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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Frequent and Severe Lag Spikes


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Does anyone else experience this? Every 20-30 secs or so, I find my server lag going from a perfectly tolerable 80 or so ms (full bars down in the lower right hand corner icon) to an abysmal 800+ ms (one red bar left). This is happening to me on all servers and I've run speed checks aplenty to ensure it is not my connection at fault. Is there a problem with the servers at the moment?
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Use http://www.pingplotter.com set to the server when playing see what it graphs , if it graphs something very pronounced occuring at the start then it is local network.


if playing wireless it is also worthwhile playing wired to see if it is still the same occurring.


If you play on an East Coast server:

If you play on a West Coast server:

If you play on a European server:


If the graph looks ok even when the 30 - 30 second cycle is occurring , close what background processes you can.


Not saying it is an issue at your end, but best I can suggest with nothing to go on other then 20 - 30 second lag occurring on all servers, need to test local and then work outwards in most cases to narrow down.


If it persists make a post here , save the pingplotter graph as a jpg and can try and assist further tomorrow on what is occurring.

Edited by OwenBrooks
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Thanks much, I charted it out with PingPlotter and only had two significant spikes registered. I changed environments fairly regularly. Started on Hoth, no problems whatsoever there. Then to Odessen. Again, no severe issues. Then to Dromund Kaas where one spike was recorded and finally to the fleet where there was one other of severe latency. I spend most of my time in my stronghold on Dromund Kaas and that seems to be the worst offender, now that I've tested out other areas. The fleet as well got just a bit jittery when summoning my mount but perhaps that's to be expected in a place crowded with so many players. I should mention as well this was tested on Harbinger.


Made a post as you recommended, here: http://answers.ea.com/t5/STAR-WARS-The-Old-Republic/Severe-Server-Lag-Spikes/m-p/5263120#M15703


And below you'll find a copy of the ping graph:


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You have packet loss to the game servers. Since the game uses TCP for communication, that will produce long "lag" every now and then. Those issues come and go, and are affected by a lot of factors that are often not even Bioware's fault; they don't have a monopoly on sucking (even though they sure do their best to convince us otherwise... don't get me wrong, the servers perform miserably under any kind of load), all kinds of ISPs between you and the game servers want their share of it too.
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Okay this thing with the lagspikes is getting ludricous... Last 2 hours, i 'm hahaving 4-6 minutes lagspikes every 10 minutes. Don't tell me it';s my connection, all of the sudden, it's something BW screwed up. This is NOT your traditional lagspike of 10seconds, we re talking minutes here....
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Okay this thing with the lagspikes is getting ludricous... Last 2 hours, i 'm hahaving 4-6 minutes lagspikes every 10 minutes. Don't tell me it';s my connection, all of the sudden, it's something BW screwed up. This is NOT your traditional lagspike of 10seconds, we re talking minutes here....


I get this, unfortunately often, but I'm coming into US servers from the EU. There's a router at WashDC that apparently has frequent hissy fits. I'll see latency climb into the 10-20k range. Sometimes it completely croaks, other times it recovers. It's the same damn point that buggers it up too, every time. I think that if it were the servers, there'd be a horde of people in here all hollering about it. Could be wrong but we're a "holler-y" bunch, we gamers.


Hope you get it sorted one way or t'other.

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Okay this thing with the lagspikes is getting ludricous... Last 2 hours, i 'm hahaving 4-6 minutes lagspikes every 10 minutes. Don't tell me it';s my connection, all of the sudden, it's something BW screwed up. This is NOT your traditional lagspike of 10seconds, we re talking minutes here....


I've had these, too. It's insufferable, and has half of the time been in areas with low populations. As in once I was harvesting a node in my stronghold and I was frozen retrieving it for three minutes. Sometimes it could be a wifi problem, as we live in an apartment complex and are surrounded by signals. But others, both my husband and I will be playing and he'll get a lag spike, when he's wired, and potentially get logged out. Then minutes will go by, I'll freeze, and potentially get logged out. It was happening every fifteen minutes a few weeks ago while we were on Belsavis trying to wrap up story and class quests.


I should mention we're also on Harbinger, like another who commented, because it's Harbinger. I'll try the pingplotter, but it seems like there's more going on than players who use wifi. There's been a LOT of complaints on the forums and in genchat--simultaneous or very close together in genchat.


Yes, I keep genchat on. Sometimes there's more than just Jawas and immature trolling. Once there was a lovely conversation about what books to read on DK chat, of all places.

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I have two accounts that are both cancelled after their time runs out because of this very issue. It has gotten so bad that I cant even PvP without freezing up and thats frustrating. I do not lag on any other game over the internet except SWTOR. I hope that it gets resolved soon so I can enjoy the game once again but I am not subbing until it is fixed.


My connection is fine, my PC can handle the game so I have already ruled out the obvious. It needs addressed bad.

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I have two accounts that are both cancelled after their time runs out because of this very issue. It has gotten so bad that I cant even PvP without freezing up and thats frustrating. I do not lag on any other game over the internet except SWTOR. I hope that it gets resolved soon so I can enjoy the game once again but I am not subbing until it is fixed.


My connection is fine, my PC can handle the game so I have already ruled out the obvious. It needs addressed bad.


Have you run pingplotter as above to see what you get?

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i think you can do the same with pathping.

just open a CMD window and:

If you play on an East Coast server:


If you play on a West Coast server:


If you play on a European server:


Edited by Kogull_x
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i think you can do the same with pathping.

just open a CMD window and:

If you play on an East Coast server:


If you play on a West Coast server:


If you play on a European server:



The only issue with pathping or tracecet is its just a snapshot of that specific moment. Pingplotter can give you your connection over a period of time such as 5 or 10 or whatever amount of time you want it to graph for.

Edited by Nightblazer
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I used to have bad lag spikes as well, I was recommended to use a program called WTFast if it's a connection issue and packet loss to the server. I'm on the free trial but so far it's helped me and reduced a lot of my packet loss


THANK YOU so much for that recommendation! Just got the free version and it instantly made a huge difference. No lag spikes at all. Can't thank you enough and highly recommend others attempt the same solution.

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THANK YOU so much for that recommendation! Just got the free version and it instantly made a huge difference. No lag spikes at all. Can't thank you enough and highly recommend others attempt the same solution.


Your welcome. Once the free trial is done I'm going to pay for it. Just debating on the basic or advanced option.

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ping plotter isnt going to fix the lag.

Well, there is nothing that BW can do. They don't control the entirety of the internet infrastructure from you to them. There must be a holdup somewhere along the route. Pingplotter can tell you where the problem is, WTFast can probably find a better route. It's like with driving, you would want to take an alternative route in order to avoid congested roads and help you get from point A to point B much faster. If you just ignore traffic reports, you may get stuck in a traffic jam.

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THANK YOU so much for that recommendation! Just got the free version and it instantly made a huge difference. No lag spikes at all. Can't thank you enough and highly recommend others attempt the same solution.


Pingplotter is not a lag solution , I have replied to your post here


The fact of using a program to send more packets across your connection to the router and it clears the lag is interesting and still local caused.

Edited by OwenBrooks
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Pingplotter is not a lag solution , I have replied to your post here


The fact of using a program to send more packets across your connection to the router and it clears the lag is interesting and still local caused.


Much obliged for all of your help. I took the route of WTFast yesterday and it has made a world of difference. No noticeable lag fluctuation at all now.

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