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Scourge & The Emperor (JK Spoilers)


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So I'm curious about certain things and perhaps it's been too long since I've played through that story line but I have some questions about Lord Scourge and the Emperor.


1; Lord Scourge joins your side to put an end to the Emperor yet he also warns you before hand that like him, the Emperor is no longer mortal so how does he think/believe you can end the Emperor? Does he know you won't kill him but merely 'chase him off' for a while or does he genuinely expect you to finish the Emperor off for good despite what he knows?


2; He's been with the Emperor for over 300 years, surely he's aware that the Emperor uses 'vessels' such as 'The Voice' of the Emperor and so forth? Or does this go unnoticed to him and if he does know, why does he not mention it as a warning for you to make certain you kill the actual Emperor and not just his vessel?


3; Even at the very end of the Chapter 3 cut scene, whether you pick LS or DS option, Scourge warns he can still feel the Emperor and tells you to finish him but then the Temple comes apart and you flee so why do you and the Republic claim him to be death and claim victory, shouldn't Scourge know/sense at this point that the Emperor's not actually gone?


May be pointless questions but I can't help but wonder.

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I recommend you to play the sith warrior story.


I have and my SW knows of beings such as The Hand of, The Voice of etc. so it stands to reason that Scourge knew all this too. My SW however is still rather new to the Wrath stuff, she doesn't know the full extend of the Emperor's immortality I think nor is she as attuned to him but we know that Scourge is so I'm not sure how the SW story would answer my questions.

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