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Motivation for Bounty Hunter/soloing burnout advice?


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I have a level 57 (about) Bounty Hunter-Mercenary. I've made it to Belsavis and am finding myself burnt out. I play on an RP server and have joined a cool RP guild but I mostly play at odd hours when no one is on, so I rarely participate in events. I only play during the day on the weekends. I know I have a high level for Belsavis, which I think is 40-44? I feel like, with Bounty Hunter, its weird to do all this busy work for all these random corporals and **** when I am the winner of the Great Hunt and apparently famous. I know some people play the game w/o the side quests, and the game was designed that way with the XP boosts, but a lot of the side quests are actually pretty cool and add to the story of the game. I guess I don't really need the xp, as I have 6 xp boosts (from doing the thing where you click someone's link, all my characters got 5 xp boosts) but usually the side quests are on the way to the main quests and don't involve going out of your way. Some of them have been quite fun with cool stories in their own right. But as a Bounty Hunter, it doesn't make sense I'm doing all this small time stuff when I am famous and also an Alien who the Empire is Speciesist against (which makes no sense and I will address in another post). Should I just quit doing the side quests altogether? I fear I will miss out on some of the game and to not do every quest is not in my nature.


This is my first and only Imperial character, eventually I will make another one. Should I wait for him to do the rest of the side quests? I'm not sure how much I will enjoy playing the same game for the second time. On Belsavis when I was doing the quest for the speciesist Imperial who has you beat up the different species gang, including my own species, it really disgusted me and threw me off. I was like "I don't want to do this, and as a Mandalorian Bounty Hunter, my character has no loyalty to the empire" even though I sometimes roleplay it like he does. So it kind of caused me to have a crisis and also I realized I was starting to get burned out, so I went and did a bunch of Flashpoints to switch it up. Any advice? When you get "burned out" do you do something different with your character, make a new character or play a different game? I'm not sure if when I make my Sith Warrior I will want to do these busy work quests either, because *** would a Sith Warrior be doing an incompetent Master Sergeants job? Wouldn't he just force choke him and tell him to stop being a coward?

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It becomes a problem for immersion, particularly with a class like the Bounty Hunter, that the player character is generally thought of as the greatest individual ever, and everyone knows it. In my case, I try to ignore that. The Great Hunt? It's supposed to be a secret, or at least kept a lid on. Most of the officers you meet have never heard about it. All they see is another independent contractor, mercenary. As such, the hunters motivation is doing a job for money. Nothing more.


Generally, I don't do all missions on all characters. It will burn you out. I've identified certain jobs I will do every time because they're fun, and some I never do again because I don't like them. For most, I try to mix it up a little. Heroics are great, in my opinion, because you can plough through them for xp, stuff and credits without (usually) much thought to story. I believe they're made that way because they're repeatable, and therefore feel less grindy. IMO, anyway.

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Well, right now your BH can not allow to take things on his/her own pace. You know why ;) So actually working hard makes a lot of sense. Jokes aside, taking a break and then picking up a story seems like a good idea.


Now for the motivation. BH is a mercenary. With a huge bills to pay. Armor, weapons, explosives, cutting edge tech, medical expenses, bribes and taxes, crew shares, ship maintenance... the list is huge I think. So, nothing strange if you will take some jobs that are not glorious and challenging. Sometimes, it can be for a petty reason and easy as pie (relatively), but if you are offered Rakata technology as a reward, why say no?


Being a Champion is nothing unique – you meet 4 previous ones. You are good, yes, but you are not one of a kind. This title is a outstanding recommendation for a prospective employers. Advertisement, if you will.


Possible reason for any planetary story (side quests often do fit in pretty well) in Chapter 3 is making yourself too useful for the government to extradite you to Republic. And the 10mln creds bounty on you do not help matters at all. Getting local support so you can do your own stuff without having to avoid Imperial outposts or being constantly asked what the hell you do in this disaster area is usefull too.


Take Belsavis and it's side quests – if you do a planetary story, then Empire is your contractor and every task you take is a groundwork for the main bounty – to free Dread Masters. Secure the outpost, find out what happened to the previous teams, put down rampaging aliens, prevent an orbital bombardment and so on. And you flagged as friendly on all that Imperial patrols radar.


Hope this helps :)

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