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Ok I'm a little bit confused...


When the emperor flee from Ziost. Then he became Valkorion and he built the new empire. So the thing that i don't get is, how is it possible that he made a huge modern civilization in this short time. And that he made 3 children, that are now at least 20 years old. So what my character in game is like 100 years old or more? I know some species can live so long but not all. In game that feels like max 10 years apart between DLCs.


So i really don't get it, how emperor could build new empire in such a short time, or is my character like 100 years old or more. But even in 100 years you cant build a civilization like that.


Can somebody explain this to me?

(sorry for my English)

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Vitiate, the Sith Emperor divided his consciousness for centuries. One half was his Vitiate persona, leading the Sith Empire; his other half was his Valkorion persona, leading the Eternal Empire. He built both empires simultaneously. Also after Revan, Scourge and the Exile attacked his original body, he used a third vessel, called the Emperor's Voice to lead the Sith Empire, so noone could even know where his real body is.

Explanation why is he only Valkorion now (class story spoilers):


In Chapter 3, his Voice was trapped on Voss, by Sel-Makor, because of Darth Baras. After the SW, his new Wrath freed his essence, he inhabited a new human Voice on Dromund Kaas. Not short after the JC defeated the First Son (head of the Emperor's Children, who also got some of the Emperor's essence in them, but not under his direct control 100% of the time, though he can fully possess them whenever he wishes), and since the First Son had the Emperor's essence in him, the Emperor got weakened. And less than a day later the JK faced the Emperor's current (weakened) Voice in the Dark Temple on DK and defeated it.

Since the Voice has a significant % of the Emperor's essence, this created a mortal wound in it, so severe, he had to retreat to Yavin 4, where he went under a deep slumber. Ofc that was a significant % of his essence, but also part of his essence was in his Valkorion body, and also a smaller part was still scattered around in his Children (in Kira Carsen's quest you find out that he's still communicating with his Children, therefore they have part of his essence in them still [they basically saw the Emperor's dreams and thoughts, shifting one from another, that's what drove those Children crazy]).

During SoR, the physical Revan wants to revive the Emperor with the Temple of Sacrifice, and although we stop him, it turns out we only fulfilled the Emperor's plans all along; creating a war on Yavin 4 gave him enough strength to heal his wound and his essence was able to leave the moon. He travelled to Ziost and possessed all the Imperial population, the Sixth Line Jedi and the Republic reinforcements and made them murder each other, and fed on their deaths. When he had enough strength, he performed a bigger ritual and consumed all life on Ziost, leaving the planet as deserted as imaginable. This ritual gave him the strength he needed to gather all of his remaining essence scattered around the galaxy, and retreat all of it into his Valkorion body. That's why when we meet him at the Eternal Throne, we could feel that his presence was familiar, yet different.




Hope I could help understand it

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