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Solution to negating premade advantage vs pugs.


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The truth about PVP and premades is the people you end up PVPing with most often times at best become good acqaintances. Rarely do they become "friends".


Of course, maybe the term "friend" means something different now than it did when I was younger and what I still consider a friend to be.


With the age of Facebook, Twitter, and all the other wonderful social media sites I can see how people consider someone they meet online and only know from seeing their avatar in a game as their friend though.


I don't believe you can be friends with a person you have personally never met.

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yeah much better. or just, "find people to pvp with".




If you are decent solo chances are you will eventually be invited by that healer you kept tunneling, if only to keep you off their back.

Or join a guild. Solo queueing is suffering.

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The solution, as it has always been, is to get better. I rarely see solo players who would perform even remotely close to the level of the premades they complain about if the roles were reversed. You're simply losing to better players.


Premade doesn't automatically equate to better players. that's a pretty weak argument.


I have been in PVP guilds, and seen many, many average players in those guilds who also ran in premades constantly, never solo queing.


I also have seen many solo queue players who were off the charts good too.


Not sure where you got this idea that premades just run with better players, rofl. That's ridiculous.

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The solution, as it has always been, is to get better. I rarely see solo players who would perform even remotely close to the level of the premades they complain about if the roles were reversed. You're simply losing to better players.


This is utter nonsense. I think you should qualify how you mean better.

Do premade players put up better damage and kill numbers... of course they do they have guard, pocket heals, rarely die.. its freaking easy mode. Solo players going up against that doing anything remotely comparable had FAR better individual performances than the premade players did in that scenario as individual players.

Having guard and a pocket healer doesnt make someone better, it makes the game easier... there is a giant differnce. If you cant see that you are a complete idiot.

This has to be a troll post in hindsight, noone can be this stupid.

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Premade doesn't automatically equate to better players. that's a pretty weak argument.


I have been in PVP guilds, and seen many, many average players in those guilds who also ran in premades constantly, never solo queing.


I also have seen many solo queue players who were off the charts good too.


Not sure where you got this idea that premades just run with better players, rofl. That's ridiculous.


Oh, have there been tons of players coming on here complaining about terrible premades they had to face? Unsurprisingly, the only ones that get complained about are the ones that are good. And in those circumstances my point is extremely valid.


As for "many" solo queue players, I'm going to have to disagree. They definitely exist, but skilled ones are few and far between. Good ones usually get grabbed up by groups and guilds quickly.

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Oh, have there been tons of players coming on here complaining about terrible premades they had to face? Unsurprisingly, the only ones that get complained about are the ones that are good. And in those circumstances my point is extremely valid.


As for "many" solo queue players, I'm going to have to disagree. They definitely exist, but skilled ones are few and far between. Good ones usually get grabbed up by groups and guilds quickly.


This is so true. I left the game for the entirety of 3.0. Came back and my guild was gone and so were my friends. Fresh start. What happened? After a couple of days of pvping im getting pvp guild invites and group invites just based on my play never asking for it. Now im in a pvp guild of my choosing, and pvp with competent players. Why? Not because I looked for it but because I knew how to play. If you're not getting invites to groups or guilds, maybe some introspection would be useful. Once you do that and improve, then your pvp life might be easier.

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This is so true. I left the game for the entirety of 3.0. Came back and my guild was gone and so were my friends. Fresh start. What happened? After a couple of days of pvping im getting pvp guild invites and group invites just based on my play never asking for it. Now im in a pvp guild of my choosing, and pvp with competent players. Why? Not because I looked for it but because I knew how to play. If you're not getting invites to groups or guilds, maybe some introspection would be useful. Once you do that and improve, then your pvp life might be easier.


Absolutely not true... not everyone wants to deal with guild drama. If you want to be in a guild then yes, its not hard, but you assume everyone wants to, which is not the case.

Either way being in a guild or not or running premades certainly has nothing to do with a players skill. To equate one with the other is just more self serving gibberish

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Absolutely not true... not everyone wants to deal with guild drama. If you want to be in a guild then yes, its not hard, but you assume everyone wants to, which is not the case.

