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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Conquered Exarch Bracers


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After having run more then a dozen Heroic Star Fortress' now, I truly believe there is an issue with the drop chance of the Conquered Exarch Bracers (all variants). Prior to the patch that changed how items would drop, depending on the player's level, the bracers were fairly easy to come by; now it seems they don't even exist because not ONE has even dropped for me. A quick search also reveals that others are running into the same issue.


Rather then leaving it up to chance I think a much better solution would be to just offer the bracers for sale using Common Data Crystals; this way players can at least just purchase the one's they need specifically. I believe this would make more sense given the fact that we already have a choice in which Conquered Exarch set we want to collect when a new character is brought through KotFE.

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Ran this so many times on both solo and heroic, and not one drop.. with every single mob killed just in case.. all maps exposed.


Joke of a drop rate if it exists at all.


Reward for time spent has to be there, come on Bioware, you've already got us doing dailies, weeklies and lots of other activities.. its not even like these bracers have any super status.. they are pretty much invisible to look at, and are without stats.. it makes no sense to make them super rare.


Fix this, and fix it now please.

Edited by Skauron
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