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LINUX [WINE]: Devs fix GSF bug!


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This relates to WINE in Linux. Anyone playing in Windows, this is academic at best.




The longstanding bug where minimap mouseover appears to be fixed, and I think it was fixed SWTOR-side. As a side effect, GSF appears to work- I have wine-staging up, and I could join and play GSF tonight without issue. I haven't played enough to say it is totally solid yet, but I've seen no issues so far.


Pretty damned excited!

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I'd say this is a pretty big deal, especially for everyone who's been considering migrating away from the increasingly invasive and bloated Windows operating systems (like me) but were hesitant because of the two major bugs indicated in the OP.


Any updates/details would be most appreciated, and I'm sure not just by me.

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I'm still running just fine- GSF and SWTOR still work. I'm using the method outlined:



(with the script and swtor_fix as discussed there)


Specifically, I'm on Fedora Core 23, I'm pretty sure the wine-staging is from RPM Fusion, with the nvida drivers as maintained by negativo17.


Once I installed, I *did* need to modify the client_settings.ini file (under the wine profile you make, find client_settings.ini- it is a swtor specific windows file), and occasionally have to goof with it. Specifically, I need D3DFullScreen = false (and I needed to make this change before I could get anywhere), and sometimes I need to reset the WindowX and WindowY because swtor can get confused when I drag its window all around the world and then exit. I run it in a window which I maximize, but I did run it as full screen windowed- I just prefer the windowed mode in Linux.


I didn't need to make any GSF specific modifications.





I think there's a lot of casual Linux / Windows users who are trying to push back to fully or almost-entirely Linux, now that Windows 10 has been launched as such a hostile entity, and they've tried to sneak all their spying onto 7 too. Windows 7 was such a generally good and fair OS that we really let our guard down. I won't make that mistake again.

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Also, for what it is worth- while there is a decent number of swtor players who run under Linux (and have since launch, with the diehards simply working around the now-fixed map bug), I don't think anyone else is running GSF under Linux. So if you have a Linux drive and some time you can spend on it, then you may well honestly be the second dude to try it out. I don't think you're going to see updates from the regular forum folks on this, and I don't know if we'll see the Starwine crew pop into GSF land suddenly because of it either. So if you're looking to experiment, good luck, and report back- and if you're looking for a general feel of "will it actually work if I go through all the drama", I don't think you can get that, nor do I think it will be forthcoming.
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