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The Revan Pack

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I think it'd be cool if you made a pack that was just geared at Revan for you KOTOR fans and have it include the following:


A possible chance of dropping one of these two Decors:

Statue of Revan

Commemortive Statue of Revan



Ebon Hawk


A gaurenteed drop of Cartel Market Certificates (x2)


And a possibility of dropping:

Revan's Armor Set

Revan Reborn Armor Set

Title: Revan's Heir

Revan's Lightsaber (new item)

Cartel Market Certificates (x2)

Revan Holostatue


Just please don't have it include companion gifts, we can get those both on Odessen and the Pub/Imp Fleet. I can give the Jawa stuff for the Cartel Bazaar but anything but compannion gifts...:p


Add-on: Also if anyone has any ideas of anything new that's Revan oriented they may want please post below, also do not say the Remote Controlled Ebon Hawk or Ebon Hawk decor as those were anniversary releases. Commemorative Statue of Revan The Returned cannot be included either as that is still available to get in the game (according to TOR Decorting it's a guarnteed drop in Nightmare Mode.)


Edit: I added the Revan Holostatue how I forgot that I don't know...

Edit #2: Had to change this again cause people obviously read too much into things or just focus on what they want to focus on. Some people I swear...

Edited by DarthEnrique
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I think it'd be cool if you made a pack that was just geared at Revan for you KOTOR fans and have it include the following:



Statue of Revan

Grand Statue of Revan

Commemortive Statue of Revan



Ebon Hawk


And a possiblity of dropping two of the six following:

Revan's Armor Set

Revan Reborn Armor Set

Title: Revan's Heir

Revan's lightsaber (new item)

Cartel Market Certificates

Revan Holostatue


Just please don't have it include companion gifts, we can get those both on Odessen and the Pub/Imp Fleet. I can give the Jawa stuff for the Cartel Bazaar but anything but compannion gifts...:p


Add-On: the reason I say two is cause of the Cartel Market Certificates that a lot of people are wanting to just get his mask.


Add-on #2: Also if anyone has any ideas of anything new that's Revan oriented they may want please post below, also do not say the Remote Controlled Ebon Hawk or Ebon Hawk decor as those were anniversary releases. Same with the one you can get in the OPS mission on Yavin 4.


Edit: I added the Revan Holostatue how I forgot that I don't know...


How much would you expect BW to charge for a pack that contains ONLY items pertaining to Revan--items which are typically among the most highly desired and highly expensive items? Even the cartel market certificates pertain to Revan as your reason for their inclusion is for the mask from the rep vendor. Oh, and you do not want the pack to contain just ONE of those items, but you want the pack to contain TWO of those items.


How much should BW charge for a pack that contains TWO of the highly desired and highly expensive Revan items? I'm curious as to your thoughts on this.

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How much would you expect BW to charge for a pack that contains ONLY items pertaining to Revan--items which are typically among the most highly desired and highly expensive items? Even the cartel market certificates pertain to Revan as your reason for their inclusion is for the mask from the rep vendor. Oh, and you do not want the pack to contain just ONE of those items, but you want the pack to contain TWO of those items.


How much should BW charge for a pack that contains TWO of the highly desired and highly expensive Revan items? I'm curious as to your thoughts on this.


1) Stop trolling me.

2) You clearly didn't read "Also if anyone has any ideas of anything new that's Revan oriented they may want please post below, also do not say the Remote Controlled Ebon Hawk or Ebon Hawk decor as those were anniversary releases. Commemorative Statue of Revan The Returned cannot be included either as that is still available to get in the game (according to TOR Decorting it's a guarnteed drop in Nightmare Mode.)" So proof you're trolling.

3) I am not Bioware they can choose their own price, it's not my job to make that up, as far as I'm concerned I'd pay whatever they asked for to get this pack so CC isn't a problem for me.

4) Stop trolling me.

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1) Stop trolling me.

