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Romance updates?


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I was just curious to know if any romance updates have occurred since the release of KoTFE? I was one of the many people who courted Lana throughout the story and messed up at the end thinking it was referring to Theron. Haven't played in a few months and I know they've released new chapters. Have they given us a chance to lock in with Lana again?
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I was just curious to know if any romance updates have occurred since the release of KoTFE? I was one of the many people who courted Lana throughout the story and messed up at the end thinking it was referring to Theron. Haven't played in a few months and I know they've released new chapters. Have they given us a chance to lock in with Lana again?


The romances haven't really progressed since Chapter 9 so no, there hasn't been another chance to lock in one of the new romances.


If I were to hazard a guess I would say there won't be another chance, but that's solely my opinion. You never know what they might do.

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If only they would fix the bugs instead of making new. Lana's romance is just broken beyond repair it seems and nobody a Bioware wants to admit the mistake. It's not like Bioware will fix it unless it affects them directly.


Lana prior to recent patch "Oh i love you, I'm going to save you!" smoochiesmoochie. (If you didn't flirt well it's your loss because you are somehow a fortune teller and should know what you should hit. On the other hand if you flirt with her and now you don't get the option at all...)


In comes the new patch. Nico now hates you so much he refuses to do work for you or accompany you on your adventures, meanwhile Lana doesn't give you a second look cause of course she has lost her memory and forgot she was exploring your mouth during the previous patch. But Theron is on Odessen and he wants your body now, though you never showed him interest and treat him like dirt., why you ask? well that's easy because him mom is a jedi.


But hey your cloak doesn't drag under your speeder when you ride now and that Varactyl well your cloak still drags on him. You armor will always clip here and there, your butt will show through belts at times, your slave garments will clip up under you.


Those new packs come out with cubes that give you old stuff. Red glowing eyes, Emote Menace. Yes you wasted money on the cartel market trying to get that Unstable Lightsaber just so you can look like a cheap knock off of Kylo Ren.


Those credit cases that you could slice and those wonder blue credit cases...yeah we don't want you to make money easily because you'll just buy off the GTN instead of buying from us and supporting our coffee breaks! We must have our coffee breaks 7 hours out of our 8 hour work day. 5 days a week. We go home and play the games that don't have problems because fixing problems in our own games is just too much like work!


In the end. Welcome to Star Wars: The Old Republic, Attack of the bugs and home of the cartel market.




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The romance option which most interests me is Senya, for my fem trooper. She's flirtable... but, as of yet no support for following up on that.


Failing to support story arcs fails to engage my interest. I've finished Chapter 10 on only 1 character, and haven't even touched 11 yet. Because meh.

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Yeah this sucks.. I wish they could just shed some light on the situation, what will it take them, 2 minutes for a response? I've been playing this game since it first came out, and I'm really not a MMO player, I got into the game just because its SW and in all these years playing, I've only ever played on one character. My JK. I've been flirting and making out with Lana since as far as I can remember.. All the way to the point of screwing up on the last cantina chat of chapter 9 (the can I talk to one of you instance) where the camera was facing Theron and reading it fast I didn't sit there to analyze that its a possibility that I could still be directing it to Lana. Since then I lost my opportunity to lock in with her. I'm not asking them to have us redue it or anything ridiculous. Just would like to know if there will be a future opportunity to lock with her or NOT? If not then I'll make a new character for KoTFE so I can fix it, but even then It will still be very disappointing since I have years of history with my one character paving a story throughout the years. Since they don't seem to respond to our topics on here or the suggestion box, is there an email for them?? I just want a simple answer from them!! lol
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What I would like is a little symbol next to the name of the person you are romancing. I dunno about you guys but I've got so many characters that I can't remember who romanced who. I'm talking about Lana, Koth, and Theron.


I can easily remember who a certain character romanced in the first 3 chapters, but since SoR I can't remember what character did what with whom, and the game likes to almost never reference it at all. And if it does it is down to you to choose that flirt option, regardless of the options you chose before. For instance Lana will just act like nothing ever happened unless you go out of your way to remind her.

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