Either way being in a guild or not or running premades certainly has nothing to do with a players skill. To equate one with the other is just more self serving gibberish


People queueing solo inevitably get picked up by others who want competent players on their team.

Same for guild invites, I haven't experienced any "guild drama" whatever that is.

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People queueing solo inevitably get picked up by others who want competent players on their team.

Same for guild invites, I haven't experienced any "guild drama" whatever that is.


Again, you assume they WANT to get picked up. I get multiple invites every night, ive politely declined them... i guess that makes me a bad player.

The utter logic fail in this assumption is astounding.

But i guess its whatever makes you feel better about it .

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Absolutely not true... not everyone wants to deal with guild drama. If you want to be in a guild then yes, its not hard, but you assume everyone wants to, which is not the case.

Either way being in a guild or not or running premades certainly has nothing to do with a players skill. To equate one with the other is just more self serving gibberish


What drama in a pvp guild?

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Again, you assume they WANT to get picked up. I get multiple invites every night, ive politely declined them... i guess that makes me a bad player.

The utter logic fail in this assumption is astounding.

But i guess its whatever makes you feel better about it .


Why would you refuse in the first place?

I'm not the most social guy out there, but if they want to play with me then I'm all for it.

I joined a guild back in 2013 and been part of it since. No drama or anything of the sort, just them helping others in ranked or giving advise to people leveling for the first time.

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Why would you refuse in the first place?

I'm not the most social guy out there, but if they want to play with me then I'm all for it.

I joined a guild back in 2013 and been part of it since. No drama or anything of the sort, just them helping others in ranked or giving advise to people leveling for the first time.


There are plenty of reasons. I prefer to run my own schedule so to speak. If I join a group, everyone has to be ready to queue for the next match. It may mean I'm waiting on someone else or forcing others to wait if I need to do something for 5 minutes. When I'm limited on time, I want to maximize the value I get playing.

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There are plenty of reasons. I prefer to run my own schedule so to speak. If I join a group, everyone has to be ready to queue for the next match. It may mean I'm waiting on someone else or forcing others to wait if I need to do something for 5 minutes. When I'm limited on time, I want to maximize the value I get playing.


If I have little time then I let them know, but if I want to get my weekly/daily done ASAP grouping usually takes care of it since there is a better chance of winning.

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Why would you refuse in the first place?

I'm not the most social guy out there, but if they want to play with me then I'm all for it.

I joined a guild back in 2013 and been part of it since. No drama or anything of the sort, just them helping others in ranked or giving advise to people leveling for the first time.


i refuse cause a guild tag affects me rep as much as i affect theirs. IF i ever join one again it will be one i have fully vetted and trust, and i havent found one yet i can say that about. I am not a jumper, i respect the effort people put into guilds, most people change guilds like underwear, im just not that guy. I play with people frequently, i dont have to be in a guild for that.


I may join one again there are some of them i respect, but thats not the point to any of this.... being in a guild or not, being on a premade or not, has absolutely no relation to the quality of the player, never has, never will.


One could actually argue the opposite rather easily... it takes far more to be competitive against the guild teams without running one on your own.


Its just ludicrous to assume that one has anything whatsoever to do with the other.

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Its just ludicrous to assume that one has anything whatsoever to do with the other.


Not really, since good players will always be invited.

Whether or not you accept the invite is on you, but if you perform well people will want to queue with you.


If you decline the invite then get stomped by premades then you are the one that is to blame, not them for grouping.

Edited by Ruhun
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There are plenty of reasons. I prefer to run my own schedule so to speak. If I join a group, everyone has to be ready to queue for the next match. It may mean I'm waiting on someone else or forcing others to wait if I need to do something for 5 minutes. When I'm limited on time, I want to maximize the value I get playing.


Exactly. there are many reasons people may choose not to joins guilds.


In my case i run a Merc... i dont see too many people advertising for Mercs on their teams these days. Not exactly a hot commodity regardless of skill level. not that im all that there are many better than me but im not terrible either. Noone wants you unless you roll FOTM. I have one of everything on both sides, i can roll anything i want any time i want, but I choose not to be forced into playing something i dont enjoy.

