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Almost non-existant decoration drops from heroics, planets and FPs


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Im not sure if this is a bug with your loot table, or loot drop settings but the last month or so decoration drops, including datacrons are extremely extremely rare, like im talking, the newest item in a cartel pack that everyone wants rare. They still drop from Ops occasionally. I and many other players have been frustrated by this, because we are wanting to get in to the strongholds more and are finding ourselves unable to get the decorations we want.


If this is indeed a bug, and not just a change on your part to the drop rate could someone please respond here. If it is a change on your part could you please think about upping it, by maybe half of what you lowered it by or even 1/4 of what you lowered it by, so I and many other players could enjoy the game better. This is not a demand, im just trying to bring this to the attention of some people to find out of this is indeed a bug or not. Its impossible to find Dark Aim Datacrons even on the gtn, so it seems that might be dropping 1% of the time or something like that.


Thank you, and if you cant figure out a good drop rate, why not make some of the older decorations available for green/blue/purple crystals on the fleet like you did with several rakata ones? I think that would be great also.

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I thought it was just me. When I started playing last year, I occasionally acquired datacrons. Sure, not every time, but between one and three per week. Despite continuing to running a ton of missions and flashpoints every week, I haven't had a single drop since... oh, a couple of patches ago?


All of the datacrons in my inventory came from doing the Chapters and some random side fun stuff on my Imperial character (Sith Warrior). Thinking back, I have had zero datacron drops on my Republic character (Jedi Knight). This may be due to playing the Imperial character first and then switching to my Republic character recently, after finishing KotFE with my SIth. I'm finishing Shadow of Revan on my Jedi so I'd have expected to get some by now.

Edited by Xina_LA
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As a follow-up to my previous post -- I just made an effort to do two days of solid heroics on both factions, making sure to kill every single thing as I went. ZERO decoration drops. This is certainly lower than the previous drop rate. I also counted how many Supply Crates I have in my inventory (all four types) to see how many heroics did not drop a decoration. I have over 100 of all four types, so close to 500 supply crates. (From the last few months, not all in one week, obviously.) Somewhere in there, you would think I'd get one datacron, unless there's more to it than simply doing Heroic missions? Edited by Xina_LA
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Bump, as players this is a very important issue, a simple yes this is a bug or no its working as intended is all we need, or me specifically, if its working as intended, well i cant do anything but be upset but if its a bug it gives me hope
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  • 4 weeks later...

Why did you name it "almost"? It's completely non-existant. Raids are dropping decos, FPs are not.

Since 4.0 I didn't see any decoration drops within HM FP, end boss or bonus boss. Bonus uused to have like 100% deco drop rate iirc, so even if it was down to something like 50% - I would certainly saw at least ONE for half a year+


P.S. It's especially infuriating when my guild had to move from dead server, abandon our guildship\SH to find out that we aren't only need to pay 125 mil+encryptions for our ship, not to mention guildhall but we can't ever re-decorate it as it was before, since we can't donate "Statue of the Emperor" from FE HM anymore. You can't "unlock it for guild" , item has to be thrown into guildbank. So , we shall rise a ticket to request for about 15-20 statues we had before?

Edited by Redron
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There was a similar thread a few weeks back, but I don't think it ever got answered, so I wouldn't hold out on BW fixing it anytime soon. I think it has something to do with the issue of dropping loot that is your character's level. Back when KOTFE launched, if you had a level 65 toon and you went to a planet that level-synced you, when defeating an enemy it would drop gear that was around the max level of the planet (i.e. Coruscant, dropping a level 18 chestpiece, etc.), you could occasionally get datacrons. Then, a couple patches later, when they changed the loot to drop gear that is your toon's un-synced level is when datacrons stopped appearing.
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So , we shall rise a ticket to request for about 15-20 statues we had before?

I would. I hope they give you back what you lost.


I don't see what harm there was in letting people purchase these decorations for their guilds, so why take it away? All that does is upset a huge number of players.

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