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TImeline question


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I've finished the Warrior arc a few times and am now working my way through the Knight. Just finished Corellia.


Spoilers for chapter 3 of both Warrior and Knight:


So the Knight kills the Emperor's Voice (let's call it Voice #1) immediately after Republic Corellia. The Emperor leaves that body and gets trapped by Baras on Voss (Voice #2), prompting all the questions of "where is the Emperor?" Then the Warrior comes and kills #2 to free the Emperor, who presumably then larks off to Zakuul.


But Imperial Voss (#2) comes before Imperial Corellia, after which comes Republic Corellia (#1). So either the timeline is hopelessly snarled or I am going nuts.


Am I overthinking this or ??? :(

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Voss Voice dies first, then the JK kills Voice 2. Its was widely speculated about in vanilla but its since been confirmed that Vitiate was severely weakened by the death of the Voss Voice and the JK killing Voice 2 sent him to the brink of death.

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The Voss Voice dies first? For some reason I had always thought that Baras took advantage of the Emperor being weakened by the Knight killing the first Voice to trap the second Voice on Voss.


Guess I was overthinking it then, if it's the other way around. Thanks.

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I do like how a lot of the class stories do overlap -- Like how when the Jedi Knight first meets one of the Children of the Emperor, you get to talk with Syo Bakarn about Vivicar's recent redemption and having already encountered these children before. Meaning the first chapter of the Consular happens slightly before the end of the JK's first chapter.
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ive always had the impression that the imperial stories take place anywhere from 3-6 months to a full year before the republic stories do.


as examples



the taking of the bastion by pierces spec ops team, and the troopers subsequent retaking of it from rakton


the children of the emperor storyline


the taking of corellia itself and its subsequent retaking by the republic which is referenced in the blackhole storyline where the imp character s learn that corellia has fallen and many of the dark council are dead.


this after we see several of the dark council members that die on corellia at the end of the Inq and Warrior stores.






this leads me to believe theres a several month gap in the factional storylines with the war overlapping by a few months since the makeb storyline happens several months after

the JK strikes down the emperor at the end of their story


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