Walker goes down at 49%, and boss goes to the center at 50%. So, work the boss to 51%, then stop until the next cycle. ( This way, you can get him to the center fast, giving you more time before the walker is up. ) For the walker, get it to about 50 or 51%, then wait until the next laser cycle that you are fairly full of life, and there are no or just 1 droid. Don't worry about laser, just damage the boss. ( It stops the laser the moment you get it down to 49%. ) Finally, while the walker is recharging, stand right in the center. When you get knocked back, you won't go into the shock area. Bring the pain, and watch the walker. Once it's up, you need to make sure that the entire area is not covered by the mortar. Just be careful that you aren't by the edge and get knocked back even further. Mortar+Shock area is death.

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