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Bring HK-55 back in Cartel or something

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Some of the members missed an opportunity to get HK-55 and would probably like to either buy him back on the cartel or try earn him somehow the new subs are thinking why we didn't see this game sooner we could have gotten our golden hk-55. its just not very fair to most of us. I would probably buy him for the price of a treek maybe. he is pretty god compared to the newbie subs
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Rage mode: Activated


For about the billionth time - no.


To bring back something that was a subscriber only reward undermines ANY attempts to either get new subs or keep people subbing through these rewards. Why would you stay subbed if you can just complain on the forums and get the reward later?


And try using search next time.

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They have never, in the history of the game, offered a subscriber reward through the Cartel Market and they're extremely unlikely to do so now.

Realistically the best you can hope for is an HK-55 skin for HK-51 or maybe an HK-54/56 companion.

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So many people ignore the Search button in the top right corner... Its your friend! It tells you when a question had been answered or discussed multiple times already! :p


That being said, here, I'll just copy paste my reply from the -last- post where this was asked for:


Theres a mini pet clled a Gannifari that they gave out as a sub reward a few years back that only existing characters at that time got. Any characters you make after that dont get the pet. So only 6 of my 25 characters have that pet, because the ones that dont have it didnt meet the requirements to get the pet.


I cant help but to laugh at all you people who couldnt be bothered to spend 2 minutes on your phone to resub if he was that important to get instead of playing Angry Birds or watching pôřn -demanding- to be given this. :p


As for those who started playing after the promotion ended well, thats what happens in life.


Id like a 68 Charger, but they dont make them anymore (and thanks to The Dukes of Hazzard TV show & movie most all 68, 69, and 70 Chargers were destroyed, the ones left are hoarded by collecters on a scale of Gollum) I dont go to the Dodge dealership and throw tantrums demanding them to sell me one.




Before the "But I wasnt playing SWTOR because I was taking a Dog/Cat Perming class et cetera..." posts start, it takes maybe two minutes to pop onto a game website/forum every month or so to see whats upcoming. Both Nico and HK promotions were advertised for MONTHS.


If you couldnt be bothered to check in on the game, if you ignored the multiple emails they sent out on the promotions, thats ALL on you. If you disabled/opted out of the mails from SWTOR, thats also all on you. I also refer you back to my above comment about resubing via the website on your phone as you sit on the toilet...

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Rage mode: Activated


For about the billionth time - no.


To bring back something that was a subscriber only reward undermines ANY attempts to either get new subs or keep people subbing through these rewards. Why would you stay subbed if you can just complain on the forums and get the reward later?


And try using search next time.


I never got this whole entitled attitude. Let everyone have HK, let everyone have Nico. Who cares? I'll stay subbed regardless of that stuff because I actually like unrestricted access to the game. If you really need Bioware to give you toys to stay subbed, then you're the one who's not that big a fan of the game.


Real rewards should be something anyone can earn, that anyone can achieve if they put in the time and effort , like HK-51, or PvP valor titles, or even that hutt's Taco Bell hat.

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I never got this whole entitled attitude. Let everyone have HK, let everyone have Nico. Who cares? I'll stay subbed regardless of that stuff because I actually like unrestricted access to the game. If you really need Bioware to give you toys to stay subbed, then you're the one who's not that big a fan of the game.


Real rewards should be something anyone can earn, that anyone can achieve if they put in the time and effort , like HK-51, or PvP valor titles, or even that hutt's Taco Bell hat.

I had a different thing I was going to say, but I trashed it because it wouldn't come off other than as self-righteous.


I'll just leave behind the thought that if once they back-pedal and give access by any means (other than the initial subscription condition) to the reward item, then it makes the "for subscribing continuously between these two dates" promise on the next one less credible.

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I'll just leave behind the thought that if once they back-pedal and give access by any means (other than the initial subscription condition) to the reward item, then it makes the "for subscribing continuously between these two dates" promise on the next one less credible.


I get that, I really do, and I wish I had a good solution for it (the one I had for Nico was that people subbed on the original date could still summon him at Lv 1 and everyone else would have to wait for Ch 9 of KotFE). But honestly, that's a way better argument for Bioware putting more thought into what they choose as sub rewards than anything.


Companions (or at least ones with dialogue)? Story content? BAD IDEA!


Armor sets? Mounts? Weapons! GOOD IDEA!


That Personal Warbot or the Akk Dog actually would have made a WAY better sub reward than Nico or HK.