2) You clearly didn't read "Also if anyone has any ideas of anything new that's Revan oriented they may want please post below, also do not say the Remote Controlled Ebon Hawk or Ebon Hawk decor as those were anniversary releases. Commemorative Statue of Revan The Returned cannot be included either as that is still available to get in the game (according to TOR Decorting it's a guarnteed drop in Nightmare Mode.)" So proof you're trolling.

3) I am not Bioware they can choose their own price, it's not my job to make that up, as far as I'm concerned I'd pay whatever they asked for to get this pack so CC isn't a problem for me.

4) Stop trolling me.


I am not trolling you, but again, if you REALLY feel that anyone who disagrees with you or posts after you, questioning anything about your posts, then feel free to report those posts and let BW make the call.



That said, I am really curious as to how much you would expect BW to charge for a Revan pack containing not just ONE, but TWO Revan items?


Given that the "Gold" packs were well over 1000 CC's and only contained ONE item, I would expect that the Revan pack you propose would be a minimum of 2500 CC's per pack, if not much more. I would expect the price to actually be higher since again the proposed pack woudl include not just ONE, but TWO of those highly desired and highly expensive Revan items.

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I am not trolling you, but again, if you REALLY feel that anyone who disagrees with you or posts after you, questioning anything about your posts, then feel free to report those posts and let BW make the call.



That said, I am really curious as to how much you would expect BW to charge for a Revan pack containing not just ONE, but TWO Revan items?


Given that the "Gold" packs were well over 1000 CC's and only contained ONE item, I would expect that the Revan pack you propose would be a minimum of 2500 CC's per pack, if not much more. I would expect the price to actually be higher since again the proposed pack woudl include not just ONE, but TWO of those highly desired and highly expensive Revan items.

Every time I put my two cents on a topic I happen to agree with that you don't, there you are quoting what I've said and directing something at me when all I've done is agreed with the topic or OP and I'm not suppose to feel trolled?


That being said, seeing as no Revan items have ever exclusively been released by themselves to consider them part of currently available Cartel Market items the CC you mentioned are irrelevant. Gold Armor Packs that could possibly drop either set were 400, I don't expect this pack to be treated any differently then the stupid gamble packs they got now, seeing as I wasn't around for the packs that dropped parts of both outfits (Blockade Runner, etc.) I have no idea how many CC they went for. Also, high priced items has nothing to do with this as that is a player's idea of how much they think an item is worth.


I also as you saw would like to have people bring up ideas of new Revan items they would like to add, as one I mentioned was Revan's Lightsaber, the two idea was based more on a definite guarantee at a drop for Cartel Market Certificates as they are something fans want back as they make it hard to get from the Vender at the Cartel Bazaar, the pack could drop 1 or 2 Cartel Market Certificate (x4) (I think that was the highest so a total of 8) or a chance to drop 1 one of the other five items (or whatever any other Revan oriented items people may want) and 4 Cartel Market Certificates.

Edited by DarthEnrique
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Every time I put my two cents on a topic I happen to agree with that you don't, there you are quoting what I've said and directing something at me when all I've done is agreed with the topic or OP and I'm not suppose to feel trolled?


That being said, seeing as no Revan items have ever exclusively been released by themselves to consider them part of currently available Cartel Market items the CC you mentioned are irrelevant. Gold Armor Packs that could possibly drop either set were 400, I don't expect this pack to be treated any differently then the stupid gamble packs they got now, seeing as I wasn't around for the packs that dropped parts of both outfits (Blockade Runner, etc.) I have no idea how many CC they went for. Also, high priced items has nothing to do with this as that is a player's idea of how much they think an item is worth.


