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Predictions for PVP when heals are nerfed


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A bit off topic.. but I have to ask: why are reps so bad at pvp ? I play on TRE and sometimes it's a nightmare. Matches are lost before they even begin because imps, who are humans likes reps, are in another league. Hell, they have the same abilities at their disposal with different names and animations, but they crush reps like roaches.


At level 65 it's better on rep, but imps are still better overall.


Back on topic. I'm pretty sure that nerfng heals will end in loads of rage on forums. People will complain of dying a lot and healers being not very efficient at healing.


Any plans to nerf operatives ? that's probably the most troll class i've seen in pvp. it's basically stun stun stun roll roll... and u are a helpless witness to your own death. Or maybe I don't know how to counter them yet.:p


Some servers have a good republic population and are competitive in pvp. It just seems that imps are more popular, and as such there is this culture where people prefer playing on the popular team.


Obviously, the higher pop team probably is going to have a higher population of pvpers, so it's natural that imps would probably have the better chance to win.


People being people hate losing, so they go to the winning team which is the higher pop team, which is imps.


That's my theory anyway.

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A bit off topic.. but I have to ask: why are reps so bad at pvp ? I play on TRE and sometimes it's a nightmare. Matches are lost before they even begin because imps, who are humans likes reps, are in another league. Hell, they have the same abilities at their disposal with different names and animations, but they crush reps like roaches.


Why do you think 'big' countries like USA, China, or Russia dominate the gold medals in international sports events like the Olympics? ----- The answer? Population.





There are many different theories about why PvP-oriented people tend to choose the bad guys side in MMOGs that feature factions. I've got a few theories of my own, but whatever the reason, it does happen. More people flock to Imps in SWTOR just as more people flock to the Horde in WoW. The pop. imbalance is quoted as high as 3:1 in favor of Imps on average.


This means that If there 1,000 Imps online, there are only about 333 Reps online at the same time. If we suppose 10% of the population is people who would PvP regularly, then there would be 100 Imp PvPers as opposed to 33 Rep PvPers on at the same time.


People don't usually all queue at the same time, so just to make a point let's suppose 10% of that 10% queue for PvP at any given time. What you get 10 real PvPers in the Imp side at any given time, while only 3.3 real PvPers in the Reps. For the imps, this is enough to make two full teams that have more than 50% of its members as real PvPers. For the Reps, you can't even make a 4-man premade even if you gather all the 'real PvPers' online, because its only 3.3 people.


The system decides to create 3 matches at the same time by mixing in other casual players from both parties. When this happens, in those three Imp teams around 1/3rd will be talented PvPers, wheras for Reps, only about 1 player in each team will be a real PvPers. Three matches happen, three losses to the Reps.




So this goes around for years, and then, what happens is every new player interested in PvP just flocks to Imps.


Basically, people take the path of least resistance. When they ask around which side is good for PvP, everyone will answer Imps. Everyone will tell them Reps suck. I'd dearly love to believe that people with a sense of sportsmanship and fairness, upon hearing such, will decide to join Reps to help out. But the reality is, every new player interested in PvP just lands themselves at the Imps as well -- creating even larger numbers imbalance as time flows.


So there you have it. Why do Imps do so well, while Reps suck so hard? Because the game was set for us Reps to lose from the beginning, when people just flocked to one side and didn't care about how much things would be bad for the other side.



(ps) They still don't care.


(ps2) At least the smarter ones know that this isn't because the Imps are genetically superior or anything. Some of those smarter Imp players have good heart, and actually would switch to Rep characters if things are too bad. But people like this are few and far between. The rest of the idiots are just full of themselves.

Edited by kweassa
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Why do you think 'big' countries like USA, China, or Russia dominate the gold medals in international sports events like the Olympics? ----- The answer? Population.




It's Money.


Some countries don't even have the money to send out any sportspeople, and especially not enough money to train them. Look at the movie called "Cool Runnings" for an example of that.


You really have no idea how much MONEY is involved in that. The richest win. It's an natural progression.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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The lack of a good matchmaking systems it's what it's hurting a lot PC multyplayers games now days look PC Battlefront for instance of a really big problem.


Match making loby, the ability of a game to provide a user of a way to pick his desired fighting scenario it's by no means necesary in multyplayer games, hutball, arenas, why I have to play those if I don't like them a bit?

Why my team it's full of dps and non a single healer while the enemy team have 2? Why I joined a match which it's already lost?


Why I have to play whit people that don't even have PvP gear, why pvp gear anyways?

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It's Money.


Some countries don't even have the money to send out any sportspeople, and especially not enough money to train them. Look at the movie called "Cool Runnings" for an example of that.


