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Why it's hard to sell on the GTN


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I GTN all the green and blue drops I get as I level alts, and they all (eventually) sell for the prices I set.


Funny you should mention that as I do the same and list them for the default prices. If folks are buying them, they're doing so for a reason. (ie: They're hard up on cash and/or crystals, they can't craft, they don;t know of alternatives, etc.)


Before 4.0, it was usually a 60-70% sell rate in the first cycle. Now, it's maybe a time or two a day. Just went through and vendored everything since most of it's been listed at least a half dozen times now.


Besides that, it;s also a matter of pricing intelligently. I just listed items that maybe cost me 15k tops to craft at the 70-90k price range. Currently low price is 150k. I have to wonder if they ever get any takers.


edit: Just checked. I listed 10 of that item about an hour ago. They're already gone.

Edited by dr_mike
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It seems that you are simply trying to sell stuff either too expensive, in low demand, or in too high supply.

THIS. Nothing sums up GTN economics as well as this reply does.


If you want an advice just skip GTN in all games because you are feeding all those speculators with items that them will resell, you don't sell in the GTN because it's rigged people LIVE in front of it and the soon you drop something cheaper thatn they are selling they just buy it and resell it, they can even buy all the stock of a certain item, then create scarcity of that product so yeah if you want to waste time feeding them just go ahead but if you want to get what you want maybe you can joing a guild and share what you have and barter what you don't have ;)

Unless you want to play this market control game, too, it doesn't even matter if you sale item to a poor f2p buyer or a 'filthy reseller'. You put an item on sale, someone resells that, so what? You still keep credits and inflation which is caused by reselling is restrained a bit by GTN commission and is not going to hurt you in short run.


If you want to play economy, however, it'd be better start with Economy 101.

Yes, if some item is on mediocre demand and there're only 2 such items on GTN and 10 in my inventory, I'd list them 1-2 at a time. Otherwise supply raises a lot and price will drop as a consequence. Think about your buyers' psychology - 'this guy got 10 pairs of Satele boots, I won't buy them for 15 mil, it's evident for anyone that if no one would buy those he'll want to drop price to sell it quicker so I'd just wait until then'. At some critical point someone would want these goods NOW instead of waiting for 2 days to get another 10k discount. And that is a point when supply meets demand. Really, re-read Alssaran's comment. And learn something about free market already :D

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Look, another "lift the F2P credit cap" thread...


Seriously, we don't need ways for more people to F2P, we need to get them to sub.


didn't you hear? F2P is the way to go. they sell more in cartel coins then subs these days :(

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If you want an advice just skip GTN in all games because you are feeding all those speculators with items that them will resell, you don't sell in the GTN because it's rigged people LIVE in front of it and the soon you drop something cheaper thatn they are selling they just buy it and resell it, they can even buy all the stock of a certain item, then create scarcity of that product so yeah if you want to waste time feeding them just go ahead but if you want to get what you want maybe you can joing a guild and share what you have and barter what you don't have ;)


Dude! Use some sentence breaks and punctuation.


Once I decoded this gibberish.... all I can say is... you are wrong. Very wrong. I spend, on average, about 30 minutes a day working my GTN alts through the morning credit collections, listing of new items, and buying of bargains. I make 5-8 million credits a day in sales and my average profit margin on items I sell is 100-200% because I buy low, hold and resell later. By far the most profitable use of time to earn credits for me in this game.


AND.. when I resell, I'm not greedy. Since I buy low when the cartel pack dumping frenzies happen every month or so... it is very easy to make my profit and still offer bargains on the market (compared to current market price). Once I reach my threshold profit... even if competing listings are much higher, I still sell at my price point to list, no matter what. To a certain degree, my methods are anti-inflationary to the market as a whole.

Edited by Andryah
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Dude! Use some sentence breaks and punctuation.


Once I decoded this gibberish.... all I can say is... you are wrong. Very wrong. I spend, on average, about 30 minutes a day working my GTN alts through the morning credit collections, listing of new items, and buying of bargains. I make 5-8 million credits a day in sales and my average profit margin on items I sell is 100-200% because I buy low, hold and resell later. By far the most profitable use of time to earn credits for me in this game.


AND.. when I resell, I'm not greedy. Since I buy low when the cartel pack dumping frenzies happen every month or so... it is very easy to make my profit and still offer bargains on the market (compared to current market price). Once I reach my threshold profit... even if competing listings are much higher, I still sell at my price point to list, no matter what. To a certain degree, my methods are anti-inflationary to the market as a whole.


Yup and then people like me buy up those more reasonable ( yetp rofitable to you ) deals up and list them for insanely larger amounts to take advantage of all the extra credits in circulation! :D


Gold CM items are truly gold these days ... worth so much more than a month or so ago and silvers are starting to follow suit.

