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Tython Legacy Issue


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This is regarding the Tython Legacy Training Droid. This player cannot complete the legacy requirement for Tython on a new character Jedi Consular. The Training Droid quest line has been discontinued.


I would like to see the training droids be able to be activated by clicking the the machines in order to complete this Legacy requirement. Or remove this Legacy requirement so it does not look incomplete.


Thank you for your consideration.


The "Z"


PS>>Any other players wishing for the completion of the Legacy for Tython please post here for a head count.

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Quest chain still exists, just straight up talk to Liam Dentiri. A lot of what used to be sidquests are now called "exploration quests" and are hidden by default.


If it HAS been completely removed, send in a ticket because that makes it impossible to get the 100% completion in legacy.

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