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Treek is broken, worthless, we paid REAL MONEY for her.


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I've never "recruited" Treek because she's an Ewok... and also because it's about 4000 years before Ewoks were supposedly discovered by outsiders...


I know I'm responding to an old post, but her story kind of works.


Eworks are still undiscovered during the SWTOR era. Treek just finds a ship that crash-lands on Endor (the crew dies) and takes off in it. She's exploring the galaxy but to that galaxy Ewoks and Endor don't exist. It is also implied that she might have been guided by the Force. A shaman (probably a force sensitive) tells her before hand that her destiny lies among the "stars endless"

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Tank Stance: Have problems taunting enemies, have lower stats than other tanks

Heal Stance: Have weak healing, I died with her at 30 affection where other companions keep me at 90% HP

DPS Stance: Similar to HK-51 = bad


My testing replicates these results. It is not surprising, of course, given Treek's inherent design (e.g., no taunt).


I would make further two points to respond and pre-empt responses which are categorically off-point.


1) Necro threads are only bad when the issue is no longer relevant. That is not the case here.


2) To the self-appointed net nannies who insist on telling people how and where to post (you know who you are)-- might I steal a page from your playbook (the irony is not lost upon me) and suggest you let forum moderators do their jobs as opposed to you Elara Dorning us with your Fifth Grade Hall Monitor Badgering. This issue is not a bug, it is a design flaw after normalization. Moreover, there is nothing in the last 9 months to suggest any change to Treek. There is no scaling involved, no buffing, etc. Given the absence of those changes, the situation that held 9 months ago remains true today.


Of course, if this thread is actually deleted or moved, I will not be upset in the slightest as it would imply by definition that someone from BW actually looked at the post. In turn, this suggests the remote possibility that they will communicate the issue to the devs.

Edited by Jdast
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Ok, this being my first time seeing this thread, a) I have to agree with the OP, and b) I'm rather shocked at the number of people attacking the OP.


The entire companion rebalance with 4.0 was, alongside removing gearing, about equalizing them - not making them all exactly the same, but allowing the player the widest possible range of choice without feeling like they can't choose one comp because "he's useless." I don't believe the OP is suggesting that Treek should be OP, but that she should be as viable a choice as any other comp. HK-51 has the same problem currently. To a certain extent they keep their uniqueness, which is nice in and of itself, but they're uniquely bad at every role, and it doesn't have to be that way.


Whenever I find myself thinking, "I'd really like to use Treek right now because ______" - be it the Ewok-language comments, the unique style, or just to have a cute teddy bear alongside me, my next thought is always, "Yeah, but she can barely hold aggro/heal/deal damage, so why bother?" At some point my gameplay has to take precedence, but that's just a case-in-point for bringing her up to the level of the other comps.

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