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Does the DS Smuggler Ending Affect DLC Dialogue?


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At the end of the Smuggler class storyline, you, um, "inherit" a gigantic pirate fleet. The Light Side choice is to ally it with the Republic. For this, you get a shiny medal and are commissioned as a Republic privateer once again. The Dark Side option is to strike out and form your own criminal empire, going after both Republic and Imperial targets.


The only other class to have a similar split ending is the Imperial Agent, which allows you to choose to give the Codex to the Sith and become a big wheel in their new intelligence agency, give it to the Republic and defect, or keep it and become a rogue agent. And when you meet up with Darth Marr in the Rise of the Hutt Cartel missions, he has special dialogue depending on what you chose to do.


My question is, does deciding to take your pirate fleet independent have a similar impact on later dialogue with NPCs in the main storyline missions, or is it ignored and they just treat you like you're still unequivocally allied with the Republic?

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I had a DS smuggler, I cant really say for certain cause it was a long time but I dont think the ending was ever mentioned. What you did at the end of the story had no role in the expansions or at least I dont remember any. I know the LS smuggler gets a medal while the DS doesnt, I dont remember getting any medal or anything so I guess thats the only difference
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