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Not really, since good players will always be invited.

Whether or not you accept the invite is on you, but if you perform well people will want to queue with you.


invited, yes... accept, not necessarily. You equate grouping with skill somehow, the 2 are not related in any form.


Many poor players group more than good ones to get carried, to get pocket healers, guards... things solo players rarely see. Now you tell me, logically speaking... you have 2 players that put up similar numbers in a WZ, which one is likely better at his class, the one that is competitive with, or without, those crutches?


There are some people i like to queue with, ive been more open to it lately to try to level the playing field but the idea that there is any relation whatsoever between skill and groups/guilds is just absurd. i cant even fathom how you put those together. To assume every player that solo queues is bad is just asinine.

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If I have little time then I let them know, but if I want to get my weekly/daily done ASAP grouping usually takes care of it since there is a better chance of winning.


And a lot lower chance of anything fun or competitive in the process. Unless you find rolling pugs fun, some do i guess, i dont, to each their own.

I play these games for the fun, for the competition, not to pwn noobs. It isnt about ego, its about recreation. I dont need to measure my genitals by a game.

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invited, yes... accept, not necessarily. You equate grouping with skill somehow, the 2 are not related in any form.


Many poor players group more than good ones to get carried, to get pocket healers, guards... things solo players rarely see. Now you tell me, logically speaking... you have 2 players that put up similar numbers in a WZ, which one is likely better at his class, the one that is competitive with, or without, those crutches?


There are some people i like to queue with, ive been more open to it lately to try to level the playing field but the idea that there is any relation whatsoever between skill and groups/guilds is just absurd. i cant even fathom how you put those together. To assume every player that solo queues is bad is just asinine.


I don't assume that every solo queuer is bad.

Also with the amount of sorc healers in every single match it's hard to be in a Pug without one.


If you perform consistently well solo then chances are that you will be invited to play with a group.

With the amount of people that plain don't know their class or queue in 216 PvE gear I welcome said groups to prevent frustration.


And a lot lower chance of anything fun or competitive in the process. Unless you find rolling pugs fun, some do i guess, i dont, to each their own.

I play these games for the fun, for the competition, not to pwn noobs. It isnt about ego, its about recreation. I dont need to measure my genitals by a game.


During certain times/days grouping is absolutely necessary to stay competitive, for reasons stated above.

I'm not going to get stuck with players that can't break 200k and ignore objectives while Pubs queue sync and stomp us.

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I don't assume that every solo queuer is bad.

Also with the amount of sorc healers in every single match it's hard to be in a Pug without one.


If you perform consistently well solo then chances are that you will be invited to play with a group.

With the amount of people that plain don't know their class or queue in 216 PvE gear I welcome said groups to prevent frustration.


During certain times/days grouping is absolutely necessary to stay competitive, for reasons stated above.

I'm not going to get stuck with players that can't break 200k and ignore objectives while Pubs queue sync and stomp us.


FFS get off the invite thing, it has no bearing. I get invites all the time, but i wont play with people that cant understand their advantage and/or equate advantage with skill or have no class in how they do it. If you roll premades then talk trash like you achieved something afterward you get the win, you need to grow up, and save that invite cause it aint happening.


you make some solid points though ill grant you that but it still isnt a NEED, its a want. If you NEED a group to be competitive in this game, you arent that good, period. Compettive only means a good match, a faceroll win is not competitive.


I've beaten many premades without one, on a regular basis, i guess you havent. No it isnt the rule, they win most of them especially if they have half a clue, and its usually an easy thing for them... again, where is the fun in a faceroll? Beating those same teams though, now thats fun!

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I've beaten premades but never in teams where 2 or more could not pull their weight. I don't care how good a player you are, you can't carry a team against 8 seasoned pvpers.


Of course you cant, thats completely true, but group or solo thats the case. Not every group have 4 great players, not all solos are bads.

I dont think you are wrong in many things I just took offense to the suggestion that just because someone is queuing solo they arent very good, i find that very untrue in most cases in fact as it takes far more ability to be competitive solo than it does in a group with guard, heals and backup.

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