I also as you saw would like to have people bring up ideas of new Revan items they would like to add, as one I mentioned was Revan's Lightsaber, the two idea was based more on a definite guarantee at a drop for Cartel Market Certificates as they are something fans want back as they make it hard to get from the Vender at the Cartel Bazaar, the pack could drop 1 or 2 Cartel Market Certificate (x4) (I think that was the highest so a total of 8) or a chance to drop 1 one of the other five items (or whatever any other Revan oriented items people may want) and 4 Cartel Market Certificates.


The only reason I think the pack you propose would not be treated the same as any other "gambling pack" is the list of possible 'drops" from that pack. Most packs have one or two coveted items and a lot of less desired, or filler, items.


Your proposed pack's "drop table" is LOADED with high ticket items with almost NO filler. There is a vast difference.


At the risk of being accused of trolling, based on your apparent suggested price of 400 CC's for a pack containing not ONE but TWO Revan pieces, I'm going to say it sounds like someone wants those HIGHLY DESIRED and HIGHLY EXPENSIVE Revan pieces for as little cost as possible.

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The only reason I think the pack you propose would not be treated the same as any other "gambling pack" is the list of possible 'drops" from that pack. Most packs have one or two coveted items and a lot of less desired, or filler, items.


Your proposed pack's "drop table" is LOADED with high ticket items with almost NO filler. There is a vast difference.


At the risk of being accused of trolling, based on your apparent suggested price of 400 CC's for a pack containing not ONE but TWO Revan pieces, I'm going to say it sounds like someone wants those HIGHLY DESIRED and HIGHLY EXPENSIVE Revan pieces for as little cost as possible.


Again highly expensive has nothing to do with it, you're again stating this because of people who are thinking jacking up prices on the GTN when really that's your opion. So no they are not "highly expensively" just highly desired and again you do read on gear and take no note that I said anything about Cartel Market Certificates whatsoever only reading what you want into it.


I will quote what I said about Cartel Market Certicicates below since you so OBVIOUSLY missed that:

the two idea was based more on a definite guarantee at a drop for Cartel Market Certificates as they are something fans want back as they make it hard to get from the Vender at the Cartel Bazaar, the pack could drop 1 or 2 Cartel Market Certificate (x4) (I think that was the highest so a total of 8) or a chance to drop 1 one of the other five items (or whatever any other Revan oriented items people may want) and 4 Cartel Market Certificates.
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Again highly expensive has nothing to do with it, you're again stating this because of people who are thinking jacking up prices on the GTN when really that's your opion. So no they are not "highly expensively" just highly desired and again you do read on gear and take no note that I said anything about Cartel Market Certificates whatsoever only reading what you want into it.


I will quote what I said about Cartel Market Certicicates below since you so OBVIOUSLY missed that:


Editing your post after the fact to disguise your original intent does no good when the original post is quoted for all to see in my first post.


All anyone needs to do is to look at your ORIGINAL, UNEDITED post to see that you were asking for not ONE, but TWO Revan drops.


Also, now you want FOUR cartel certificates GUARANTEED and a chance at 8?


Unless I am mistaken, the packs that originally contained cartel market certificates did not drop more than one and it was rare that even one dropped. I never saw more than one drop at a time, and I can tell you it was rare when I got one.


I'm wondering how many more high ticket items you can load into your proposed pack and all for a measly 400CC. Talk about the deal of the millennium.

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Again highly expensive has nothing to do with it, you're again stating this because of people who are thinking jacking up prices on the GTN when really that's your opion. So no they are not "highly expensively" just highly desired and again you do read on gear and take no note that I said anything about Cartel Market Certificates whatsoever only reading what you want into it.


I will quote what I said about Cartel Market Certicicates below since you so OBVIOUSLY missed that:


Highly desired usually, but not always, equates to HIGHLY EXPENSIVE.


Have you priced ANY of the Revan gear on the GTN recently?


The cheapest Revan Holostatue is 20 million. The cheapest piece of the Revan reborn set is over 2 million for the bracers (the rest of the set goes up from there), etc.

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Editing your post after the fact to disguise your original intent does no good when the original post is quoted for all to see in my first post.

