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Curious; which class doe you think Satele (or others) most closely resemble?


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Just what it says. Which class do you think the various NPCs most closely resemble.


Aside from the odd double saber, Satele seems to use force attacks more than other characters. I'd guess Sage?

Probably TK Sage.


Marr seems very juggernaut-ish.


Lana is a toss up. She has her Juggernaut moments but seems awfully fond of her Force Lightning.


Senya seems to very much follow the Juggernaut or Guardian.


What do you think? And what about others?

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In my opinion:- :)

Theron Shan: ether Smuggler or Bounty Hunter

Lana Beniko: Sith Inquisitor

Koth Vortana: ether Trooper or Imperial Agent

Lord Cytharat: Sith Warrior

Senya: Jedi Knight

Satele Shan: Jedi Consular

Darth Marr: Sith Warrior

Valkorian: Kinda Sith Inquisitor like cuz lighting

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In my opinion:- :)

Theron Shan: ether Smuggler or Bounty Hunter

Lana Beniko: Sith Inquisitor

Koth Vortana: ether Trooper or Imperial Agent

Lord Cytharat: Sith Warrior

Senya: Jedi Knight

Satele Shan: Jedi Consular

Darth Marr: Sith Warrior

Valkorian: Kinda Sith Inquisitor like cuz lighting


Theron, definitely Gunslinger to the core.

Lana: Sith inquisitor agree

Koth: Assault trooper

Cytharat: don't know so probably agree.

Senya: Jedi Guardian

Satele: She's a Jedi shadow who never uses stealth.

Marr: Sith warrior

Valkorian: Sith sorcerer, lightning.

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Theron, definitely Gunslinger to the core.

Lana: Sith inquisitor agree

Koth: Assault trooper

Cytharat: don't know so probably agree.

Senya: Jedi Guardian

Satele: She's a Jedi shadow who never uses stealth.

Marr: Sith warrior

Valkorian: Sith sorcerer, lightning.

You provided the advanced classes ;P I only stated the main class of each cuz i don't pay much attention to the advanced classes names lol

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