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A Problem With In Game Music


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Please forgive me if this is the incorrect place to post this. In 1573 days I've been playing the old republic, I've had very little cause to post on the forums.


I think there is something wrong with background music on planets. I do not think this is specific to any single planet, but appears to be all of them. There also seems to be music missing from areas where it could be heard previously.


I am not sure if this is a bug, and my question therefore is; Is this a bug, or are the changes to the in game music deliberate? I can not find any reference to changes to music in recent patch notes – other than one remark about cantina music on Ziost being changed, and some music in black sun territory on Courscant being increased in the notes for patch 4.03.


In order to explore this point I would like to focus on one planet, simply because the sound track for this planet is quite easily accessible and that therefore makes it easier to discuss.


It appears to me that all music on Tatooine is being superseded by one piece of music entitled “Tatooine – the deserts sands'. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y63QfXBf6D8.)


Example 1: Tatooine Arrival


Previously when a |Republic character arrived on Tatooine at Ancorhead a track called 'Mos Eisley Spaceport' from Episode 4's sound track would play. For reference, here is a link to the track on Youtube:



This track could also be triggered if a player simply logged into Tatooine, having exited the game mid adventure.


This would play for a few minutes and really set the 'tone' for an adventure on this iconic planet.


Now however the track only plays if tatooine is the first planet I log into, and is quickly replaced by another track. The track it is replaced with is, I think called “Tatooine – the desert sands':


If I have been playing any other character who is not logged out on tatooine, or if I have visited another planet before Tatooine – the 'Mos Eisley spaceport' music does not play at all, but instead the 'desert sands' kicks straight in.


Example 2: / Ancorhead and the space port.


If Tatooine was reached by star ship and the space port, upon exiting the space port a piece of music called 'Arrival to Tatooine' from Episode 1's soundtrack would play.


You can listen to it here:

(starts at about 28 seconds in on this link).


From memory this track tended to 'trigger' as you exited the spaceport and started to explore Ancorhead – perfectly timed to co-inside with a 'weather effect' dust storm which blows past the entrance of the spaceport.. The track would play for over a minute, before I think fading out.


Now however this track does not always trigger upon arrival / exiting the space port.

When it does trigger, it plays for less than 20 seconds, before being overridden by the 'Tatooine – desert sands track' as linked above.


Example 3: The Dune Sea and Jutland Wastes.


While travelling around the Dune Sea and Jutland Wastes area of that Tatooine map, it was not uncommon in the past to trigger / encounter more music from Episode 4“ The Dune Sea of Tatooine/Jawa Sandcrawler" “



Now however I can complete all the Tatooine Heroics, and GSI missions on multiple characters and not encounter this music, or any in fact any other music that....'Tatooine Desert sands'.


Other planets

A similar thing seems to happen on all of the planets I visit, with the exception of Odessen and Zakuul.


The Fleets

I also seem to recall there being 'mystical' music around the GTN areas of each of the fleets. Neither I, or anyone I ask in general chat can hear this music now.


Has anyone else noticed this on Tatooine, and the other planets? Is this an issue with my something client side on my machine? Is it a bug? Was it a deliberate change? Am I just some old sun stroked hermit who's spent too much time on Tatooine doing heroics/GSI missions and I'm going crazy?


Thank you in advance for your help.

Edited by SWGExile
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Upon some investigation on this bug report forum, I have discovered that I am not the first person to report this issue.


Indeed it appears to me that the bug dates back to patch 4.0.


I'll list the other posts which have reported this below:


Post Title: Problem's With the Music

Post Date:11/02/2015



Post Title: Music track stuck

Post Date: 20/11/2015



Post Title: Planetary ambient sometimes lingers on

Post Date: 20/11/2015



Post Title: Soundtrack overlyas and buff spam

Post Date: 21/11/2015



Post Title: A few bugs since 4.0.2

Post Date: 23/11/2015



I appreciate that there have been many bugs identified, and were likely higher priorities to address than this one. However this bug is approaching 6 months old, I think perhaps it is reasonable to ask that it be acknowledged.


Broken music / sound tracks really impact the quality of life of players.


Please could we get this addressed.



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I've also noticed this, it's quite annoying. I'll log into Yavin and then go to Ziost, or something like that, and I'll have songs from each planet playing. If I logout and go to main screen I'll have like Ziost background music playing behind the main title theme.


Actually I've noticed it usually is Ziost that causes this. I do get it elsewhere, but not nearly as much.


~ Eudoxia

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H Both,

Thanks for posting.


I think there is actually something quite dramatically wrong with the in game music, and back ground sound effect system.


I think what I described, the other posters described, and you described are all different symptoms of the same problem. Well that is not quite true, I think some of us are describing the same thing – but you get my point.


Other symptoms include


1) Ambient sound effects / conversations between NPCs not triggering on planets


For example: Do you ever remember two guys talking about 'spike heads being on the prowl again – sand people, took my son' etc? That conversation in Ancorhead used to trigger every time I went near the jawa sand crawl / area Agent Fuiler was set up – haven't heard it in months. What about a conversation just outside the star port where a republic citizen is complaining about the crime rate in the system – that doesn't consistently trigger any more either.


2) Ambient effects in strongholds seem to be messed up.


For example: I used a 'temple whispers' effect in one of my strongholds. I then removed it, as I didn't think it was working. Now instead of hearing the sound of the city on Courscant, traffic etc...and rain / dark side music on Droumund Kaas... I hear Temple Whispers. Even though the decoration is no longer in the stronghold, and in fact was never in some of the strongholds.


3) Combat music on planets does not seem to trigger correctly during every encounter. I think it works correctly in flashpoints, but not on planets.


4) Combat music when it does trigger, does not end correctly – this sometimes ends up with two types of music playing over each other.


So yeah... It looks to me like something is really rather messed up with not just the in game music, but the general in game sound effect system all together.

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Hmm, a week has gone by and there's another post by players about issues with music:


Post Title :Ambient Music In All Sections of Fleet In Both Factions No Longer Plays

Post Date: 04.21.2016



There more I look the more of these I find, but I can't seem to find any with a response from a customer service agent, or developer. I guess because each of these posts between 1 -3 pages long, and can have between 50 views to a couple of hundred views, they dont show up on anyones radar as 'a big issue'. But surely, cumulatively they should do?


Post Title :Ambient Music In All Sections of Fleet In Both Factions No Longer Plays

Post Date: 04.21.2016



Post Title: music tracks overlapping

Post Date: 30/03/2016



Post Title: fleet music gone

Post Date: 22/12/2015



Post Title: where's the music

Post Date: 22/03/2016



Post Title: Music on Odessen seems to be on the fritz?

Post Date: 12/02/2016



Post Title: Bug - Battle music will not end after combat

Post Date: 29/02/2016



Post Title: Music gone nuts - new score shutting out planetary music

Post Date: 28/02/2016



I'm only linking these becaue while I think they are all about the same issue (the in game music being broken), not all of them clearly explain it. They are all examples of the issues I listed though.


I wonder if the letter Bioware put out earlier this week saying the game was not under resourced, means the team tackling these bugs will be given the correct resources to deal with things like this.

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