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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Welcome to KotFE and Ch 12 - the new *refocused* SWTOR


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Of course, all of this is just people's subjective opinion. Only BW knows if the current state of the game has gained more subs than it's lost.

Personally, I like the KoFE story line, so far. To me, it's just an interesting thing to do in between doing the normal game stuff - it's not the entire focus of my game time.

However, I hope that at the end of it all, we can stop all this super-powered, ruler-of-the-galaxy stuff and get back to normal Rep vs Imp stuff (or even, SWTOR2)

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I don't mind Kotfe . I don't mind Zaakul . I don't mind the Knights .


But it was clear the way the 8 stories were made , that they wouldn't work further in them .


But what I do mind , is that while yes the cutscene gotten better (and look gorgeous) , the writting and pace is Horrible .

The fact that they wouldn't even bother make stuff for non-force users (make me think the guy who voice Valk is charging millions for each words or something) .


The fights leave you bored . Even this last chapter . Fighting Valk and Vaylin . The fight was just you getting a beat up .


Yes we get it , they have God powers and we are nowhere near their Level . But why do we have to get beaten up again and again and again . Getting thrown around is just repetetive at this point .


Yes the story could be better written . Gorgeous cutscene DO NOT make up for crappy dialogue or being forced in a one destiny nonsense . And not everyone like destiny stuff !! Destiny mean someone made the choice for YOU and you are forced to follow a path set up before you were freaking born . And it suck !

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There are better writers in the fan fic forum to be honest. If not for some of the reading over there it would be a lot harder to wait for the next month's chapter to show up.


Like what I found unbelievable is that in chapter 12 there is an elevator in the camp that leads out to the planet, but no one has gone to scout out the land and found Satele and Caspar squatting five miles from base? Just LOL.[/QUOTE]


I was wondering if I was the only one going W-T-F at this.


I agree with you guys, it was something that struck me a bit strange too, that no one happened upon Satele's camp and ship, considering there is an elevator leading down to the area. There is a landing platform there, but it's right next to the base. I would think they would have surveyed the area better lol.



oh I agree. If I could shove Lunafox in their faces and make them hire her for future stories I'd do it. :p


*blushes* Well thank you :D That'd be a pretty amazing job. I appreciate that you believe I'm up to the task! ^^ And thank you to Coge too! The encouragement you guys give me is awesome, and I'm very grateful. :)


On topic, I really do hope it doesn't come down to having a 'certain' weapon that will win the day, if that was the case, really anyone could have done it, and after being built up to being the most awesome whatever in the galaxy, it's a bit disappointing. I hope there is more to it. I still think an individual class quest or two to personalize it all better, like they did on SoR would have made it so much better. But all in all, I really enjoyed chapter 12, but I'm sad to think that's it for Darth Marr...it doesn't sound like we'll be seeing him again. :(

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I try to appreciate what we have and what it is, its better this way and you actually get to enjoy, i have plenty of toons and plenty of stuff to do, pretty sure when this kotor ends there will be a new story and so on, if you dont like it you know what to do, cheers and try to enjoy life, you only have one
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Valk was the only fight in the chapter you lost. Every other fight you had in the chapter, you came out winning.


that depend on what you mean by winning .


If winning is just seeing a body on the ground ? then sure....you win and alot .



Not to me . Vaylin taunt you during the fight . Would be nice if they could make our toons shout back something like 'Shut up already!' . And then , she dissapear.....it wasn't really her . The fight end , and you are standing there bruised wondering what the hell was that . And Satele explanation doesn't wash away any of the frustration .


Valk is the same , annoying 'HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA' . Their powers are so much , we get smacked , some kind of tree or rubble fall on you . He keep teleporting left and right . I get stun .


Yeah..feel like a winner here..really...:( Nope , sorry . That is not winning at all .


I would gladly get beat up if I could just get to tell them to SHUT UP once . Or to go sit on a Lightsaber .


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that depend on what you mean by winning .


If winning is just seeing a body on the ground ? then sure....you win and alot .



Not to me . Vaylin taunt you during the fight . Would be nice if they could make our toons shout back something like 'Shut up already!' . And then , she dissapear.....it wasn't really her . The fight end , and you are standing there bruised wondering what the hell was that . And Satele explanation doesn't wash away any of the frustration .


Valk is the same , annoying 'HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA' . Their powers are so much , we get smacked , some kind of tree or rubble fall on you . He keep teleporting left and right . I get stun .


Yeah..feel like a winner here..really...:( Nope , sorry . That is not winning at all .


I would gladly get beat up if I could just get to tell them to SHUT UP once . Or to go sit on a Lightsaber .


Winning a fight is successfully beating your opponent until one way or another, they are unable to continue. Leaving you as the sole victor. Whether Vaylin was real or not, she was defeated. And our character was no where close to looking harmed, only confused.


And with Valk, can you read what I said?


Valk was the only fight in the chapter you lost
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Winning a fight is successfully beating your opponent until one way or another, they are unable to continue. Leaving you as the sole victor. Whether Vaylin was real or not, she was defeated. And our character was no where close to looking harmed, only confused.


And with Valk, can you read what I said?


well I died during that fight..so more then confused :D

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you can't do the content with a friend, it's all gated and forced down your throath, they waste all those planets they put money and effort into to send you in an instance. it's low level stuff. without sw brand it would sink at full speed.
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you can't do the content with a friend, it's all gated and forced down your throath, they waste all those planets they put money and effort into to send you in an instance. it's low level stuff. without sw brand it would sink at full speed.


this exactly, remove the SW brand and people would leave faster then BW could close accounts, who would put up with this under any other name?

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