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Slicing Nodes Broken, Giving Way Too Little Credits Since 4.2


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Prior to 4.2 slicing nodes gave 2 blue/prototype quality lockboxes and you got 1 extra if your slicing skill was high vs the node level. These lockboxes would give about 2k-4k on average from a high level node which was fair amount and finally put slicing in a good place after a long time.


After 4.2 every node now gives the premium quality lockboxes which has a low amount of credits 1.2-1.7k. This is a terrible amount in my opinion and should be restored to 4.1 levels.


The amount you get from hitting a slicing node is way less now and alot of legitimate slicers are only discouraged from slicing.


I'm requesting at the very least have the new nodes on Zakuul drop the prototype lockboxes. Please restore slicing nodes to 4.1 levels or please add slicing materials on top of credits. Alot of players don't like something being nerfed. We already know how bad you guys can nerf things like you did with the CSM please stop nerfing things that don't need to be changed. Focus your time on fixing actual broken things like Story, PVP, and OPS bugs.


EDIT: Forgot to bring popcorn for everyone sorry about that y'all. *Runs and grabs a ton of popcorn*. :D


EDIT 2: Just edited this post because I saw Eric answer my question.


Edited by squirrelballz
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I'm with you Squirrel... before 4.2 I would go out of my way when adventuring to grab a slicing node if I saw it. Now I'm all "shoot, I gotta fight that pack of guys to grab that... meh, not worth the time... not worth wasting that extra bit of this XP boost".


I figure this was in response to the amount of bots (which likely will stay the same since it's still a solid credit stream that can be gathered by a bot). I'd suggested previously randomly timed spawns with randomized locations could fix the bots easily. Some have said this could result in unreachable spawns sometimes (granted, I've seen that already happen). Meh, if nobody harvests a spawn for say 24 hours, have it despawn and respawn at another random location. Fixed.


I'm almost through all the class stories and was going to roll a treasure hunting slicer on my next guy... now I'll pick something like armorcraft cause at least I can make nice looking stuff with that. :)

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indeed they could have fixed the bot problem by requiring a randomized security code be entered at erach node to feel like a slicing mini-game (think gathering in STO), and that would have locked the bots out of that revenue stream... but, instead they take the lazy way and punish the innocent along with the guilty... Edited by Elly_Dawn
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Prior to 4.2 slicing nodes gave 2 blue/prototype quality lockboxes and you got 1 extra if your slicing skill was high vs the node level. These lockboxes would give about 2k-4k on average from a high level node which was fair amount and finally put slicing in a good place after a long time.


After 4.2 every node now gives the premium quality lockboxes which has a low amount of credits 1.2-1.7k. This is a terrible amount in my opinion and should be restored to 4.1 levels.


Is this actually intended or just a screw up? If this is intended then I don't know what you devs are thinking. The lack of communication by the Dev team about this is terrible and has caused a huge divide in the community. The amount of value you get from hitting a slicing node is way less now and alot of legitimate slicers are only discouraged from slicing.


At the very least have the new nodes on Zakuul drop the prototype lockboxes. Please restore slicing nodes to 4.1 levels. Please also at the very least give an explanation as to why the nodes were changed in the first place and why you decided to nerf it. Alot of players don't like something being nerfed and please stop listening to the ridiculous zealots who yell nerf to anything that doesn't suit their style of playing. We already know how bad you guys can nerf things like you did with the CSM please stop nerfing things that don't need to be changed. Focus your time on fixing actual broken things like Story, PVP, and OPS bugs.


EDIT: Forgot to bring popcorn for everyone sorry about that y'all. *Runs and grabs a ton of popcorn*. :D





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"Waaaaah! They took away my free money fountain! Waaaah!"


Seriously, anybody who thought this wasn't getting fixed, or that forum threads had anything to do with it one way or the other, deserve the disappointment just for so thoroughly deluding themselves. :rolleyes:

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Me too. Waited far too long. Far too long I say!


Glad to read this here have some popcorn. *Shares Popcorn*


"Waaaaah! They took away my free money fountain! Waaaah!"


