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Visionary Alliance Pack preview


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Will probably be wanting the inquisitor robe, least parts of it. Here's hoping it's Silver so GTN and unlock costs aren't through the roof. And definitely getting the lightsaber if it sounds allright. Thanks Dulfy :)
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So, Luke's ROTJ saber? And just as huge as the plastic toy one they sold during The Special Edition rerelease? Meh.


The armor is all rehash. Even the cool inquisitor helm is the Primeval Stalker helm minus the tusks.


I want the droid companion even though it probably won't stat scale properly. And I was just thinking an Acklay mount would be sweet, so that's two things I actually want and will use.


The Oberle looks ok, I guess. Wonder if it has a flourish.


Arbiter sabers are going to be going up in price huge now that they're out of pack rotation.


As an addendum, the HK inspired weapons on that page look like crap. Why is it so hard for BW to make cool, sleek, uncomplicated gear? A simple HK color scheme lightsaber would have been nice instead of a He-Man sword. I don't understand what about HK makes them think "steampunk".

Edited by Nothing_Shines
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The Ambassador's set might be okay if it dyes well.


The Zakuul Inquisitor one looks strange. The chest armour looks a bit too...bosom-y.


The Acklay is nice. Good to see more organic mount options.


I'm not entirely sold on this pack's Maglites.

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Thanks for the previews! :)


The Jedi Strategist's set looks good, and I'd be ready to shell out many millions for it. . . if not for those shoulder wings, and, to a lesser extent, the oversized turtleneck. The latter looks okay on the BT1 female, but the BT2 ladies appear to have shorter necks so that will give the gal I'd want it for the no-neck look. >.<


Glad to see a belt-under robe with the Wartime Ambassador set! Not a big fan of the shoulder pads (I'm noticing a theme here lol), though if if it dyes well I'll probably pick it up for my Inquisitor.


A lovely turquoise crystal, an Acklay mount, and a neat looking droid companion . . . it is shaping up to be a nice pack. I hope there are pets added though.

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Wartime Ambassador set is the same format as the countless others Jedi robes we already have, only with shoulder pads and gauntlets to make it slightly different.


Zakuulan Inquisitor, I don't even know what to say. What an abomination. I thought the Zildrog set was as ugly as it could get, but now they give us a made-in-china version o Tulak Hord's armor. That helmet is the face of a pocessed pug from hell if I've seen one.


Relentless Hunter. Well, I've always wanted to roleplay a Killik.


Jedi Strategist looks quite nice, it's for pretenders like me who cannot afford Satele's set. Kudos.




Props for the Acklay and that overweight velociraptor, looking forward to both.




So much win. Love the lightsaber, finally something more ''realistic'' and less anime. Up there with the Battlemaster.




All in all, it's a nice pack. Thanks Dulfy.

Edited by richiesilva
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So, Luke's ROTJ saber? And just as huge as the plastic toy one they sold during The Special Edition rerelease? Meh.


Actually, this set of sabers looks to be size scaled to those we had at release. Certainly the double bladed is much more like launch style rather then a cut-down broomstick.


Arbiter sabers are going to be going up in price huge now that they're out of pack rotation.


People were in fact reporting getting the Arbiter sabers from Chance Cubes as well, and I imagine they still will.


With the addition of Chance Cubes to the packs, there really are no embargoed items any more as far as we can tell.

Edited by Andryah
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Realistic ? "Real" lightsabers are not size of XXL banana


From the Dulfy screen shots, neither are these ones.


Jeid Purists will love these. To me they are a bit toooooo plain.

Edited by Andryah
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I like the Jedi Strategist Robes and the Acklay. The gunslinger droid companion looks kind of cool as well.



But I really like the HK Pistols.


While I like the droid, and generally I collect all the companions being released these days... that face on the droid reminds me of the VooDoo masks in WoW. So I may give this one a pass, since VooDoo masks have no place in the SW universe IMO.

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While I like the droid, and generally I collect all the companions being released these days... that face on the droid reminds me of the VooDoo masks in WoW. So I may give this one a pass, since VooDoo masks have no place in the SW universe IMO.


Ever watch the The Clone Wars? Voodoo has a place in the canon now :D


But that's another reason I like it, has a unique face that isn't another HK...

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Actually, this set of sabers looks to be size scaled to those we had at release. Certainly the double bladed is much more like launch style rather then a cut-down broomstick.




People were in fact reporting getting the Arbiter sabers from Chance Cubes as well, and I imagine they still will.


With the addition of Chance Cubes to the packs, there really are no embargoed items any more as far as we can tell.


The arbiters are gone from the next pack as a direct chance item. Getting them to drop from a grand chance cube is more difficult than straight from a pack as you're hoping for a super duper ultra rare hit against a loot table that includes every single other CM item, including the other super duper ultra rare items. Therefore, the arbiter prices are going to go up as supply goes down.


Luke's saber is friggin' huge, especially in the female model's hands. And yes, I'm aware how that sounded.

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