Never was my original intent, you assumed cause if you even looked at my original post it clearly states "Add-On: the reason I say two is cause of the Cartel Market Certificates that a lot of people are wanting to just get his mask." so you are just reading what you want into it. No where did I once say that there was a guarentee it would drop two armor sets. And also, you are aware that there are more then just Revan's Mask you can get at the Cartel Bazaar right? I was just using that as an example, you don't even ask you just assume. So your bad.


Also since you didn't ask, I took out the Grand Statue of Revan since it is a Vender item on the Fleet for pre-orders, which I noticed when looking at TOR decorating, again thanks for asking.


Highly desired usually, but not always, equates to HIGHLY EXPENSIVE..


That is your opinion. I call it something else but le'ts move on.

Edited by DarthEnrique
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I'd guess around 5k for a high droprate pack and 2.5k for a decent droprate


But, if I read his posts correctly, the OP wants them priced around 400 CC.


Gold Armor Packs that could possibly drop either set were 400, I don't expect this pack to be treated any differently then the stupid gamble packs they got now, seeing as I wasn't around for the packs that dropped parts of both outfits (Blockade Runner, etc.) I have no idea how many CC they went for. Also, high priced items has nothing to do with this as that is a player's idea of how much they think an item is worth.




I'm going to go out on a limb, and risk being accused of trolling again, but it would appear that the OP does not want to pay the going rate for the Revan items he wants, so he wants BW to let him almost direct purchase them for a pittance. i say almost direct purchase, because the OP does propose to put them in a pack, but a pack so heavily loaded with high ticket items, that it might as well be called a guaranteed win. Even the worst possible outcome of 2 drops of FOUR cartel certificates would net the OP EIGHT certificates.


Would anyone like to enlighten the OP as to how many of the packs containing the cartel certificates would have to be purchased and opened to get FOUR certificates, let alone EIGHT? It was for more than one, I can guarantee you that.

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I'd guess around 5k for a high droprate pack and 2.5k for a decent droprate


When it comes to this:

And a possibility of dropping:

Revan's Armor Set

Revan Reborn Armor Set

Title: Revan's Heir

Revan's Lightsaber (new item)

Cartel Market Certificates (x2)

Revan Holostatue

My thought process is that the saber would definetly have the lowest drop rate of them since it's a new item. Next would be the Armor sets above that the Revan Holostatue... You know what it'd be best to put them in order from most likely to drop at the top.

1. Title Revan's Heir

2. Cartel Market Certificates (x2)

3. Revan's Holostatue

4. Revan's Armor Set

5. Revan Reborn Armor Set

6. Revan's Lightsaber


The reason I put Revan's Armor Set above the Reborn is cause most people I know prefer his Reborn over his original, I'm sadly one of the few who feels the opposite :( (I feel so alone! Jk ;) I like being unique. lol!)

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Would anyone like to enlighten the OP as to how many of the packs containing the cartel certificates would have to be purchased and opened to get FOUR certificates, let alone EIGHT? It was for more than one, I can guarantee you that.

I've actually gotten 4 out of a pack, was literally surprised by that. And if I must I can check the storage of one of my toon I know has them and look and I'm pretty sure I've got a total of 8 and I know for a fact that out of all the packs I opened when I was trying to get Revan's outfits they only dropped twice for me.

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I've actually gotten 4 out of a pack, was literally surprised by that. And if I must I can check the storage of one of my toon I know has them and look and I'm pretty sure I've got a total of 8 and I know for a fact that out of all the packs I opened when I was trying to get Revan's outfits they only dropped twice for me.


Then I would say that you got extraordinarily lucky, I've never seen more than one drop at a time and it was rare that I even saw one drop.


People used to open entire hypercrates and not see four certificates, sometimes multiple hypercrates, if I recall correctly.


Maybe someone will be able to confirm my memory.

