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Newb LF Republic Guild


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I'm fairly new to this game (been playing for about three weeks now) and am looking for a casual guild. I usually play in the evenings (Pacific time) for about a hour or two. I'm hoping to find mature people to group with occasionally and who'll be patient while I figure out how to play my character (a Jedi Shadow) well. Thanks!



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Hello Aadorimi!

I don't know if you have found a guild yet,but if you are still looking for one on pub side maybe <Order of Serenity> would be of interest to you? We are casual yet active, all our events are scheduled PST times, and we have a lot of members with Shadows, in addition to that we know that everyone has to start somewhere and we are patient and willing to help out that new player anyways we can..Please check out our profile here on the forums and if you think we would be a good fit for you then please let us know!


Good luck and happy hunting!

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