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The Planets


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I think we should add more planets from the KOTOR. Such as Telos, Dantooine, Kashyyyk etc and I think we should add more to Manaan.


"][/been there, done that. We need NEW planets we have never been to before iridonia would be a great start

Edited by Kilikaa
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I think we should add more planets from the KOTOR. Such as Telos, Dantooine, Kashyyyk etc and I think we should add more to Manaan.


I would LOVE to see TOR Kashyyk. We have three different environs to explore. The lush coastal lines, the towering tree cities and the frightening dark lands.


I think Ryloth, Sleheyron and Manaan would be great additions.

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Ryloth would be at the top of my list, just because I don't believe it has been in any Star Wars RPG/MMO yet. Also, the lore on the place makes it sound like it would make for an interesting location.


One side of the planet perpetually faced its sun and the other remained in darkness, a phenomenon known as tidal locking. The dayside was referred to as the Bright Lands and the night-side was known as the Nightlands...


,...The planet was orbited by five moons, which had subtle tidal effects on the planet's liquid core and underground springs. It had little or no surface water except for patches of water ice on the night side.


It was a planet of extremes: dry, rocky landscapes of deserts, mountain ranges with mist-covered peaks, shadowy valleys, alternated with snowy wastes, joined by lush temperate bands which concentrated much of its population....


...Along the terminator lay a thin habitable border, a twilight realm between the two extremes. Along this narrow strip were the series of caverns where some of the Twi'leks decided to build their underground cities, blockaded with thick blast doors and portcullises to keep out the vicious monsters that prowled the Bright Lands, especially lyleks.


The Floating Rock Gardens of Ryloth were a natural wonder and tourist attraction, well known throughout the Outer Rim, where strong winds blew among the tunnels, causing rocks to float gently through the air. Over the years the gardens became filled with rare and dazzling stones.





If Ryloth were ever made a visitable location in a future chapter of KotFE, or in a future expansion, I'd also hope Kala'uun would be the main hub.



Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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