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I've actually gotten 4 out of a pack, was literally surprised by that. And if I must I can check the storage of one of my toon I know has them and look and I'm pretty sure I've got a total of 8 and I know for a fact that out of all the packs I opened when I was trying to get Revan's outfits they only dropped twice for me.


Okay, I was wrong I looked I have 4, I don't keep track of it cause I don't have any use for them.... They just take up space in my Cargo Hold, sue me for forgetting. lol

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Then I would say that you got extraordinarily lucky, I've never seen more than one drop at a time and it was rare that I even saw one drop.


People used to open entire hypercrates and not see four certificates, sometimes multiple hypercrates, if I recall correctly.


Maybe someone will be able to confirm my memory.


Well, I looked at my Cargo hold and as I said I know for a fact they dropped twice so maybe it was 2 and 2 and I'm sure I got lucky on that myself cause I wasn't even LOOKING for those.... Course that's my luck, get something I don't want that others really want and not get what I want and don't have any need for them and oh look they are bound to legacy...

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Okay, I was wrong I looked I have 4, I don't keep track of it cause I don't have any use for them.... They just take up space in my Cargo Hold, sue me for forgetting. lol


I apologize. I probably should have found a better way to phrase that. I did not mean to sound like I didn't believe you. I was trying to A) congratulate you on your luck and B) point out that your luck was very uncommon and by no means the norm.


Once again, I apologize if I came across in any other fashion.

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But, if I read his posts correctly, the OP wants them priced around 400 CC.





I'm going to go out on a limb, and risk being accused of trolling again, but it would appear that the OP does not want to pay the going rate for the Revan items he wants, so he wants BW to let him almost direct purchase them for a pittance. i say almost direct purchase, because the OP does propose to put them in a pack, but a pack so heavily loaded with high ticket items, that it might as well be called a guaranteed win. Even the worst possible outcome of 2 drops of FOUR cartel certificates would net the OP EIGHT certificates.


Would anyone like to enlighten the OP as to how many of the packs containing the cartel certificates would have to be purchased and opened to get FOUR certificates, let alone EIGHT? It was for more than one, I can guarantee you that.

FYI Ratajack, I own BOTH Revan Armor Sets and got them both wayyyyyyy cheaper then they are now...

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I apologize. I probably should have found a better way to phrase that. I did not mean to sound like I didn't believe you. I was trying to A) congratulate you on your luck and B) point out that your luck was very uncommon and by no means the norm.


Once again, I apologize if I came across in any other fashion.


All good, It's my luck they are bound to legacy. X(

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But, if I read his posts correctly, the OP wants them priced around 400 CC.





I'm going to go out on a limb, and risk being accused of trolling again, but it would appear that the OP does not want to pay the going rate for the Revan items he wants, so he wants BW to let him almost direct purchase them for a pittance. i say almost direct purchase, because the OP does propose to put them in a pack, but a pack so heavily loaded with high ticket items, that it might as well be called a guaranteed win. Even the worst possible outcome of 2 drops of FOUR cartel certificates would net the OP EIGHT certificates.


Would anyone like to enlighten the OP as to how many of the packs containing the cartel certificates would have to be purchased and opened to get FOUR certificates, let alone EIGHT? It was for more than one, I can guarantee you that.


Maybe I'm having trouble understanding exactly how many certificates they want from ONE pack but I can tell you the drop rate on them from the old packs was around 1 in 7-10 ... I've still got about 100 left though I did have a bit over 300 at one point.

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I've actually gotten 4 out of a pack, was literally surprised by that. And if I must I can check the storage of one of my toon I know has them and look and I'm pretty sure I've got a total of 8 and I know for a fact that out of all the packs I opened when I was trying to get Revan's outfits they only dropped twice for me.


Pack or hypercrate? Because you never got more than 1 cert from 1 pack.... EVER.


They would drop in place of the reputation items which was 1 drop per pack.

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