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Historic battle in space


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This post is going to be a little off topic but seeing how there haven't been any changes to this part of the game... I thought about this when I was trying to finish mastering my T3 strike, if you aren't interested in history it probably wont be as interesting as I found it to be.


A 1v1 with 2 CP T3s would be very reminiscent of the Monitor vs. Merrimac. Using that battle the other 2 strikes would be the Cumberland and Congress. I doubt the devs intended it but it makes more sense that the strikes are underpowered if the first ships are the T1/T2 the T3 was built to combat them making it the most powerful strike. Then something had to be built to counter the ironclad (T3) so the more maneuverable and longer range ships were built with AP.

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A T3 mirror match would be similar to the Monitor vs the Merrimac in the sense of ships where the defenses on both sides are easily capable of defeating the available offensive weapons.


The analogy breaks down in the case of the T1 and T2 though. Their defenses are excellent against the T3's weapons, and their arsenals contain weapons well suited to demolishing a T3's defenses. For example: Ion cannon, Concussion Missile, and HLCs on a T1 or Cluster Missiles, Concussion Missiles, and HLCs for the T2.


If the T3 does superb defensive flying then it might be able to manage a draw by reducing incoming DPS to below the threshold that Repair Probes is capable of healing. It is not however, going to pose a really serious threat, or even be able to deny an area to a T1 or T2 strike. The Ironclads were a bit more like a minelayer. Slow, limited to flatwater, but able to perform area denial against wooden hulled warships.

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I was thinking about fighting in close quarters, HLC isn't as effective at close range although I did forget about AP on concs. Running into it would take it out and the T2 trying it run away using barrel roll would run into a rock. It's a bit of a stretch (or maybe a big one) I just thought it interesting.
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