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Best Republic Storyline- Jedi Knight?


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Having played a few to level 10 or so, the Trooper is definitely the one that has the most emotional impact at the end of the starter planet, and you certainly feel motivated to continue the story. And grateful that a soldier doesn't have to subscribe to the Jedi 'Revenge is bad' motto ;)


That said, Consular is my main and I'm really enjoying it, possibly because it does a very good job of making each planet's missions feel like part of a very important greater arc as well as decent self-contained issues.

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So any of you try to do Dark Side choices for Knight, Consular, Trooper, or Smuggler?


I'm playing Light Side Bounty Hunter so far and I love it. I don't feel like I'm fighting against the game (sometimes in single player RPGs, the "dark" choices seem silly when you're still forced to save each town on your way to saving the world). On the contrary, Light Side BH has good dialog and feels like an interesting character.


I'm hoping for some similar complexity on the Republic side... Is Dark Knight (uh, no Batman reference intended) just a hero who gives in to passion or greed sometimes? Or is he a psychopathic puppy-stomper forced to perform altruistic plot quests?


Is Dark Trooper a harsh soldier who believes that sometimes you have to sacrifice your own men for the greater good, or just a trigger-happy nut who burns villages for fun?

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I love the Trooper story.


You start out in the most elite military unit in the Republic, end up being betrayed by them, and then reforming the entire unit and now, I am going around busting up gangs and vigilantes. And I am only on Coruscant. :D



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i play a smuggler and al thru taris i was makeing every single one of them give me monney and bribes. not cause its dark side but cause i dont work for free, if theres an angle being worked and they would cut me in i would usualy take it. got alot of darkside points but it felt "in character" for a smuggler.

1 rule tho. no women or children.

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I find most republic storylines to be dull, at least for the first 20 or 30 levels. Sith, on the other hand, have excellent stories, great characters, and awesome voice acting right from the beginning. The dialogue options are also generally better. Sith warrior is just awesome right from level 1.


The force is a weapon. I will teach you how to wield it.


I am your master now.

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I really love the JK story, having just gotten to Tatooine. As others have said it starts off terribly slow, but Coruscant really makes it come alive and from there I was hooked. I am playing it Dark Side as well, putting the fear of the Jedi into Sith scum. Given that this my only time through I can't compare it to the LS one, and I have gotten a few minor 'What the hell hero' moments they aren't major. Satele hasn't called me out for example. But she may in the future, we shall see.
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Jedi Knight's story is the way to go. Its basically KOTOR 3. You end up being a really important person and travel with extremely remarkable companion. I still cant believe,who i got as my last CC.


Narrative is very well paced, orchestrated and engaging. Im really interested in 5-6 more classes, arks, but i doubt anything beats this. LVL 43..

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i personally like the sith inquisitor the best i have played the jk to lvl 16 and it just seems like every other star wars story ever told that followed a knight, go here kill lord so and so, go here now kill darth whatshisname then FINALLY go here and kill the big bad guy just so the threat can arise again!

where as an assassin i am twisting the very jedi order to my purposes, becoming the most powerful sith to exist since the emperor himself and thats just act one!

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