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Armor that is most similar to Anakin's from Revenge of the Sith?


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Hello. I am trying to find armor that looks like the robes worn by Anakin in Revenge of the Sith that I can use a black dye mod on and make completely black for my Jedi Knight character. Does anyone have any suggestions? I've been looking for days and I found the Peacekeeper armor which looks like the Jedi robes but when you use a dye mod it doesn't change all of the robing to black. I really appreciate any help. I've been looking for a long time with no success. Plus, I can't test stuff on GTN to see what it will look like with a black dye mod before buying it so it is hard to know which armor would work.
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You can preview an armor and a dye if you preview the armor 1st and don't close the window.


You don't even have to preview the armor first. You just use the preview function on both the dye and the armor without closing the window. The order doesn't matter.


Also, just for reference, if you "preview" a dye or armor again (after having applied it in the preview window) it will remove the item and return it back to whatever you're wearing.


Weapons and color crystals are just slightly more involved depending on if it can be dual wielded or not.

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You don't even have to preview the armor first. You just use the preview function on both the dye and the armor without closing the window. The order doesn't matter.


Also, just for reference, if you "preview" a dye or armor again (after having applied it in the preview window) it will remove the item and return it back to whatever you're wearing.


Weapons and color crystals are just slightly more involved depending on if it can be dual wielded or not.


Holy crap!! I so wish I knew this. Thanks so much for telling me this!!!

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Hmm...try the Humble Hero tunic? As for dye...uh. Black and...deep brown, possibly? Or black/black, but that's REALLY expensive. :/ (Edit: Oops, didn't notice you already had the dye in mind. XD)


Edit 2: I just previewed that (Humble Hero tunic with black/black dye). The colors seem to be close to Anakin's outfit, but the tunic itself seems to be a bit too short. Maybe Vrook Lamar or Jolee Bindo's tunic would work better? Or if you're looking for the full robe, not just the tunic, maybe try Kreia's robe? (...tunic. Shirt. I have no idea what it's called, honestly. XD)

Edited by Jagaimee
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Hmm...try the Humble Hero tunic? As for dye...uh. Black and...deep brown, possibly? Or black/black, but that's REALLY expensive. :/ (Edit: Oops, didn't notice you already had the dye in mind. XD)


Edit 2: I just previewed that (Humble Hero tunic with black/black dye). The colors seem to be close to Anakin's outfit, but the tunic itself seems to be a bit too short. Maybe Vrook Lamar or Jolee Bindo's tunic would work better? Or if you're looking for the full robe, not just the tunic, maybe try Kreia's robe? (...tunic. Shirt. I have no idea what it's called, honestly. XD)


The Humble Hero tunic is more Luke Skywalker from ROTJ. However, the Jolee Bindo armor is pretty close to the Anakin outfit without the outer robe, which I don't necessarily have to have. I think the Jolee Bindo armor is the closest I will come to looking like Anakin from Episode III. Thanks to everyone for your help!! Please feel free to enter more suggestions.

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The Exiled Knight set dyed black/red I'd say would look the most similar. Though I'd say best bet would be to cherry pick various pieces to combine together to get the best look you're aiming for.


I would have to agree, because the humble Hero boots, would have to be a near perfect substitute, for his boots. They mightn't be exactly the same, but I think they are darn near similar. Anakin's boots are just tall, and plain, which is what the Humble Hero Boots are.

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Lana Beniko's top looks sort of like the outfit worn by Anakin , except for having a cloak. Here it is below, thanks to Tor-Fashion.com:




Anakin's outfit:




I'd use Lana's top & gloves with a black and dark gray dye, and the humble hero boots & pants.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Lana Beniko's top looks sort of like the outfit worn by Anakin , except for having a cloak. Here it is below, thanks to Tor-Fashion.com:




Anakin's outfit:




I'd use Lana's top & gloves with a black and dark gray dye, and the humble hero boots & pants.


That looks absolutely nothing alike.

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So I made some adjustments and came up with a build. However, I couldn't get exactly like Anakin in ROTS. I think it looks pretty good though.I ended up going with a Dark Red and Black dye since the Black and Black one was too dull, imo. Check it out.


Chest: Jolee Bindo's Tunic

Wrists: Jolee Bindo's bracers

Legs: Temple Guardian's greaves

Hands: Lucien Draay's gloves

Feet: Naga Sadow's boots

Waist: Kelnex's Belt





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not even close, the fact that ppl dont want to accept the fact the Bioware is too lazy to add anything like original jedi robes just shows how badly bioware has brainwashed their customer base to think this game is any sort of good. glad the game is dying. RIP 2017
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Here he is with all black coloring and a very accurate looking belt. I know the boots are wrong but I like the way they look.


My Character



Anakin Skywalker in Episode III



For what you have to work with in the game, that looks pretty good. You can't really see it in the picture you linked, but his pants were a kind of umber, brownish-red, in some parts of RotS if you want to break up the all black palette.


I like it though, good work.

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not even close, the fact that ppl dont want to accept the fact the Bioware is too lazy to add anything like original jedi robes just shows how badly bioware has brainwashed their customer base to think this game is any sort of good. glad the game is dying. RIP 2017


If you feel that way, why are you here on the forum of the website for the video game? However, I do agree that there should be robes that match what you see in the movies. There are a few that look somewhat like the movie robes but they are still different. I don't understand why there are not more armor choices like you see the Jedi wearing in the movies.

Edited by bmmerideth
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For what you have to work with in the game, that looks pretty good. You can't really see it in the picture you linked, but his pants were a kind of umber, brownish-red, in some parts of RotS if you want to break up the all black palette.


I like it though, good work.


Thanks. I know what you mean about the dark red/brownish coloring in his robe. My thinking was, aftering looking through tons of armor, that I wasn't going to get an exact match for what is seen in the film. Therefore, I decided to make it somewhat close but worry more about making it look good overall. Having the dark red/brown pants didn't really work, but I know what you are talking about.

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