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Error Code C12 - Tried every fix out there


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Hello guys, this seems to be a more common problem to the community and you'll probably tell me to check other forums for a fix but I tried literally everything.

I go to any planet, the game crashes as I exit the ship, except on Odessen and Korriban.

I've tried the streaming/non-streaming launchers fixes, the diskarenacache/bitraider folder fixes, the Utility Repair fix, even tried reinstalling everything... The same error appears. I even issued a ticket in-game but no answer... This is really annoying.. I hope atleast that they'll fix it on the next Chapter or so but even still it's nearly one month's worth of subscription lost...

If you guys somehow have any fixes I haven't tried please feel free to post. Thanks.


https://gyazo.com/99c837980b64fe23addf2cf3d4659250 - Link to the issue it shows up.

Edited by Apochryphearth
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Sadly, I am not happy that I'm not the only one who is having this issue. My issue is with Tattooine atm, I haven't tried Voss which was the other planet I've had this error appear on. I too have tried every single bloody fix out there, and I'm getting a bit miffed. The last two tickets I had responded I got links to things the community had done to try and fix it, and I can't respond to said ticket to let them know if it worked or not because they close them automatically, even with the boilerplate response.
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I managed to finally fix it....

I had to format my PC...

And playing in Fullscreen (Windowed) mode [Maybe try this one first heh].

However it crashed once without am error popup.. On the second try it took about an entire minute to load but hey if it works I'm happy.

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I have same problem, and not only tatooine but voss, hoth and belsavis too, i did all stuff i only can including reinstalling the game, taking me 4 hours. but every time when my game crash this files just dissapear and i need to delete bitraider and launcher and reinstall themm and even though i've been able to go to hoth i still can get to tatooine, havent tried the other ones

and i dont actualy understand why players must solve that kind of game problems not the developers

Edited by SergeyCrescent
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