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The REAL problem with "wave" invites


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So I don't think people understand why WAVE invites are getting so much flak... It's not all about I want to play the game NOW!!!! BIO YOU OWE ME I WANT IT NOW!!! It's about, I got a lot of friends who are gonna play and we all pre-ordered at different times... So now we can't level together... The wave thing causes wwwaaayyy to many problems... lets not talk about the PVP experience exploits and now we have lvl 30-40's running around after 8 hours of play... A lot of us are starting to wonder if BIO knows anything about the MMO player base... this is strike number 2 in my book... I am forgiving the bolster PVP for the time being... or it would be strike 3. ( space combat was strike 1 btw )
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So I don't think people understand why WAVE invites are getting so much flak... It's not all about I want to play the game NOW!!!! BIO YOU OWE ME I WANT IT NOW!!! It's about, I got a lot of friends who are gonna play and we all pre-ordered at different times... So now we can't level together... The wave thing causes wwwaaayyy to many problems... lets not talk about the PVP experience exploits and now we have lvl 30-40's running around after 8 hours of play... A lot of us are starting to wonder if BIO knows anything about the MMO player base... this is strike number 2 in my book... I am forgiving the bolster PVP for the time being... or it would be strike 3. ( space combat was strike 1 btw )


They said....first come first serve when it was announced you can pre order...if you pre ordered at different times...tough luck

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So I don't think people understand why WAVE invites are getting so much flak... It's not all about I want to play the game NOW!!!! BIO YOU OWE ME I WANT IT NOW!!! It's about, I got a lot of friends who are gonna play and we all pre-ordered at different times... So now we can't level together... The wave thing causes wwwaaayyy to many problems... lets not talk about the PVP experience exploits and now we have lvl 30-40's running around after 8 hours of play... A lot of us are starting to wonder if BIO knows anything about the MMO player base... this is strike number 2 in my book... I am forgiving the bolster PVP for the time being... or it would be strike 3. ( space combat was strike 1 btw )


so maybe some of the ressoning behind early launch was to catch things like this while they can still do something about it?

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Are you guys really saying this? This is your reply? The game is not that good to be doing things like this. WoW already set the table to be dethroned... things like this turn "most" people off... you Runescape kids may not be turned off, but people who have been playing MMO's for 12+ years know how these things should roll out. Once you get in game you will realize what I am talking about.
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its hardly fair that his friends should have to wait cos he didnt get in. just sayin.



sad to say life isnt fair, however if someone was my friend of course i would wait, what's a couple days in hopefully many years of playtime, there are afterall alts to try.

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So I'm curious what you do if one of your friends happened to be out of town today, or had to deal with his kids? Couldn't afford to buy the game until January? Or wanted to finish Skyrim before starting TOR? Maybe even hadn't played an MMO before and doesn't discover TOR until April of next year? Or any of a hundred other reasons they might have to start playing a lot more than 2-3 days later?


How do you possibly deal with that? If two days of separation completely ruins your play experience, how can you possibly deal with a WHOLE WEEK?

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"Should have ordered earlier"


Really? Clearly you are stupid. I mean, there's no other explanation for why you'd say that considering if everyone ordered the same day it wouldn't affect the fact that some wouldn't be getting in till only a day before release. But that's okay, keep kissing Bioware's *** and taking everything they hand you without question.

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Look, I like my friends, but if I got in I'd play. Even if we all got in at the same time we would never stay together just does not happen. As for the waves? I just want to play. i appreciate what BIO is doing to make a good long term game. i applaud them for sticking with it, but I still want to play. I would just like to know what dates are already in so I have some frame of reference.
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"Should have ordered earlier"


Really? Clearly you are stupid. I mean, there's no other explanation for why you'd say that considering if everyone ordered the same day it wouldn't affect the fact that some wouldn't be getting in till only a day before release. But that's okay, keep kissing Bioware's *** and taking everything they hand you without question.

This is like arguing about how much energy we could save if everyone unplugged their TVs and cell phone chargers when they weren't using them. Yes, if EVERYONE did it, then it wouldn't really change much. But EVERYONE wasn't going to have ordered earlier - but YOU could have.

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Why don't you all just level alts until every one of you has access?


You are right on. my sons and i are dying to play together. We also understand, we may not even get into the same server after we do get on. So we will start alts and wait until we can get on the same server and play together. Maybe I am missing something, but it usually takes a few days or even weeks for all the dust to settle and during the settling we get to play for free, minus the cost of the actual game of course.


Come on guys relax, all this sillyness is doing is stopping folks that have never played an MMO from joining what should end up being a great community.

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