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What utilities you use, for PVP, as vigilance/vengeance?


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Just out of curiosity, i know that there are some guides and such, but to follow them in every way is kinda boring and doesnt add that personal touch to the toon.

I use these:

Skillful tier

- Debilitation/Overwhelm, --> Must have in my opinion, this spec uses quite often Blade dance/ Ravage.

- Battlefield Command/Warmonger, --> Execelent to close gaps more often, high mobility in pvp is essencial.

- Focused Freedom/Unshackling Rage --> Root Break and free focus/rage.


Masterful Tier

- Gather Strength/Pooled Hatred --> Extremely useful against almost every class, more damage is always nice. :3

- Purifying Sweep/Crushing Fist --> 20% armor decrease in our nice aoe, if dots are set and enemies together even better.


Heroic Tier

- Daunting Presence/Intimidating Presence --> Good to use if being focused by too many ranged classes, and put some pressure on noob sorcs (seriously, the people new to the class panic when activate reflect).

- True Harmony/Through Power. --> Awesome to use if carrying the huttball.



Let's see what you guys and girls use.

Edited by petergohan
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I found myself in need to use 4 skillful:

Unstoppable - essential imo

Overwhelm - Tried to stay without it, but after playing some ranged classes I found how really annoying ravage root is.

Warmonger - as already said, mobility is important, especially when all these sorcs running around.

Unshackling rage - mainly using as speed boost, however sometimes it's helpful to break a root.



The biggest issue is that pooled hatred stacks are getting consumed by shatter dots. This may seem working as intended, but I don't think so. Shatter is a single ability, so stacks must be consumed either by initial hit and dots, not separately. I take this ulility sometimes though.


War bringer - very useful vs ranged classes.



Intimidating presence - no comment, the most important and usefull utility, jugg is the king of interrupts.

Through victory - additional root breaker, I found this more useful in ranked than other utilities.

In regs you can take through power for huttball or through passion for more frequent ED.


So there are 3 builds that I use for ranked and mainly for regs, each one has its drawbacks.


Warmonger - unstoppable - unshackling rage

Pooled hatred - war bringer

Intimidating presence - through victory


Warmonger - unstoppable - unshackling rage - overwhelm

Pooled hatred

Intimidating presence - through victory


Warmonger - unstoppable - unshackling rage - overwhelm

War bringer

Intimidating presence - through victory

Edited by DerSchneider
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Pooled Hatred/Gather Strength is pretty much a waste of a utility point for Vig/Veng because the buff is comsumed by DoT ticks.


On tier 1 I use CD reduction on leap, pull/knockback immunity on leap, root breaker on Focus/Enrage, and immobilize on Ravage/Master Strike. On tier 2 I use CD reduction on Choke/Stasis. On tier 3 I use +2 secs on Reflect + interrupt reset and root breaker on Mad Dash/Blade Blitz

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Pooled Hatred/Gather Strength is pretty much a waste of a utility point for Vig/Veng because the buff is comsumed by DoT ticks.


On tier 1 I use CD reduction on leap, pull/knockback immunity on leap, root breaker on Focus/Enrage, and immobilize on Ravage/Master Strike. On tier 2 I use CD reduction on Choke/Stasis. On tier 3 I use +2 secs on Reflect + interrupt reset and root breaker on Mad Dash/Blade Blitz



Really? But in the description it says that the boost is used by the next focus consuming ability, and the dots a secondary effect, it is a bug?

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Really? But in the description it says that the boost is used by the next focus consuming ability, and the dots a secondary effect, it is a bug?


Shatter/plasma brand initial hit and dots are the same ability, that's the problem. Other dots are separate from impale/force scream.

Edited by DerSchneider
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Imo you should use both the gather strength and dispatch/vicious after leap utils on venge/vigi. If you play a more direct dmg approach you get to use those gather strength stacks.


My "rotation" is pretty much leap (sunder with throw), vicious throw, impale, scream, procced vicious, slam, shatter, and reverse order of shatter and slam if there's a nice dotspread situation. I only use master strike as a root on opers etc and as filler, but I clip it after 2 hits if vicious or impale are off cooldown (in that order).


Only thing is you have to be using leap to proc the dispatch utility (for double dispatches) so I have both the push utility and reduced cooldown on leap when attacked. Good time to leap is a bit after a procced vicious so you don't get the two procs on top of one another and also use vicious on cooldown for same reason.

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How do Brawn and Unstoppable interact? They seem to be the same skill.


Also, Seething Hatred seems like ti might be useful in places like Alderan, since the reduced cd on Rage + Unstoppable rage would give you a quick out of combat speed boost to move between nodes. (Just a thought)

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How do Brawn and Unstoppable interact? They seem to be the same skill.


Also, Seething Hatred seems like ti might be useful in places like Alderan, since the reduced cd on Rage + Unstoppable rage would give you a quick out of combat speed boost to move between nodes. (Just a thought)


Unstoppable protects from knockbacks and roots, brawn protects from stuns and knockdowns (like spinning kick or Force Push, which knocks you down BEFORE pushing you)

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