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I never got this whole entitled attitude. Let everyone have HK, let everyone have Nico. Who cares? I'll stay subbed regardless of that stuff because I actually like unrestricted access to the game. If you really need Bioware to give you toys to stay subbed, then you're the one who's not that big a fan of the game.


Real rewards should be something anyone can earn, that anyone can achieve if they put in the time and effort , like HK-51, or PvP valor titles, or even that hutt's Taco Bell hat.


It's not entitlement, I'm not against people getting stuff. It's about the loss of any credibility when Bioware say that something is "Exclusive" to people who subscribe on those dates, then give them out to everyone later. They use this as the proverbial carrot to get people to sub and stay subbed. There is no point if everyone knows they can just pick it up later because some people complained on the forums that it wasn't fair that they didn't get it.

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So i subscribe GET HK!

I don't subscribe i still get HK?

What is the point of subscribing if every Tom, Dick and Harry gets a pet even though they didn't sub in time, isn't this whole thing supposed to be about bragging rights for those who do sub, and stay loyal to the game and its developers when they need it?

Edited by MrBimo
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It's not likely to happen, these were sub rewards, meaning you had to be subbed at specific times to gain certain stuff. If Bioware started handing these out to everyone, do you think people are going to believe them if in future they unveil a sub exclusive if they sub, it would be more of a case of nah! I won't bother with subbing I will get it sometime down the road anyway.
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So i subscribe GET HK!

I don't subscribe i still get HK?

What is the point of subscribing if every Tom, Dick and Harry gets a pet even though they didn't sub in time, isn't this whole thing supposed to be about bragging rights for those who do sub, and stay loyal to the game and its developers when they need it?


Yeah, I'm calling BS on this. How many people actually subscribed just to get HK? I'm betting 95% of the people who got him were already subbed.


Also, seriously? What's the point of subbing? Do I actually have to post the list of things subs get access to over preferred? How long have you been playing this game, anyway?

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It's not about the toy - they could bring out an HK-55 skin for HK-51 or bring out HK-56 and have him (or her) on the CM, that would be fine. It's that it was a limited time only never to be repeated offer. I know of several people who wouldn't have stayed subbed if they hadn't got HK-55. It was a great incentive for them. To turn around and tell them now, "Haha, we were only joking, you could have bought it anytime later" would not be a good idea. Not only would they lose quite a bit of trust, they'd probably lose a good few subscriptions.


And the next time they need a cash injection, or have to meet quotas for keeping subs and try the same trick, it won't work.

Edited by CrazyCT
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I look at it this way. BW should do it, but after say 6 months to a year. That way, those who subbed get their nifty toy solely for them, but after a year, would you all really care at that point?

Yes, I would. It was promised as an EXCLUSIVE for people who subscribed according to the conditions. If they release it later for everyone, that would be breaking the promise. So the next time they promised an EXCLUSIVE for people who meet some condition or other, I'd be reluctant to trust that promise.

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Yes, I would. It was promised as an EXCLUSIVE for people who subscribed according to the conditions. If they release it later for everyone, that would be breaking the promise. So the next time they promised an EXCLUSIVE for people who meet some condition or other, I'd be reluctant to trust that promise.

Further thought on this: back when strongholds were released, the subscriber exclusive was a free unlock of the Nar Shaddaa stronghold plus a number of free room unlocks depending on when exactly you subscribed. I didn't subscribe, so I had to pay to unlock the stronghold and the rooms. But of course the subscriber exclusive wasn't the stronghold itself, but the free unlock. I didn't subscribe, I didn't get it, I had to pay, and that's as it should be.


This time round, the subscriber exclusive was a thing rather than the opportunity to get the thing for free, so it becomes: X didn't subscribe, X doesn't get the thing, and that, too, is as it should be.


As long as they don't give in to pressure, and allow people to have the thing (or, in a case like the stronghold unlocks, give away that unlock) without meeting the condition, we're all happy.


Well, except the people whining that they didn't get it, and ultimately I don't really care about them.

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Did they acually said sub rewards cant come back at later date?

If not then give us HK-55 companion back.

end of story :rak_03:

Have they ever specifically said it? No.

Have they ever done it for any reward in the entire history of the game? No.

End of story.

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Give me HK-55! Give me Nico! Gi Give ME a break!


How many times does this have to be hashed over and beaten to death?


The point of sub rewards is to be subbed by a certain date to get the reward.


It's no different to going to buy a car and missing a special sale that ended just days before. THE SALE IS OVER!


I don't agree with sub rewards, but hey, we take what we get. I'd much prefer vet rewards. That way EVERYONE has an equal opportunity to get the reward items. All you need to do is meet the requirements as a vet.