You really have no idea how much MONEY is involved in that. The richest win. It's an natural progression.


Plus doping no doping no win this days where childs of 16 in humble teams struggle with teams where all of the members follow stric mediacal care and suited and personal doping programs to win all the big prizes on the best competitions.


Have been 6 years on a cycling team, worst experience ever so far, later get into triathlon and it's ever more nasty

it's widespread and EVERYBODY it's cheating.

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It's Money.


Some countries don't even have the money to send out any sportspeople, and especially not enough money to train them. Look at the movie called "Cool Runnings" for an example of that.


You really have no idea how much MONEY is involved in that. The richest win. It's an natural progression.


So imps by nature are more affluent and rich than republics? Got it. :rolleyes:

Edited by Lhancelot
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It's Money.


Some countries don't even have the money to send out any sportspeople, and especially not enough money to train them. Look at the movie called "Cool Runnings" for an example of that.


You really have no idea how much MONEY is involved in that. The richest win. It's an natural progression.


Throughout history this certainly hasn't been the hard and fast rule. Countless examples of tyrannized peasants rising up en masse to overthrow and execute their vastly wealthy oppressors.

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Throughout history this certainly hasn't been the hard and fast rule. Countless examples of tyrannized peasants rising up en masse to overthrow and execute their vastly wealthy oppressors.


Are you saying that imps are not dominating pubs due to an exorbitant amount of wealth that clearly imps possess? I call BS here if that's what you are saying... it's the credits man, all the credits!

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Are you saying that imps are not dominating pubs due to an exorbitant amount of wealth that clearly imps possess? I call BS here if that's what you are saying... it's the credits man, all the credits!


The peasant Pubs will rise up and overthrow their vastly wealthy Imp oppressors!

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Plus doping no doping no win this days where childs of 16 in humble teams struggle with teams where all of the members follow stric mediacal care and suited and personal doping programs to win all the big prizes on the best competitions.


Have been 6 years on a cycling team, worst experience ever so far, later get into triathlon and it's ever more nasty

it's widespread and EVERYBODY it's cheating.


I...but...wait, wut?

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So imps by nature are more affluent and rich than republics? Got it. :rolleyes:


I assumed he was talking about RL sports - and I answered him about RL sports.


And regarding peasants overthrowing regimes - when was the last time that that actually happened ? And if I mention certain countries, my posting will most likely get deleted.

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I assumed he was talking about RL sports - and I answered him about RL sports.


And regarding peasants overthrowing regimes - when was the last time that that actually happened ? And if I mention certain countries, my posting will most likely get deleted.


Yeah too bad we can't go into politics, but imagine the **** storm that would create here. People already get enraged over discussions about pixelated avatars.


I know alrik, it was just funny that the convo here segued into RL comparisons to the game, so I kept the spirit alive in that vein by applying the thought that money creates power even regarding imps stomping pubs. :p


Hey, it's as good of an excuse as most of the other flimsy ones tossed about, which try to explain why imps typically stomp the pubs.


Credits, it's the billions of credits the imps have that fuels their power in the warzones!

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My prediction is that dps will continue to play stupid, ignoring objectives, not marking or focusing healers, continue to be unable to focus target, and find something else to QQ about.


I am playing an op healer and, this actually happened to me once, believe it or not, could heal through a sentinel's damage with diagnostic scan, because he was keyboardturning so slowly that I could just run though and behind him so he had to tuuuuuuurn aaaaaall ooooooover aaagaaaain ''oh dang he's behind me ...''

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It's Money.


Some countries don't even have the money to send out any sportspeople, and especially not enough money to train them. Look at the movie called "Cool Runnings" for an example of that.


You really have no idea how much MONEY is involved in that. The richest win. It's an natural progression.


And which countries are the richest with a large-scale economy that has enough suprlus to support an annual budget for systematic support for sports sectors -- rich enough to support fundamental level training for their athletes, and enough to run a sportsleague every step of the way, starting from little leagues, to middle schools, highschools, college leauges, social leagues and the professionals? --- the largest countries in the world. :)


Money is an important factor, yes -- if not the MOST important factor. But all the money in the world don't give you Usain Bolt. The top-of-the-top level talent is born... and when it comes to finding talent, it helps to have a bigger chunk of the 7.4 billion world population. This is especially evident in non-professional sports where you can't just buy talent from outside, and the athletes are summoned under their "faction" (nationalities) to participate in a world event. Guess who ranks the highest medals -- you can bet your arse Americans, Chinese and the Russians are always in the top10 -- if not always in the top5.



Same with Imp-Rep balance. More population = more likeliness of better players available at hand = more likely chance of victory.

Edited by kweassa
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