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I'm so glad Bioware fixed the PvP group queuing


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I'm so glad Bioware fixed the PvP group queuing so that guilds like <Regulators> can run quadruple Sage premades in regs.


Bravo <Regulators> Bravo, that is full cheese comp tryhard mode. Madness/Balance is hard, I know, so I applaud your elite skills.


But seriously, SWTOR PvP is in a bad enough state do people really need to ruin games by stacking the deck with FOTM premade BS?

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Yes boo to them for grouping with friends, for playing together, for running toons most of them have played since launch. (hope you got the sarcasm from that)


Seriously man stop being butthurt about what others play. i've got 2 sages and 2 sorcs have had them for a while play them daily so it's really funny when a man child like yourself decides to call people playing those classes FTOM. you understand sage and sorc have been powerful for a long time. it's not just a recent thing. Listen I know you're probably crying in a corner but c'mon wipe those tears away, pick yourself up, and move on; but please stop crying over what people play it really makes you look like a giant muppet.

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