Examples could be (just things off the top of my head):

  • 6 month - Statue of your class's mentor.
  • 12 month - Holo-Trainer.
  • 18 month - Random Mini Pet (key storyline characters, the Jedi Council, the Dark Council and KoTFE characters).
  • 24 month - Free Image Designer Token.
  • 36 month - Choice of select armor skins - something with a combat aura would be nice.
  • 48 month - 1 Companion from select list.

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Give me HK-55! Give me Nico! Gi Give ME a break!


How many times does this have to be hashed over and beaten to death?


The point of sub rewards is to be subbed by a certain date to get the reward.


It's no different to going to buy a car and missing a special sale that ended just days before. THE SALE IS OVER!


I don't agree with sub rewards, but hey, we take what we get. I'd much prefer vet rewards. That way EVERYONE has an equal opportunity to get the reward items. All you need to do is meet the requirements as a vet.


Examples could be (just things off the top of my head):

  • 6 month - Statue of your class's mentor.
  • 12 month - Holo-Trainer.
  • 18 month - Random Mini Pet (key storyline characters, the Jedi Council, the Dark Council and KoTFE characters).
  • 24 month - Free Image Designer Token.
  • 36 month - Choice of select armor skins - something with a combat aura would be nice.
  • 48 month - 1 Companion from select list.


I like the general idea, but your timescales need some tweeking - waiting 4 years just to get another companion?

Plus, would it be 4 years continuous, or a total of 4 years subs over the lifetime of the account?

Edited by CrazyCT
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I like the general idea, but your timescales need some tweeking - waiting 4 years just to get another companion?

Plus, would it be 4 years continuous, or a total of 4 years subs over the lifetime of the account?


Those were just random ideas and time frames.


I've known games with vet systems to go 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 60 months, etc. I just didn't have enough ideas off the top of my head to accommodate all of those. ;)


And it would be cumulative, not consecutive. So if you sub for12 months, take a break, resub for 6 months, then you'd be eligible for the 18 month reward.

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Those were just random ideas and time frames.


I've known games with vet systems to go 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 60 months, etc. I just didn't have enough ideas off the top of my head to accommodate all of those. ;)


And it would be cumulative, not consecutive. So if you sub for12 months, take a break, resub for 6 months, then you'd be eligible for the 18 month reward.


Sounds good. I like the Black Desert system, where you get a separate type of token ("Loyalty") for each day you log in, then you can spend the tokens in a part of the store for things like new char slots, inventory slots or combat/XP boosts. The boosts are pretty cheap, 300 points, or you can save up for the char slot at 5000.

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Yeah, I'm calling BS on this. How many people actually subscribed just to get HK? I'm betting 95% of the people who got him were already subbed.


Also, seriously? What's the point of subbing? Do I actually have to post the list of things subs get access to over preferred? How long have you been playing this game, anyway?


I have been playing this game since BETA, i am a founder so i have subbed for just playing the game in the past.

I admit i have not subbed this whole time, but i have been continuously since before SOR, as they were giving rewards for subbing.

The reason i pay the sub, and have been for a while now is so i can collect these rewards, even if i get unlimited money, hotbars and a load of characters to play as, i still want to have bragging rights against those who don't have the items i do. If i didn't, i would probably un-sub, then re-sub when a new expansion comes out for a month.


That is what i do on WoW, Bioware has come-up with a good idea to keep subs if you are giving them a reward for it.

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Give me HK-55! Give me Nico! Gi Give ME a break!


How many times does this have to be hashed over and beaten to death?


The point of sub rewards is to be subbed by a certain date to get the reward.


It's no different to going to buy a car and missing a special sale that ended just days before. THE SALE IS OVER!


I don't agree with sub rewards, but hey, we take what we get. I'd much prefer vet rewards. That way EVERYONE has an equal opportunity to get the reward items. All you need to do is meet the requirements as a vet.


Examples could be (just things off the top of my head):

  • 6 month - Statue of your class's mentor.
  • 12 month - Holo-Trainer.
  • 18 month - Random Mini Pet (key storyline characters, the Jedi Council, the Dark Council and KoTFE characters).
  • 24 month - Free Image Designer Token.
  • 36 month - Choice of select armor skins - something with a combat aura would be nice.
  • 48 month - 1 Companion from select list.


I'm down for a Vet Reward thingy, especially if it was retroactively applied (i.e. people who subbed since game's launch would get all those months added to their "level" or whatever, while people who newly sub get 1 month, and people who come-and-go like me would get varying levels for our subbed months, etc.)

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