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Calling All GTN Pimps With Fistfuls of Cash. Let's Brag!


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Here's a shot of my Jung Ma alt's bank balance. My Wallet I used to keep a thread on the Jung Ma forums to see who the 1% were. Sadly, there was mostly anecdotes and none were breaking 200 million (though I knew there were those with more as there were a few times where I'd spend that much in a day buying from the same player).


So who's got me beat? I've got about 500 million credits already on Shadowlands and this 2 billion will be coming over soon. I'm hoping a few others will share some screenshots. Give me some competition and encourage me to log in and play that GTN.


For those who are about to cry about RL cash being wasted on a video game, that is not the source of these credits. I've just been buying and selling since pretty much day one (dat earring vendor on DK!). I have bought cartel coins but I've used those almost exclusively for unlocked dances, mounts and color crystals and I'm sitting on 8000cc or so at the moment with nothing to buy except server transfers. That's just my monthly sub 550 stockpiling.


Let the bragging begin! Screenshots are your friend! Also, if you are afraid of being slammed by beggars, at least on Jung Ma--none of the 5 players (thats about the server population) ever begged/annoyed me after posting so you ought to be safe too.

Edited by Nerdimports
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I moved it over here but haven't done anything yet.


Where's the dudes with the 3m credit hypercrates? I'd like a few hundred and haven't seen them in months. I know people think it is credit farmers but I don't think so. I actually think its Bioware themselves making sure the peeps that don't shop the market have a chance at all the clothes and mounts they paid people to code into the game.

Edited by Nerdimports
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Where's the dudes with the 3m credit hypercrates?


I picked up about 75 in the 5-7m range ages ago, stashed them and resold them at the 25m price point over the last few months.


Paid for a lot of decorations with the cash too. :)

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I had about 100 of the Strategic and I got them between I think 3.5m and 7m but before that people had dumped a ton of Apprentice and Blockade Runner. Those were terrible as I'd buy them up at 4m and then a few days later they'd be under 2m. I think I got like 20 of the Blockades for around 2.2-2.4m each. It took forever to get rid of them too. I haven't seen any cheap hypercrates since the Strategic Alliance Hypercrate. So whoever was buying them and selling them still has enough credits I guess. Let's hope they go broke so they can crash the market in time for the derpy Kylo Ren lightsabers hypercrate! :D
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