Please don't cry Zanya it's ok you're not you when you're hungry here have a snickers. :D


Seriously, anybody who thought this wasn't getting fixed, or that forum threads had anything to do with it one way or the other, deserve the disappointment just for so thoroughly deluding themselves. :rolleyes:


Forums and discussion posts have gotten things changed before no reason why they won't in the future, please don't delude yourself either. See CSM and Companion change for reference if needed. :)

Edited by squirrelballz
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Forums and discussion posts have gotten things changed before no reason why they won't in the future, please don't delude yourself either. See CSM and Companion change for reference if needed. :)


If you still think forums were the reason comps got adjusted one way or the other then you're the one who's brain needs the glucose. :rolleyes:


Eric tells you guys how important your feedback is in the way a teacher tells a kid how important their participation trophy is.

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If you still think forums were the reason comps got adjusted one way or the other then you're the one who's brain needs the glucose. :rolleyes:


Eric tells you guys how important your feedback is in the way a teacher tells a kid how important their participation trophy is.


Yeah they have their metrics to guide them on most of their decisions, want to know the only metric that really matters at EA/BW? Money and making sure the bottom-line is good. The only thing that makes sense that got them to reverse the companion change would be a drop in subs or money, otherwise why would they care to change it if they can't bother to fix most of the broken things in this game. :)

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indeed they could have fixed the bot problem by requiring a randomized security code be entered at erach node to feel like a slicing mini-game (think gathering in STO), and that would have locked the bots out of that revenue stream... but, instead they take the lazy way and punish the innocent along with the guilty...


BW knows no other way, honestly I blame the community more than BW in this case. The only thing BW did was probably cave in and try to make a stealth change like they've done before, the issue I have with BW is their lack of communication on this matter.

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And prior to the nodes giving multiple blue boxes, you used to get 1 or 2 white boxes with less credits. A green if you were lucky. Kind of lends weight to the thought that multiple blue boxes was NOT intended.


No sense getting bent up over it. It still gives credits. It's just not eezy cheezy like it was before. Everyone knew that 5 clicks generating more credits than a heroic mission wasn't going to fly.

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Prior to 4.2 slicing nodes gave 2 blue/prototype quality lockboxes and you got 1 extra if your slicing skill was high vs the node level. These lockboxes would give about 2k-4k on average from a high level node which was fair amount and finally put slicing in a good place after a long time.


After 4.2 every node now gives the premium quality lockboxes which has a low amount of credits 1.2-1.7k. This is a terrible amount in my opinion and should be restored to 4.1 levels.


Is this actually intended or just a screw up? If this is intended then I don't know what you devs are thinking. The lack of communication by the Dev team about this is terrible and has caused a huge divide in the community. The amount of value you get from hitting a slicing node is way less now and alot of legitimate slicers are only discouraged from slicing.



Patch Notes:

Slicing Harvesting nodes no longer drop Prototype (blue) quality Lockboxes and now drop Premium (green) quality Lockboxes.

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Thanks for that, Squirrelz, now I need to clean the snot out my keyboard. Just glad I wasn't taking a drink when I saw it. :D


LOL hey at least if it made you laugh I'm happy to spread some humor around. Also I forgot to give you some popcorn. *Gives CrazyCT Clorox wipes and shares popcorn*. :D

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It must be Ask a ridiculous question day... :rolleyes:


I took some inspiration from another post you might be familiar with. I think they started the whole ask a ridiculous question on this topic in my opinion. ;)


Is this actually intended or just a screw up? If this is intended then I don't know what you devs are thinking.


There you go and here have some popcorn. *Shares Popcorn*.



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the issue I have with BW is their lack of communication on this matter


It does leave us scratching (and butting) our collective heads to a degree which seems perverse. Can't help try and figure out what they're thinking in the absence of any explanation at all.


I guess i'm slightly and pleasantly surprised they even wrote in these patch notes that a loot nerf was intentional. There have been so many past changes unaccompanied by official word already!


Could they just be continually using slicing as a bot/hack detection matrix? With these regular tweaks to the sensitivity they're seeking?

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Nowhere in the patch notes for 4.1 did it state a change was made to have all the slicing nodes drop blues instead of green boxes. They did change the mission reward lock boxes and possibly replaced the rewards for slicing nodes with them in error. Now they are fixed. The mission rewards still give the blue boxes. This was not a response to people complaining about too much money. It was a bug fix that was easy to correct so they fixed it.
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I took some inspiration from another post you might be familiar with. I think they started the whole ask a ridiculous question on this topic in my opinion. ;)

Agreed. It was a non issue to begin with and I wish the instigator of this would just S-T-F-U. Seriously, no one cares. At all. Except him.


And P.S. to the instigator: Thanks for *********** my slicing farming. You're just so noble, aren't you.

Edited by btmart
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