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I undercut everyone else and my crap sells by the time I log on the next day. Sometimes there are unpopular items that you need to list a few times but there are other cheap and abundant things that nobody will ever want.
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Dude! Use some sentence breaks and punctuation.


Once I decoded this gibberish.... all I can say is... you are wrong. Very wrong. I spend, on average, about 30 minutes a day working my GTN alts through the morning credit collections, listing of new items, and buying of bargains. I make 5-8 million credits a day in sales and my average profit margin on items I sell is 100-200% because I buy low, hold and resell later. By far the most profitable use of time to earn credits for me in this game.


AND.. when I resell, I'm not greedy. Since I buy low when the cartel pack dumping frenzies happen every month or so... it is very easy to make my profit and still offer bargains on the market (compared to current market price). Once I reach my threshold profit... even if competing listings are much higher, I still sell at my price point to list, no matter what. To a certain degree, my methods are anti-inflationary to the market as a whole.


Sorry for have a paragraph one line longer than yours.


So with your 30min in GTN you make 5mill a day, good for you and your server but you are actually wrong, resellers and speculators are the plage of our society, making a game less fun because you think that get rich in game will make you any happier.


At the end this game will close like many others with loads of virtual items unused and at stupid prices, one week before closing people will give away his stuff but by then it will be too late....


But yeah it's your experience and I respect that, but keep in mind that "I'm on may way back" at gaming and know how detect this AH behaviours if you list an item at the same price of that said item and all the sudden they all sell and appears with the price rised yo can be sure that there are people out there LIVING in the GTN hoarding more and more money everyday.

Usually happens when you try to list more than 3 items because the horader it's monitoring constantly his investments and he don't like to lose even a single sale, much like real life, pretty pathetic emulating something that it's proved to be wrong and damages society.



Oh and excuse my language English it's not my mother tongue.

Edited by Mohamaguena
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As a player who "play ALOT" on the GTN I too think that sometimes things sell slowly, far too slowly at that.

BUT that is part of the system works.


MY typical GTN day.


I gather what ever I am about to sell.

I then check for prices on the same item

I ALSO ( and this is important ) check how long the item is listed.


Then I naturally undercut, some.

I do NOT undercut to a level of flat out dumping prices.


If I see a blaster pistol that I am trying to sell, and it is fairly popuplar then I do this.


I follow th the sales of that item a few days, checks for "errors" in pricing.

Like something that was supposed to cost 4.5 million now costing 450K etc.


Like others here say, buy now at a low price, sit on items and sell later at higher price.



I also when I logg on go through all the sales that didn't go through.

I relist them ( usually reprising as well)

I play the game to either getting mails about thses being sold or I have to logg out.


I allways go over my slaes before logging out, correcting any listings I see where I am not lowest in price, then next day logging in I harvest my credits, and redestribite what ever sales is left.


Makes easy millions this way

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What I'm saying is subscribers would buy a'lot more cartel market items and then resell on the GTN to non subscribers. I want to lower the price of things on the GTN not raise. My problems is that when I try to sell cartel market armor and weapons they go for 300k - a few million.A'lot of subscribers don't go on the GTN and buy the armor and weapons because they already got it from buying the cartel packs. I subscribe almost every month the money cap is not a problem for me, but of purchasers for items. I understand what people are saying about we need them to sub, but they still would because limited pvp, space combat, operations, flashpoints, lower xp gain, titles, emotes, guild bank, unify colors, hide head slot, crew skill, subscriber rewards, etc... If anything it would make more money for TOR because subscribers would buy more cartel packs to sell to an ever increasing market.


Just a couple of thoughts.... If the cap were removed I'd unsub. I don't buy cartel coins and only use my monthly ccs to buy sale items with my coins. The reality is that BW has more to lose than gain by raising the cap. Prices wouldn't come down on gtn as credit supply would increase and cause inflation. As a sub I dont buy a lot off the gtn.

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But yeah it's your experience and I respect that, but keep in mind that "I'm on may way back" at gaming and know how detect this AH behaviours if you list an item at the same price of that said item and all the sudden they all sell and appears with the price rised yo can be sure that there are people out there LIVING in the GTN hoarding more and more money everyday.


Usually happens when you try to list more than 3 items because the horader it's monitoring constantly his investments and he don't like to lose even a single sale, much like real life, pretty pathetic emulating something that it's proved to be wrong and damages society.



Out of curiosity, why do you care who buys the item you were selling? They, after all, did pay the price you asked for it.


I'm not one of the big GTN players, I have neither the wealth or the time, just curious

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