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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Auto Start for Chapters When Travelling to Odessen


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It's not a huge issue, but is there any way to turn that off? It's a minor annoyance that if there is a new chapter available that my toon hasn't finished, it automatically starts whenever I go to Odessen.


For example, Chapter 13 hasn't been started on a toon. I run through some heroics with him and just want to turn in the boxes to the allies (Hylo, Sana, etc.). I use the travel to ally (via the allies tool) and instead of appearing near him/her as usual, the new chapter cut scene auto starts. If I esc to stop the cut scene, I'm moved out of the HQ section and can't get to the allies. So, basically, you have to go through the cut scene to start the chapter, then just not go to the next step in order to turn in boxes to the allies (Alien Research, Ancient Artifacts, etc.).


Like I said, it's not a huge issue, it's just an annoyance, which should be easily fixable. Either have the start button be the way to start the new chapter, and/or have the triangle over the proper person to start the chapter. Just remove the auto start when traveling to Odessen.


Anyone else running into this issue? Or am I alone in being annoyed by this?

Edited by AMulls
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You're definitely not alone. I found the autostart especially annoying with Chapter 11 since the intro doesn't end until you're dropped on Zakuul with Theron and then I have to waste time porting back to where I initially wanted to be.


Unless I'm continuing on from the previous chapter, I'd really prefer for it to not autostart when I zone into the alliance base.

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Maybe BW did this (and several other new content gating behind ch. 9 like the HK-55 companion and the eternal championship) so that their metrics show them "Hey, everybody is playing the KotFE chapters with multiple alts, so they must enjoying it. Lets do more single player content.".
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Yes, I find this very annoying. I also made a thread about it yesterday, actually. It's especially frustrating when that first cut scene is extra long and then dumps you somewhere that isn't Odessen, forcing you to travel again just to get back to where you originally wanted to be in the first place.
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