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my Ideas


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I have a few ideas I would like to see.

  • New Classes
    New Crew Skills
    New Companions
    New Races
    New Storylines for the new classes


Make it a payed expansion and I'll buy it. Hell I bought your over priced Collector's Edition you know I'm good for it!...lol :rak_03:

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I have a few ideas I would like to see.

  • New Classes
    New Crew Skills
    New Companions
    New Races
    New Storylines for the new classes


Make it a payed expansion and I'll buy it. Hell I bought your over priced Collector's Edition you know I'm good for it!...lol :rak_03:


OK I'll bite.

new classes - doubt this would ever happen,since balancing the current 8 is hard enough for them it seems

New crew skills - what would they be? All current ideas are covered, or can be pushed into pre existing skill

New companions - they are chucking companions at us like candy in KOTFE. The last thing the game needs is more, when 90% of current ones never even get summoned.

New races - agree, personally I'd love to see nautalan

New storylines for classes - something I doubt will ever happen again

Hutt cartel - faction based, revan - one big story with a side quest for classes, KOTFE - all out same story

Seems they have moved away from individual story, and gone the cookie cutter route

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New companions - they are chucking companions at us like candy in KOTFE. The last thing the game needs is more, when 90% of current ones never even get summoned.


It would be nice to get new companions with personal stories, VO'd conversations, and scripted missions. Even nicer to get that for existing companions.

Edited by Hebruixe
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I agree with nana about why they won`t do some of the stuff, but I would love to see a new faction which would likely have new classes with new stories. the new faction could be an underground one like the huts or eternal empire since they are already tied to the game and wouldn`t be hard to tie in a player aspect to it.
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It would be nice to get new companions with personal stories, VO'd conversations, and scripted missions. Even nicer to get that for existing companions.


Ohi total agree with you

I just don't agree on the chucking us new comps, that are just reskins, with no VO or related quests

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I have a few ideas I would like to see.

  • New Classes
    New Crew Skills
    New Companions
    New Races
    New Storylines for the new classes


Make it a payed expansion and I'll buy it. Hell I bought your over priced Collector's Edition you know I'm good for it!...lol :rak_03:


What new classes?


What new crew skills could they possibly add that would make any difference? With the introduction of the CM, they made most crew skills useless, then they gave them back some value, but still mostly useless for all the schematics they get. What current crew skill uses even 25% of their schematics on a regular basis?


More companions? We have more than we could possibly need now, IMO.


I can agree with new playable species.


Story lines for new classes. Again, what classes? As mentioned, there's the whole class balancing to take into consideration. Also, you do realize that the game took over 4 years to develop, right? This with a large development team (much larger than what's required to maintain a game). Granted, they have the engine and basic parameters for such a feat, but the time and resources needed for something like this would probably take years with the current team, especially considering all of the current bugs that need to be fixed and their current development schedule (I'd be willing to bet that they're already neck deep into Season 2). I'm not saying it won't happen, or shouldn't happen. I just won't hold my breath waiting on it.

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That's why I want it to be a proper payed expansion. Name an mmo that hasn't taken years to make an expansion to there game??? errr one without the word "Eve" in it...lol


New Classes could be: Beast Master, Droid Master, Republic Agent,

Races: Neamodians, Rodians, Wookies, Mandalorions.


Beast master companions could be the beasts you've trained throughout the storyline. same with the Droid Master with droids.


and resources wouldn't be the problem. EA is a big company. I'd pay $80 (Canadian) for a proper expansion.


Don't be so pessimistic people. So certain are you. Always with you it cannot be done. Hear you nothing that I say?..lol This is the ideas forum not the its too hard i give up forum! :)

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That's why I want it to be a proper payed expansion. Name an mmo that hasn't taken years to make an expansion to there game??? errr one without the word "Eve" in it...lol

New Classes could be: Beast Master, Droid Master, Republic Agent,

Races: Neamodians, Rodians, Wookies, Mandalorions.


Beast master companions could be the beasts you've trained throughout the storyline. same with the Droid Master with droids.

and resources wouldn't be the problem. EA is a big company. I'd pay $80 (Canadian) for a proper expansion.

Don't be so pessimistic people. So certain are you. Always with you it cannot be done. Hear you nothing that I say?..lol This is the ideas forum not the its too hard i give up forum! :)


You are asking them to move away from a financial model that suits them, by adding a paid expansion.

I was gonna say Everquest doesn't take years, but you said no eve :((((

I do like your class ideas, and yes I would love to see them, and with latest chapter it felt they were testing the waters with tame beast. I just don't believe they will add them, as they can barely balance 8 classes.

It's not being pessimistic it's being realistic


In theory fantastic suggestions, in practise not so much

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I'm sorry but your wrong. Its easier to balance with the right amount of devs. They just need more devs. For example, Eve Online. They update all the time. Its due to the sheer amount of devs they have. if its a money issue then ask for help from your players. introduce an achievement and title for $100 in the Cartell Market that says that you've donated funds to Bioware/EA for the enrichment of the game. You will never get a perfect balance. Perfection is impossible and trying to achieve it wastes resources.
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I'm not asking them to do anything. I'm merely providing ideas that I'd like to see in the game. The thing is not to think about why it can never happen, but to think on how you can make it happen. One is called Stagnation, the other is Progress.
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